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1 J820b Nadolsky 2nd hour a4 VW Slumbering Sanctuary (0 Thave endured another grueling day at school, another day of cold, clogged halls and i) questionable lunch food, another day of endless lectures, with time standing still as the snow-frosted trees outside. i to the faint c of voie e (7). Finally, the bell snaps me back from my eae hurry out of my seat, halla m q ; an icy glare (2), ra, invest any energy in him and continue walking, When the bus drops me off after the jole-ridden ride home, I briefly stand alone in winter's deafening silence. The breeze me Hye Clouds cast their usual dismal gray shadow. wn th Jights on my street (5). | trudge through the snow, turning my face away from the wind, and enter my house, slinging my backpack to the floor and dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom TA gett Coffee-colored walls, freckled with years-old photos of my grinning relatives, envelop ime. On the cork board behind my desk(Gitshe drawings I pinned up long ago, stained by the FI sunlight of brighter days. The colorful items and memories on the bookshelves make me smile. I kick off my shoes, throw off my coat, and slip into a deep slumber, worry free, warm, and A shielded from the cold, harsh world beyond my bedroom door, rg w ef ay ow wily y

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