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Relate the following terms to each other and explain which ones work together: i

ntellect, intuition, known, unknown, unknowable.

Intuition is irrational. Intuition cannot be defined by words because the very c
oncept of it is beyond words. Intellect may try to define intuition but it can t
ry to explain what intuition is but at best, it can only scratch the surface of
what intuition is because intellect is rational. If you are a rational person, y
ou explain all things with reason and anything that is beyond reason denied. It
is however, possible to recognize intuition when it happens. Intuition is sponta
neous. It is a jump from nothing to something. Intellect is step-by-step until o
ne has arrived at a conclusion. The known and the unknown are associated with in
tellect. According to intellect, these two concepts are the two realms of existe
nce. At some point in time, everything in existence including what was unknown w
ill be known, and so there is no mystery. The unknowable is associated with intu
ition. Intuition is enveloped by mystery or the unknowable. We know that there i
s something out there that we can never know and the mystery of it is what makes
life beautiful and intriguing the same time.
What are the respective functions of and what significant things can they offer?
a. the body/instincts, b. the intellect, c. intuition
Instinct is involved with the body, spontaneously acting on its own and independ
ent of the mind. Intuition is involved with the heart, spontaneously acting on i
ts own and is also independent of the mind. Intellect is involved with the head.
It is the thing that reasons. Important bodily functions like breathing and the
pumping of blood are made possible by instinct. Instinct is what keeps your bod
y alive. When it comes to surviving in the real world, it is intellect that keep
s you alive. When you go about in the real world, you use your intellect to iden
tify what is safe and what is not safe, what is good and what is not good, etc.
Intuition is of the heart. It tells you what is true and what you need to hear,
but it also vulnerable to the corruption of the mind. Reason may step in and pol
lute the truth, and you may end up closing your ears to intuition. Instinct is d
riven from the body's need to survive and so it is dated back to millions of yea
rs worth of experience when reasoning and intellect was not as complex as it is
today. Today we have all these scientific people who try to explain how everythi
ng works. These works are a product of intellect and are based on data they have
collected, not experienced. Instinct is similar to intuition in that they are b
oth instantaneous. It is very possible for one to use intellect and intuition to
gether. It is possible for intellect to recognize intuition the instant it happe
ns. This is because while intuition cannot be defined in intellectual terms, it
can be felt by the intellect. Once you've acknowledged that there is something "
beyond" then you can use intellect as a tool to help discern what just happened.
Criticisms of knowledge/mere intellectual pursuit to know
Knowledge separates man from nature. When we observe the world with prior knowle
dge coming from other people, man and nature disconnect. The example in the text
gives that of a man looking at a flower. There is something beautiful in not kn
owing and when one looks at a flower that in unknown to them, the very mystery o
f it creates wonder. This wonder is what makes life exciting . When you go about
saying "That is an apple." or "That is a butterfly", the mystery and the wonder
that connects us to nature is lost.
What does the author propose to do about knowledge?
The author tells us the importance of balance and it is nonknowledge that balanc
es knowledge. The state of not knowing will give us peace of mind and the way to
reach this state is through meditation. The author also propses us to listen wi
th insight.

Why/how knowing and knowledge are not the same

"Knowledge is a theory. Knowing is an experience." Knowledge does not come from
you but rather, from someone else. Knowing comes from your own discoveries.
Relationship between mind/intellect, thought, and knowing the truth
Enumerate some of the things we do when we come from intellect
When we limit ourselves to intellect, we are limiting ourselves from seeing the
truth. It is also possible for intellect to be used against ourselves. Religion,
for example, follow many practices that go against instinct such as depriving o
ur body of nutrients coming from food that a certain religion restricts.
Differentiate between intellect and intelligence. What do we get from using them
Intellect may both be destructive or powerful depending on how one uses it. Inst
inct and intuition are both involuntar. Intellect, on the other hand, is control
lable. When one uses intellect to go against instinct (what the body tells us) o
r to ignore intuition (what the heart tells us), then there is "stupidity", acco
rding to the author. However, when one uses intellect to follow instinct and act
ualize intuition, there is intelligence. The author of the text takes the relati
onship of intellect, intelligence, and intuition, and compares it to a connectin
g bridge. On the right side of the bridge is instinct, on the left is intuition,
and the bridge itself is intellect. Intellect is where people stand by default.
They can choose to stay at the middle, or they can use intellect as a tool to c
ross the bridge to see what is beyond intellect. An intelligent person does not
have to be an intellectual. An intellectual person will rely on intellect alone
but an intelligent person listens to intuition and uses intellect only as a ladd
er to reach the higher plane.

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