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ADR 2-15-16

"In Chinese Characters"
ruled in favor of Chinese firm. Why?
"Yugoslavia case"
Seat of Arb: Switzerland
Swiss law
Lobbying is allowed in Switzerland
Arbitral decision: enforceable
Swiss Court: nothing is wrong with the award
Westacre: petition to enforce arbitral award in London against Yugoslavia
Westacre is a shell corporation
Is a contract tainted with corruption enforceable?
"If a gov't is corrupt, almost all if not all contracts of that gov't is tainted
with corruption." Then No contract can entered into by that gov't can be enforc
---Party Autonomy---- 29:00ish
-----Clearing the Confustion re. Arbitration----- 35:00ish
Arbitration contemplated
-based on CONSENT, not on LAW
-arbitrators [who derive powers from a private agreement]

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