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Fariha Chowdhury, Ahriel Wright and Myles J Glynn

Edward Bernays Father of Public Relations

- Freudian Influences Use of Psychoanalytical tactics to invent wants

- Influence on Madison Avenue

- Manipulation of Women with a warped sense of righteousness

Psychoanalytic theory is thus a appropriate here as a political weapon,

demonstrating the way the unconscious of patriarchal society has structured film
Laura Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema

Torches of Freedom Ad Campaign - How marketers used

Womens right to vote and tied it to right to smoke
Bernays encouraged women to smoke in public despite social taboos.
Manipulated reality by hiring women to march while smoking their torches
of freedom in the Easter Sunday Parade of 1929 which was a significant
moment for fighting social barriers for women smokers.

Roland Marchand, Advertising the American Dream (Berkley: University of California Press, 1985), p 13

Techniques that involve editorial copy -blended in with the magazine print

assumed the role of friend and confidante through testimonials of ordinary people, fictional
celebrities that advise and coached the consumer on what products and brands to buy and how to
use them.

Advertisings mirror not only distorted but selected, 2

Roland Marchand, Advertising the American Dream (Berkley: University of California Press, 1985), p 84

In the 1950s Marlboro undertook a campaign to associate its cigarette with masculinity associating
smoking its product with being a real man
Its message was pretty clear: the post-Liberation
woman was strong and empowered, and equal to her
male, Marlboro-smoking counterpart.
To prove it, she had her own equally addictive
cigarettes, created just for her.

Reading Images Critically Doulas Kellner

Boorstin invents the term pseudo-event in this book which is a false event that is intentionally created. Advertising
makes a shift from the truth to what is believable.
There was a time when the reader of an unexciting newspaper would remark. 'How dull is the world today!'
Nowadays he says, 'What a dull newspaper!'
People enjoy being deceived. In a twisted way, it provides entertainment.

Ex: The viral video First Kiss from 2014

We read advertisements to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always readyeven eagerto discover,
from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it.
Due to the technological advancements, it is easier to create images that we can experience
to be more real than the original. This blurred, pseudo reality is more attractive and appealing,
which incites in us a desire we didn't even know we had until confronted with the image.

1990s saw the rise of ironic sexism in advertising - g. Ironic
sexism has been described as an ironic and reflexive form of address
which acknowledged the consumers savviness with a knowing wink and

Ironic sexism isn't the opposite

of sexism, it's an open admission
of sexism, with the bonus
confession of being quite thick.
Or, indeed, Thicke.' Photograph:
Blurred Lines

Also known as liberal sexism and ironic sexism,[1] is
defined by Alissa Quart in New York magazine as "the
objectification of women but in a manner that uses
mockery, quotation marks, and paradox".[2] It is
rooted in the idea that sexism is an outdated and
archaic institution which people do not engage in
I should know better and I
don't care.

anymore, thereby making the demonstration of sexism

seem satirical and ironic.

Wallace, Kelsey (November 1, 2012). ""Hipster Sexism": Just as Bad as Regular Old Sexism, or Worse?".
Quart, Alissa (October 30, 2012). "The Age of Hipster Sexism". New York Magazine..

2009 - DELLA - "Get moving: Tools like Gyminee help you track workouts &
reach your fitness goals. You can even map out new running routes via sites
like Map my run. Improve your mood by listening to music, viewing pictures,
or even watching a movie."

OurSpace: Resisting the Corporate Control of

By Christine Harold

When the restless, isolated, bored, and insecure housewife
fled the feminine mystique for the workplace, advertisers
faced the loss of their primary consumer.

Business bank on Women

Women control the majority of consumer purchases

Male dominated perspective on what women want.

The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women , 2002 p66

Men look directly at the primary message of a given advertisement

(e.g. buy this beer) while women not only evaluate the primary
message but also pick up multiple clues from the message and weave
together thread to intuit and infer the inner meaning of the message
(e.g. buy this beer and you will be popular and trendy).

Shehaan Bartel in Controversies in Contemporary Advertising 2003

The women in advertisements and commercials

tend to be young, thin and white.

Commercials of shampoo, detergents and house

cleaning appliances predominantly feature women.
One overused image shows the mother of the
family carrying food to the table.

It is efficient for advertising to used gendered stereotypes because the scene

becomes immediately set.

Shehaan Bartel in Controversies in Contemporary Advertising

pink ribbon cause marketing and the

broader culture of pink which
expands BCActions long-standing
commitment to addressing
exploitation, corporate profiteering
and hypocrisy in breast cancer

See more at:

Owned by Unilever company

Dedicated to spread messages of positive selfesteem and body confidence for women of all
ages, shapes and colors.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches by Hugo Veiga

Campaign Reaction:
Criticized for Unilever promoting Fair & Lovely, a skin
lightening product and owning Axe hygiene products
which markets to men using overtly sexualized
The argument of 'beauty defines women' remains,

Marketing does not have a responsibility for improving societal attitudes or breaking
down gender stereotypes.
Marketing is responsible to and paid for the brand that is attempting to persuade a
specific target market with a particular message.
There are ethical guidelines and rules that apply in how this is achieved, but there are
also certain realities that dictate how marketing campaigns represent certain groups.

What does it mean to be an Informed Consumer?

How do you decide what companies are worth buying


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