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1) DBMS permits only one person to access the database at a given time.

But RDBMS gives the

multiple access the database at a given time.
2) DBMS organised the data in any format but RDBMS allows only in row and column format.
3) In DBMS we can not create the relationship but in RDBMS we can not create the relationship
between the tables.
4) RDBMS is based on the concepts of Relational Set Theory in mathematics and hence the
name Relational Database Management System. They implement the project, restrict, union,
intersect, difference, product, divide and join in the queries.
DBMS's on the other hand, supports two or more, but not all of the concepts
5) DBMS does not impose any constraints or security with regard to data manipulation it is user
or the programmer responsibility to ensure the ACID PROPERTY of the database whereas the
RDBMS is more with this regard because RDBMS define the integrity constraint for the purpose
of holding ACID PROPERTY.
6) RDBMS also supports Data Normalization while a DBMS not.
7) DBMS does not supports Client/Server Architechture while most of the RDBMS supports
Client/Server Architechture.
8) DBMS does not support Distributed databases but most of the RDBMS supports.
9)RDBMS examples-Oracle,My SQL,SQl Server,MS-Access,Sybase, Ingrese etc.
DBMS examples-Visual Foxpro etc.

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