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Mortgage (Hipoteke) is a loan in which property is used as collateral.

Synonyms: Hypothec, Assurance, Promise, Collateral, Warranty

Collateral (Garancion) is something pledged as security for repayment of a loan.

Synonyms: Security, Guaranty, Surety, Insurance, Vow

Pledge (Premtim) is a promise to give something (Property) as security on a loan.

Synonyms: Promise, Undertaking, Collateral, Assurance, Oath

Established (Fuqishme) Enterprises have been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized
generally accepted.
Synonyms: Traditional, Accepted, Experienced, Official, Famous
Antonyms: False, Temporary, Unstable, Invalidated, Insolvent

Internally Generated (Vete-krijim) funds are those funds that are realized through the efforts or
operations of the entity itself, i.e. the funds were not borrowed or realized through other external
Synonyms: Internal Financing, Self-Capability, Non-Borrowing

Shares (Aksionet) are units of ownership that represent an equal proportion of a companys capital in
which the shareholder has an equal claim on the companys profits and also is equally obligated for
companys debts and losses.
Synonyms: Part, Divided, Proportion, Claim, Piece
Antonyms: Whole, Entirety, non-dividable

Equity financing (Fiancim Kapitali) is the method of raising capital by selling companys stock to
investors and by issuing shares.

Bonds (FleteObligacione) are written and signed promises (Docs) to pay a certain amount of money on
a certain date in specified conditions.
Synonyms: Promise, Debt, Obligation, Loan, Guarantee
Antonyms: Receivable Accounts, Shares (maybe)

Issue (Leshim) is an offer of securities (Shares&Bonds) to general public through a stock exchange.
Synonyms: Provide, Supply, Approve, Publish, Print
Antonyms: Take, Recall

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