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Interpersonal Analysis

Killua Zoldyck

Vincent Keller (Ashleys characters)

Vincent was sitting in a table at a coffee shop reading the newspaper; as Killua walked in
to buy himself a parfait, he noticed something peculiar about Vincent. Killua approached him
and asked him about the scar he had on his face. Vincent didnt respond, he stood up and walked
away. Later that day, Killua saw a little girl being chased and rushed to help her, as he took her to
safety he got accused of kidnapping. He was taken to prison where once again he met Vincent, as
he called out to him he told him he was innocent and offered to make a deal. He said that he
would tell him who the real culprit was if he could promise to get him out of jail.

Characters Actions
When analyzing the way Killua acted in the situation presented before, we can say that he acted
that way because that is the way he is. He went to the coffee shop to look for sweets which are
his obsession. When he saw Vincent and approached him to ask him about the scar on his face
was because of his intense sense of curiosity. Hes also a very straightforward person which
explains the direct question he asked Vincent. He decided to help the little girl because she was
being chased by some guys and he hates the people who picked on those who are weaker. In
prison he approaches Vincent once again and proposes a deal because hes always looking for
some fun and likes seeing others get what they really deserve.

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