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the most important Christmas
Jewish communities across the UK will be celebration Hanukkah, the
festival of light, from December 6 to 14 in 2015. In London, the
Menorah in Trafalgar Square is the largest in Europe. Its usually lit by
the Mayor of London on the first day of Hanukkah, at an event with
free doughnuts and live music

Family celebrating Hanukkah

Festival of light.

Live music.

Most people in the uk celebrate Christmas even if they are not
religious. There will be Christmas trees, Presents, Carol Singing,
mulled wine (Warm, Spiced red wine), mince pies (small pies with a
sweet fruit filling) and if it snowmen and snowball fights! The
traditional Christmas dinner is a whole roast turkey with roast
potatoes, vegetables, gravy and Christmas pudding for dessert ( a
steamed sponge pudding with dried fruit ) but each family has its
own variations. Read our students guide to a Uk Christmas.

Christmas trees and


Carol singing.

Popular food

Boxing Day:
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, and is a bank holiday in
the Uk Its believed to have been named after the Christmas box of
money or gifs which employers used to give to servants and
tradesmen. Nowadays, there are no particular Boxing Day customs,
but most people spend the day with families, going for a walk,
watching sports or eating the Christmas leftovers.

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