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Mpiionsd Posing aU iale-e y aera beautiful, and topical. | follow UNFOLLOW.” —BRIAN AZZARELLO, co-creator/writer of 100 BULLETS Jon'16 verligocomics com Suggested for mature readers wisiroRs BLies AY, THE BAHAMAS, PaWVaTELY OWNED ISLAND. (@TheLarryFerrell Human beings are Innerently GOOD. TKNOW thi ‘An individual tums on the news anda they hear ‘Steror an thet Homicide and hurt. But ook around and | se $0 ‘much humbled tohave been part of is, wth ny many charty endeavors. DammiT, RUBINSTEIN! Z'LL In reating social media platforms, have helped us fo COMMUNICATE, yes. FollowJ {AD CHARACTERS DTG waiter aRrist ROB WILLIAMS MIKE DOWLING QUINTON WINTER coLonist CLEM ROBINS LETTERS MATT TAYLOR COVER ARTIST ELLIE PYLE EnrToR MOLLY MAHAN PSSISTANT EDITOR “SHELLY BOND EXECUTIVE EDITOR CREATED BY WILLIAMS ¢ POWLING OKAY! You GOT MES th 0c KE YOU TOLD He MORE LIKE THE TAKING OF PELHAM ONE TWO THREE, Ig TO TRY AND STOP YOU FROM TAKING: rs WE KNOW c0es/oamo” Your NN wHeRe You Live; YEAH, SISTER GETS HURT BAD IF) RENENEER. ve DOORS SHE MESSES THis UP. DOWN FROM YOu. ‘YOU KNOW THAT. DUMB Ass. THOSE YOUR MAMA'S TIGHTS WHY NOT YOU WEARIN’, TRE? 'cOs THEY UST START SURE SMELL LIKE THEY SINGING A HAPPY MIGHT BE, FUCKING TUNE, RETARD? GLASSES AND ‘BEAT YOU sO HARD YOU BE BEGGING, EQUAL SHARE. ZWILL BREAK YOLIR PRETTY FACE AND-~ AMZ RIGHT? honey's Here, ‘OF YEU HOW BAD Conan? ony 238. nie eoxes. oI ne WEAN cata yeast? 20 FoR “THE BENO-NEW SN NooeLs. nevi ad ad ag Semtiie ean ew m TAL | ae If yt “ Yj 4 “a Z ui Ke you ws es | ms o secone a yours S KULER. 22 CALLED TOORY, DAVE. THE PACK LEADER. THE LE@AL TEAM HAS SIGNED OFF. | KNOW, THE TRUTH. 7500 FEET ABOVE MANHATTAN. OIG IO Bereeeeceeed, a oxy euunnense.. FARR He Bee NOOO ICCC faenewene) DoCS co io eee you want Fuck TOEND UP A OFF, GREG. RED STAIN ON THE YOU'RE SIDE OF A skxscaareR, LINING my DO IT ON YOUR OWN DIME. LEAD THE JUMP. ¥D.00 SAIL TME IF YOU Diep. AT ALLIF FT WDSN'T FOR MY FATHER'S DONATION. RENENSER EDD THis JUMP To RAISE MONEY FOR ACLUISTIN. BUT Tus is AgusTIN. HE's Blut. HE 50 As OF TODAY £ AM OWING ALL THE MONEY MY FATHER PROVIDES FOR my ‘TRUST FUND TO LOVE Him DON'T STAND COMPARED TO THESE AGUSTIN AND His ‘A CHANCE OF PAYING 7008 PEOPLE PARENTS. FOR His MEDICAL SUrrERS FROM THE OBSCENE AMOUNTS MY CEREBRAL PALSY | WALLSTREET VeMPIRE FATHER ‘AND His PARENTS WHO EARNS EVERY WEEK T PIECE OF PRIMAL DINOSAUR DOG- “SHIT. HOWD YOU ORE THAT MARKET FLUCTUATION? “SOB THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCh COURTNEY, YOU ARE \ sucH a e000 PERSON. A TRUE FRIEND 10 HEY, COURTNEY! HOVE YOU HEARD? Ir5.. UNBELIEVABLE YOUR NAME'S ON THE’ 140. THE HEADSPACE Guy's GIVING AIVAY His BILLIONS. WE'VE CHECKED. ITS CONFIRMED! NN TICKET, BUT IN THE INTERNET IT THE CLOSEST THING. LARRY FERRELL CHIRPER, WITH A NET WORTH OF OVER #47 Bi (6, TRAGICALLY, DYING OF PANCREATIC CANCER, MATE Gimmick ABELL HAS ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT HE Is GIVING AWAY His ENTIRE FORTUNE ‘50, IF YOU! HAVE A BRAND-NEW APP ON JOUR PHONE OR TABL CONGRATULATIONS JOUVE Just WON THE ULTIMATE LOTTERY. BECAISE $47 Bil DIVIDED BETWEEN 140 EQUALS $420 MILLION EACH all RECORDING HUNAN. Ebene OBJECTIVE. JOURNALIST? 3 NALIST.> ~ (OBSECTIVELY?. HUMAN BEINGS ARE ANIMALS.) cz NOT Live AMON ANIMALS. THIS. RECORDING Is MY PROTEST. AGAINST This REGIME. AGAINST ALL REGIMES...) (OUT... THE HORRORS SURROUNDING ME. SURROUNDING LIS. ARE SIMPLY TOO Rear. THERE ARE NO MORE STORIES 7D TELL. NOTHING Is WORTHWHILE.) x euess IM Mone ZonceR\en ABOUT WHETHER 2'LL HAVE: KNEECARS TomoRaoW “THAN BEATING mv'ien score on MANDY Fach,” we é| you cot ANEW "340" APP ON YOUR PHONE, DEVON? CONGRATULATIONS. YOU ARE ONE OF THE 440. 23 OF TODAY YOU ARE NOW A MILLIONAIRE MANY THES OVER. ramise you, THis is NOT. A PRANK. MY NAME 13 LARRY FERZELL AND: AS YOU HAVE NO COUBT HEARD BY NOW, TAN DYING... ENOUD LiKE 10 OFFER YOU AN ALL-EXPENSES PAID WEEK-LONE VACATION TOMY LUXURY ISLAND HOME I THE BAHAMAS 1 DISCUSS SONE- THING. TOBETHER, WERE GONG TO DO SOMETHING, DAVE. SOMETHING IMPORTANT. SOMETHING... A paNATE cag IS. NOW ON THE Way 72 YL HOME CASTLE PONT, DAVE. PLANE (6 WAITING FOR YOU. XOUR LIFE, JUST CHANGED. You oKay? You BEEN ACTING REAL WEIRD SINCE THE ‘STORE... VES. I HOVE PREPARED exacry ‘ACECROING 1 YOUR INSTRUCTIONS. SHALL PROTECT Your ToseTHeR WE'RE GONNA (CRACK SOME HEADS. 