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Maheja Chandu

1234 Happy Times Avenue

Simi Valley, CA, 12345
(012) 345-6789
February 16, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Maheja Chandu and for my senior project I am documenting the software
development life cycle by creating a software program that will allow you to create surveys and
analyze the incoming data. I am dedicated to projects that Im currently working on and I set
high goals and standards for myself. I enjoy helping people and making things easier for all
involved, which is one reason as to why the software Im creating has to do with surveys. My
main philosophy is that life is what you make of it, which is why I strive to be the best that I can
be and pursue my ambitions.
As far as education and my future career are concerned Im planning on pursuing a career in
computer science. I was originally planning to go into game development however upon
entering AP Computer Science, working on my senior project, and further research I can no
longer be sure as to what exactly I plan on doing within the field of computer science. In order to
follow my intended plan I took AP Computer Science this year in order to learn more about
programming as well as choosing to create software for my senior project. In the future Im
planning on majoring in Computer Science in college. As well as practicing the programming
skills that I already know on top of learning the basic of a few more over the summer.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter; I hope that you enjoy my senior project portfolio.

Maheja Chandu

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