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I had the opportunity to act as the substitute principal twice last semester.

opportunity to stand in as the principal meets the fifth Iowa Standards for School Administrators
standard. In particular it meets criteria a, c, d, and e.
Just like in the classroom, issues still arise when there is a sub. The expectation is that
things still run as usual regardless of who is in charge. The day included reentry meetings with
parents, a disciplinary issue that required assistance from another principal as well as the school
counselor, daily attendance and referral issues, covering for a teacher, and parent phone calls, to
name a few. In each situation it is the responsibility of the teacher or administrator to
demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
Each interaction with a parent or teacher required respect of divergent opinions. I had to
listen to the concerns of teachers, parents, and students and develop a plan of action that was
understood and accepted by all parties. Part of the experience required me to take thorough notes
of the day in order to recap the days events and ensure that if a follow up was needed with a
parent that it was completed. Below are two issues dealt with during the day.



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