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-You know what? We warned you .

(Shooting) (Screams)
-NO !!! But what has happened ?? me, but what is this ??, What do I do on
the floor if I am here ??, this can not be happening.
- Welcome
-Y who are you ??
- you estovamos waiting
-Que ??
Relax, make yourself comfortable, I'll explain how it all started.
-Empezaste how little adult couple looking at pictures, you know the good
and the bad, you made your desire gross, does not save money of all fruit
crops, see your face scared not know how much I enjoy it .
but that, were some pictures, something small.
-Dominando vices, but you I was the owner. You did really easy, no effort had
to do. Welcome to reality, I was the one who killed your dreams !!
-As get here is not what you believe ?, locked under your consequences Can
you see ?, thank my vice filledst gaps in your life, because only the drug
became your best friend, you sold it , the you tried, you liked and enjoyed.
Well, it was my life.
and you forgot your soul. Nothing you can do, the time you just, you wanted
to take drugs and drugs consumed you.
Hello beautiful boy, I glad you're with me, I was the one who gave you
pleasure when you were still alive.
Who are you? I do not know.
Hello , how are you ? and a peck on the cheek, did you wished me like what
most wanted, welcome to hell where only hatred reigns.
mio -Dios, get me out of this ollo !!
-Necio !!, now if you thought to pray , 'Sorry !! because this hell consume.
-Sabes few years I have waited to see you ??, thank you very much, man,
you brought me my lucky day today. You thought that power would last
forever ??, with a bullet in your forehead, I am present death. You

killed the first. It

was revenge that's right
Well that 's exactly why you are here in hell
- and I have to do to get out of this torment ?? !!
'I 'll settle that left me your soul to the eternal
-Quien are you ??
' I am Jesus, and you should be in this place .
no Jesus, I do not want to be in hell. you
should be in this place, but my grace and mercy you have achieved so have a
second opportunity for you to testify to the world that I died on a cross to
save them and not I want to come to this place. Tell them that no matter
what your sin, I love you and I am real.
-Sabes That ??, you have a second chance .

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