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Henry Ryals!

Benjamin Craig!

Analysis of an Argument for Performance Analysis of Musical Performances!

Performance Analysis is the dissection of particular performed work as well as its

relation to society and culture. It has historically been limited to theater and other forms of
performance art. The paper which I will be summarizing argues for the validity of music
performance as a subject of performance analysis.!

It is unfortunate that music has been so overlooked in this regard. That is, in part, due to

the fact that music does not directly reflect real life - reflection being one of the main tenants of
performance analysis. Furthermore, the performance of music has only ever been seen as a
means to an end. Merely a platform for the display of a composition. However, Auslander quotes
Christopher Small saying, Performance does not exist in order to present musical works,!
but rather, musical works exist in order to give performers something to do. This approach puts
the emphasis on the performer and ultimately the specific performance; and lends its self quite
well to performance analysis. !

Philip Auslander has developed a schema for analyzing musical performance. The

musical performance takes place within the genre which exists within society and culture. The
performer also exists on three levels. First is the performer himself - as a human - which is
furthest separated from the audience. Then, and most central, is the persona. That is who they
are on stage. It is what the audience latches onto most strongly. It is influenced by many things,
including: the performer, the music industry, the music being performed, and even the audience.
Thirdly, is the character. A particular, usually archetypical role that is unique a certain song. In
some cases, there is no character, i.e. they are directly addressing the audience. You could also
say that the persona is the character in that scenario. The performer then uses various means
of expression to communicate this to the audience, such as: gestures and movement, use of
musical instrument, vocal inflections, costume, and facial expressions. !


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