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The court conducted a fair hearing and reached the appropriate legal conclusions based upon the facts.

While I am pleased with the outcome, there is no celebration. Heidi Allen is still missing. I only hope that something
reaches Gary Thibodeau's heart and compels him to acknowledge what he did so that the Allen family has some measure
of closure.
Throughout this case, the DA's Office and Sheriff's Office investigated all possible leads, including those that were
favorable to Mr. Thibodeau. In fact, most of the evidence that defendant presented at the hearing was information that the
police discovered and that I provided to the defense.
As law enforcement, our only concern is finding the truth, which is why we brought in the NYSP and the FBI to assist in
the investigation. Similarly, we invited the New York State Attorney General's Office to review the entire file in order to
make sure that we got it right.
Mr. Thibodeau had a full and fair hearing, and the court's decision is well reasoned and thorough. As set forth in the
decision, all reports and information were properly turned over to the defense. Likewise, the court heard the witnesses
firsthand and was in the best position to evaluate the credibility of all witnesses. The court found that there was no reliable
or competent evidence that would support granting a new trial. I agree with the court's conclusion.

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