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Test Taking Strategies- Online

1.Think positive, Be Confident!

2.Read all the answers before marking one
3.Process of elimination
4.Dont guess blindly- make an educated guess
5.Highlight key words and phrases
6.Respond to the question being asked
7.For math, if your answer doesnt match- rework
8.Check over your answers before you hit the
NEXT button
9.Look back and prove your answer, find it in the
text and highlight
Use the tools to help you! (Highlighter,
Blocker, and Eliminator)

Test Taking Strategies Paper

1.Think positive, Be Confident!
2.Read all the answers before marking one
3.Process of elimination
4.Dont guess blindly- make an educated guess
5.Underline/ notice key words and phrases
6.Respond to the questions being asked
7.Reading passages: read the question FIRST
8.For math, if your answer doesnt match- rework
9.Check over your answers before you move on
10. Look back and prove your answer, find it in
the text and write down the question #

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