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Physical Change

A physical change is when the matter in a substance changes size, shape or

form (solid, liquid or gas). Most often it can be changed back to its original
state. During a physical change there is no new matter created
There are two types of physical changes.
1. Reversible Physical ChangeThe matter can be returned to its original form
Ex. dissolving sugar in water
2. Non-Reversible Physical Change
The matter cannot be restored to its original form. It cant be changed
Ex. cutting wood - sawdust
Breaking a glass vase many little pieces

Chemical Change
A chemical change is a permanent change where one or more new types of
matter are formed.
When looking for chemical changes watch for the following. If one or more
of these has occurred then it is likely a chemical change.

Change in colour
Heat or Light
A gas being given off
Smoke, Bubbles or Fizz

Ex. mixing baking soda and vinegar a gas is given off (carbon dioxide)

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