1 BE CONTINUED / first read the pitch for THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON in a hotel room in Sacramento, CA, the midway point between my former home in Portland and my new Vertigo office in Burbank, on my way to start this job. | immediately knew we had something special here. Tom King’s character triptych read like Justified set in the blown-out backstreets of a society ravaged by war. It was a book that would require just the right artist, someone Who could handle both human drama and military hardware. As soon as Mitch Gerads’ name popped into my head, Icouldn’t imagine anyone else tackling Tom’s soript. Luckily, he read it and said yes! Things may not come together so easily for the cast of THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON, but they certainly worked out for us JAMIE S. RICH, SENIOR EDITOR Jere capping off 2015 with a bang with the ‘appropriately titled LAST GANG IN TOWN. Vertigo. veteran Simon Oliver and 2000 AD alum Rufus Dayglo are paired for this decades-spanning, punk-fueled caper, nd it's sure to get everyone on board with my favorite rising genre: geriaction! Getting older doesn’t mean slowing down or going straight for these bandmates turned bandits, as we follow Joey, Alex, Billy Two Planks, and the rest of the gang inthis rock-'r’-rollicking tale gem through England's gutters, grime, and so-called glory days to pull off the ultimate crime of the century before they got royally screwed. See CRU eee ecco to herald new beginnings, and if Macarena tc and usher in tomorrow, Vertigo’s De te hy Bee ag it’s a titillating new take on Lucifer, Cite neim eT ity Cree eae ee Cec CMU eC OR ay will fuel your resolution to leave auld Jang syne behind-the perfect comics to get you into the spirit Deu aa hen Shelly frst handed me Holly Black’s LUCIFER pitch, she said, “You're probably not going to edit this, but just give me your first impressions.” An hour VERTIGO IN DECEMBER N EW ROMANCER. Iti © the title of a dating app that lost its luster © Lord Byron as a leading “man out of time" and his rom-com life with an unabashedly awkward later, she had failed to coder pry it out of my overly enthusiastic hands. However well you know Lucifer Morningstar, this book is a treat! Did you love Mike Carey's Tun? Worry not, so did Holly. Haven't seen Lucifer since THE SANDMAN? Well, we're picking up with him in a similar place. Never encountered this incarnation of the devil before? No prior knowledge necessary! (After all, wasn’t it the original sin?) Lucifer is back on earth and charmingly rendered by artist Lee Garbett (who has some experience with great deceivers). Unfortunately, God is dead and Gabriel has accused Lucifer of their Father's murder. And you thought your family was complicated. I THESHERIFF OF BABYLON Ady Toming6 witch on See ee ec eu asc ages Peed © astory that involves a.cult of new romantics ‘and necromancy © allof the above written with certifiable fervor by Peter Milligan and with impassioned artwork by newcomer Brett Parson, the series will steal your heart and give new meaning to the phrase, “Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life.” ae al eae {Ps Lee Garbett ® antonio ee oe een ed ee ane Pee a ee ed hortly after 9/11, | applied for the CIA. 1wanted to fight the: terrorists who attacked my country. | was 23. They trained me, POU RRR RIO a ee eC cies ene aT mum RUC a SE a Euan Pe BRU ees ee RRR een Rua id Cee RR US BCR UR oC clo ‘war profiteers, criminals, traitors, sples—we huddled down behind Ng n Chace ee RO cman MACAU Reel ao mu Bile mR Rc PWT Aaa Le cect Bisel gage eam ae mle PM eeu ae re ea meee) Bia) PRRs Ra ice nem ae a Poe aa conan aie tn PU mee nite PR EU RRC Rea eceLe Sa) eee ee Ren acces mis PN SRS aeRO Alaa oS Re) crack under your boots, you feel that mean tremble inthe ground as bene Aol Tem RUC m CMe Mie MNis esa: g meee Ike Om ee ST ALLL Ae meus) Sg my eS ald) ee) elu) au AGN ec 1 esis bine > CE WAI ies vi ain» EN COA Ta CONTENT UCM mca e DNC Rte aoe ed eee et aed eee ed Deu Lk a ‘hair. And they didn’t have bad backs, acid Ce ee) Coe Re etna SS is Re cu Pe aes Teese’ Re eae Teh UCR ae Ean Dee an) Pa eed sen ue Ld re asc crn) Ce ides SU RA Rd De deol) through John Higgins’ stunning images. Te] Se Taam ots) oe ened

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