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In many stories there is a hero and a villain.

There are also some stories where one person is both the
hero and the villain. In the story of Hamlet there are multiple villains and no heroes. Everybody has a fault
that leads to something tragic or dramatic during the story the main villain in this story is Hamlet, Prince of
In Shakespeares play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark the main character Hamlet goes
through a series of very unfortunate events throughout his life, and mostly negative things come out of
them. During the beginning of the play we find out that Hamlet loses his father the King of Denmark. This
causes a great depression to Hamlet. Soon after Hamlet becomes even more upset due to the fact that he
finds out that his uncle Claudius will be marrying his mother Gertrude and be the new King of Denmark.
This causes Hamlet to go crazy, insane, and mad. Over the course of the play Hamlets madness
continues to build due to everything that happens between the beginning and the end. At the end Hamlet
has gone completely and incredibly mad. This madness ends up breaking out of him and spread
throughout the ending scene of the play.
The main reason for Hamlets madness is due to his father passing away and him having to deal with his
uncle Claudius. He soon finds out that his uncle will be marrying his mother. These events only get him
upset, sad, and gloomy. Later in the story one of his friends and the guards of Elsinore confront a
mysterious creature wandering the castle. Hamlet ends up discovering that this creature is a ghost, and
not just a ghost but the spirit tells Hamlet I am thy fathers spirit (I.V.9). When Hamlet first sees the ghost
he is amazed and startled he cant believe it. The ghost then speaks to Hamlet. The next thing Hamlet
hears is the one thing that will change his life and his view of things, and his view of life. This is the one
thing that just drives him insane. The ghost explains that Hamlets uncle was the reason that he had died.
When the ghost explains this to Hamlet the ghost tells Hamlet to take revenge for the murder Revenge
his foul and most unnatural murder (I.V.25). Hamlet then takes his word and sets off to destroy his uncle
for what he has done to his father.
As Hamlet is set out to get revenge on his uncle his mother and uncle begin to notice his weird and
bizarre behavior. The king and queen send two of Hamlets good friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to
see the problem might be. When Hamlets friends pay him a visit he knows something is wrong he then
begins to question what is going on. Soon after this Polonius, father to the girl that Hamlet loves comes to
address the king. He explains that he knows why Hamlet has gone mad. In Act II Scene I Ophelia goes to
her father and explains what Hamlet has just done. This get Polonius thinking that Hamlets gone
incredibly mad and goes to the king. Polonius then makes everyone believe that this is the reason for
Hamlets insane madness, but they dont even know that this has nothing to do with whats going on with
Hamlet. If that was the case in this story I believe it would just be another version of Frankenstein where
he is just going insane because he wants someone to love.
Towards the end of the play Hamlet sets up a trap in order to catch his uncle and make him confess of his
actions. During the play he is going crazy. Hamlet begins to stare at the king to see if he reacts to the play
in any way, and does, and in result Hamlet is thrilled and cheers with the actors as the king leaves his
seat. This is when Horatio believes that Hamlet is not mad. This is probably the turning point in hamlets
craziness as it shifts from completely crazy to a little less crazy.
At the end of the book everything begins to fall apart as people begin to die one by one. Hamlets
madness has led him to battling Laertes in a fencing match that will probably kill him. During the match
Hamlet takes his madness out on Laertes and cuts him with the sword that Laertes has poisoned.

Everything goes downhill from here. What Hamlet doesnt know is that Claudius has poisoned his cup for
his victory drink, but it backfires on him when the queen drinks from it. After the queen dies Laertes
begins to die as the poison sword strikes his blood. Hamlet sees everything happening so fast that he
takes the drink and shoves it down the kings throat and kills him. Shortly after Hamlet is dead. No one
lives. Even Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been killed by Hamlets letter to Fortinbras.
This story about Hamlet is mainly just about revenge and how Hamlet tries to make his uncle confess but
ends up killing him. Hamlet reminds me of Satan in Paradise Lost because when Satan rebelled against
god everything fell apart, and the same thing basically happened to Hamlet. The king Claudius sent him
away to be killed, thats like when god sent Satan to hell. Also Satan returned and thats when everything
fell apart. The only difference between Satan and Hamlet is that Satan chose to be mad on his own and
Hamlet became mad through the things that happened to him. I do believe however that Hamlet is not
mad he just simply acts that way he does when either Claudius, Gertrude, or Polonius is around. He
never acts mad around Horatio, or any of the guards for that matter. He only acts mad around the people
that accuse him of being mad.
I do believe however that Hamlet has every right to be mad because think about it Hamlet lost his father.
Anybody that has lost a loved one is never going to be the same person that they used to be before. Also
to find out that your own uncle killed your father makes it even worse. To top that Hamlets mother married
his uncle like a month after his father had died. Maybe this could have been the case with Victor
Frankenstein. Maybe his mother had passed away and thats what had made him crazy. Victor need
someone else to replace his mother so he got started with his work. I think that this could apply to any
teen kid or even adult had to go through all that drama and crisis in their lifes I think that they would go
insane to.

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