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Name: ______________________________________________________________

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

8. Classify these parallelograms.

9. True or false?

All the quadrilaterals are parallelograms. _________________

All the parallelograms are quadrilaterals. _________________

All the rhombus are parallelograms. _________________

All the rectangles are parallelograms. _________________

A trapezoid is a parallelogram. _________________

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral. _________________

10. Calculate the area of these polygons (use a ruler to help you)

11. Calculate the area of a credit card and a 500 banknote. Use mm2 to calculate it

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

12. Calculate the area of this figure.

13. Calculate the area of the following polygons.

14. Calculate the area of this quadrilateral. Observe that it has been divided into two

15. Calculate the area of the blue surface.

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

16. Calculate these rhombuses area (use the ruler to mark and measure the diagonals).

17. Calculate the area of a rhombus that has a 4m and a 12m diagonals.

18. Calculate the following rhombuses area.

19. Calculate the area of these trapezoid.

20. Calculate the area of a trapezoid which bases are 16cm and 12cm, and it has a height of

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

21. Observe this room planol and calculate:

- The area of the complete room.

- The area of the dressing room.

22. Observe this flag and calculate:

- The total area.

- The black area.

- The green and red area.

23. Find the area of these polygons.

24. The USA Pentagon building has a regular pentagon

shape, which sides are 280m and it has 193m as apothem.
Calculate the area that this building occupates.

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

25. Circle or circumference?

26. Observe the relations between lines A, B and C and the circumference. Name them.

27. Using a compass and a ruler, draw a circumference and two tangents lines to it. The two
tangent lines should be intersecting between them.

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

28. Observe this picture and calculate the figure length.

29. Calculate the perimeter of these figure.

30. Calculate the area of a circle that has a 5cm radius.

31. Calculate the area of these figures.

Maths 6th _Unit 3_The plane figures and their areas. Ceip Calonge. Maria Adrover

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