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Joseph Quire Jr.

Health 44
6 March 2016
Project 3 Reflection

When I started this project it started to reflect on how I do on test

because I get nervous during test and second guess myself. I found
this project significant because I think there are other college students
or students in general that have the same struggles that I have. I feel
that once we find a healthy way to coupe with all the added stress that
we put on ourselves we will be able to control how the stress affects
us. After we figure out how to coupe we will be able to take on new and
greater challenges without having to worry about the stress becoming
too much to handle. After doing this assignment it has helped me look
at new mays I can change to allow myself to handle stress better.
Along with how to take on more while keeping the stress level down.
Allowing me to function better letting me to produce and perform a
higher quality of work.

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