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A1 Level 2

Colombian Independence

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.


I am Debbie, a reporter for The

Colombian History talk show. Today,
we will learn a lot about Colombian
history. At the end of this lesson, you
will be able to:
Talk about peoples lives using
simple past tense.
List relevant facts in someones life.
Use adverbs and past tense


Right now, I am in front of the Colombian History museum and Monica will guide
us through the most incredible and interesting places of Colombian history! I am
sure you will enjoy it. Lets bring History to our day!

We start todays talk by asking the visitors what they know about Colombian

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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Here we have our first visitor. What is your name?

My name is Rodolfo Rodriguez and I love Colombian


Thats good to know. Are you ready to answer some


Sure, go ahead and ask!

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Lets get inside

Now, Mnica will share with us two very relevant events that changed our history
forever! Go ahead, Mnica!

Llorentes Flower vase Incident

T Llorentes Flower Vase incident was one of the most
important events that changed Colombian History on July
20th, 1810.
Joaquin Camacho arrived at Viceroy Antonio Jos Amar y
Borbons house to request a response for the establishment
of a governing board in Santa F. Unluckily, the Viceroy did
not provide any answer and the Criollos decided to visit
merchant Jos Gonzlez Llorentes house with the excuse
of borrowing a flower vase. Llorente did not agree to lend
his vase and the patriots decided to protest. Indians, patricians, whites, plebeians,
poor and rich people started to force doors and break windows with rocks.
Finally, Amar y Borbn did not have a choice and he signed the act that allowed
the eventual independence. (Lynch, 1986).

Boyacas Battle
The battle of Boyac was a determining fighting
action that pursued the Liberty Campaign of
Nueva Granada.
This battle happened because Simon Bolivar
did not want the Spanish Army to cross The
Boyac Bridge over Teatinos River on August
7th, 1819.The battle lasted 77 days, Simon
Bolivar emerged as president of Nueva Granada and Colombia obtained its
absolute independence from the Spanish Monarchy. (Santos, 2009).

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Lets analyze
Here are some time expressions we can use when we talk about the past. These
expressions are usually used at the end or at the beginning of a sentence! Take a
look at the timeline and the examples!

in 1810
a specific time
in the past; in
the year 1810

A month ago
One month
before today

four/... days
three/four days
before today

Last night
The day before
one night
one day before
before today
two days
before today

Now that you know some time expressions, lets make some sentences with them
to narrate important past events.
I visited the museum yesterday.
Mnica explained the Colombian independence process yesterday.
I reviewed the topic the day before yesterday.
Mnica studied history two years ago.

Lets take a closer look at the sentences!

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First, write the name of

the person or event who
performed the action.


Then, include the action

you want to narrate.


After that, write the

name of a subject
affected by the action.

the museum

Finally, include a time


two years ago.

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Pedagogical Direction
Paul Cifuentes
Carlos Javier Amaya
Direction of Art
Csar Pez
ICT Leadership
Yeison Ospina
Quality management
Sergio Pardo
Script Composition
Carlos Enrique Serrano Rosero
Diana Isabel Cantor
Content Support
Martha Lucia Chaves Nio
Ana Mara Martnez Serrano
Multimedia Development
Graphic designers
Diana Duque
Jose Mario Alzate
Programming engineers
Miguel Guevara
Synshi Pulgar
Jessica Rodriguez
David Molina

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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