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A surprise in this chapter (remember that rumor everyone is

talking about and it's about Christa?), so I hope you enjoy it! A bit of an
intimate one, compared to the last two. May I remind you guys, reading
is appreciated, but REVIEWING is LOVED! :D
The couple were laid out on the bed, resting soundly - or, as soundly as
they could in a zombie apocalypse. Omid's leg had to be redressed, and he had
to take antibiotics. Christa needed to eat and drink. Both needed the rest, but
neither could sleep. He was on his back, Christa pulled in close. The sound of
hungry Walkers outside was the only thing that they could hear compared to the
streets of San Fran.
Omid's idea of using the radiator to help them get up worked, but Christa
was not very sociable afterwards. Lee's death crushed her, and it was very
apparent. To make things worse for the two of them, there was absolutely no sign
of Clementine in Savannah. Not a trace. The last they could find of Clem was
Lee's lifeless body, hand-cuffed to a radiator.
Christa thought it was their fault, that they should have been able to find a
quicker way to cross, but Omid didn't believe that. He tried to comfort her, but
because she was usually independent, that didn't come easily. Not only was the
woman upset, but after getting out of Lee's "death room", she vomited causing
her hunger to get worse, as she had barely gotten anything to eat before they
fell through the ceiling, and her mood fell many kilometres through the floor. She
was hungry, tired, depressed, and the last thing she needed right now was to
face a heap of Walkers, so Omid demanded that they stopped to rest
somewhere. Luckily, that stop was only five roofs away.
And then there was the matter of Christa wanting to tell him something.
She didn't get the chance to tell him what she wanted to when the roof
collapsed, and when Omid asked her what it was, she ignored him. She refused
to touch on the subject, and instead stayed silent as she laid there with him.
Yeah, it'd been a very rough day on the two.
"Asleep yet?"
She shifted her head slightly on his shoulder, eyes still closed. "Not yet."
Omid kissed her hair, relaxing as he laid his head back down onto the
pillow, his arms wrapped around her. His curiosity about what she wanted to tell
him was itching, and he couldn't contain it. "You know you can tell me anything,
"Just because I know, doesn't mean it's easy for me." Christa sighed and
sat up, and Omid copied her movement. She looked down at her hands,
hesitating before she spoke, and looked back up at Omid. "I . . . really do need to
tell you something . . ."
"Yeah," He nodded in agreement. "You're kind of freaking me out, Christa.
You've been kind of distant lately, and the constant vomiting isn't really making
me feel like you're okay . . ."
"I am okay."
"Then . . . what do you need to tell me?" He asked, a little frantic. "That
you were bitten at some point? That you're suffering from a rare disease? That
you're leaving me? Everything's been going around my head and I haven't been
able to stop the questions." She didn't reply, instead, she dropped the eyecontact. "Look, I love you, babe. I am here. And with everything happening, I'm
not leaving you in a hurry. I refuse to."
Christa nodded, tears forming in her eyes. "When we were at Crawford,
Lee found a few videos. Crawford had a horrible set-up, but those . . . that doctor
caused Crawford to fall. One of his patients was pregnant, but Crawford wouldn't

allow any young people into their 'organization', so . . . this guy told her she had
to have an abortion."
It was painful enough to watch Christa attempt to recount the story, let
alone imagining the actual scene. A doctor forcing a soon-to-be mother into
abortion? Inhumane. Against Human Rights. Crawford abolished most Human
Rights according to Molly, and apparently, it was horrible. Maybe that's just what
happens when people struggle to survive against the apocalypse they lose
their humanity. Omid shook his head slowly.
"Sick bastards," He noted. "They wanted to do anything to protect
themselves that they'd remove their own humanity. It's not right."
Christa looked up. "You're against it?"
"Of course I'm against it!" He said, shocked. "This generation and the ones
before it are struggling to survive! A new generation is what we need. And
besides," He grinned. "I've . . . kinda wanted a kid since San Francisco . . ."
"You do?"
Omid frowned at her for a moment. "Any guy, that's been in a relationship
for long enough to know his girl inside-out and wants to stay with her for the rest
of whatever time we have before the Walkers start eating the Earth, but doesn't
want a kid, would be an asshole, and deserves to be thrown to the Walkers."
Christa laughed, taking Omid's hands while he spoke. "I've said it once, and I'll
say it again. I love you, and I will never leave you."
Christa smiled, wiped away the tears on her cheek, and stood. "Well, I
have good news, in that case." She pulled her jacket off and hooked her thumbs
into the bottom of her shirt to pull it up, revealing herself. Well, not completely
she still had her bra on but enough to make Omid realize just how long it had
been since he'd seen her completely naked . . .
But somehow, he knew that's not what Christa wanted to tell him.
"You've noticed my vomiting, right?"
"Yeah . . ."
Slowly, Christa rubbed her stomach, her bottom lip getting caught
between her teeth as the smiled nervously. It took Omid a few seconds, his eyes
going from her stomach to her eyes a few times, before he could piece the
puzzle together. The vomiting, her mood swings, and her reaction to having to
kill the Walker child in the attic . . . it all fell into place.
"Oh my god!" He laughed. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"No!" She laughed. "And I have been for a while . . ."
Omid's eyes went wide. "And you didn't tell me?" His hands unconsciously
traced her stomach as he looked back up at Christa, suddenly realizing just how
much she'd been through the last through weeks and keeping quiet about it. "You
thought that I'd make you get an abortion . . . ?"
She shrugged. "That wasn't the only thing that crossed my mind. We're in
the middle of a zombie apocalypse . . . Having a child at this point in time is
dangerous, and I don't even know where is safe anymore. Not to mention . . . if I
told Kenny, who knows what he would have done. You saw how he acted in that
attic, and Lee told us that he'd been through a lot when we first met . . . I
couldn't find a right time."
He nodded, understanding, the smile still on his face. Careful of Omid's
leg, Christa got onto his lap, kissing him deeply as his arms wrapped around her.
"Fuck I love you," He breathed, and pulled back a little to look at her
stomach again. "Just how far along do you think you are? I mean . . . we haven't
had sex in . . . fuck, ages."
"I know." She laughed. "Three months at least is what I think."
"Really?" Omid frowned a little. "Is not showing normal for that stage?"

Christa rolled her eyes, a grin on her face. "I'm showing, it's just not very
apparent. From side on, it shows. So, yeah. Three or four months, I think."
Love, love and the largest amount of contentment he'd felt in a while, was
all in that moment. He couldn't believe that it had happened, that he and Christa
conceived. Hell, he didn't even know when they conceived, but that wasn't the
question on his mind right now.
"Christa . . . You . . . wouldn't happen to know the sex?"
To Omid's disappointment, Christa shook her head. "'Fraid not." She
sighed. It was understandable - you couldn't exactly go to a doctor with ease
anymore, with them being eaten and all. "I guess it's a surprise. And I hate
surprises . . . "
He laughed. "I only like surprises when they involve you, and not a
Christa smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder again as she laughed
again. "Cheeky short-ass . . ."
"You better believe it."
And that's the end of Chapter 3. This one was the best for me to write,
so I certainly hope you enjoyed it. Please review guys and tell me if you
enjoyed it, because like I said at the top of the chapter, the reviews are
much appreciated and they help me out with the story a lot! Hope you
guys had a happy Tuesday, stay awesome!

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