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Deploying PeopleSoft Virtual Machine

As you may already know, Oracle provides PeopleSoft virtual images that enable
you to have a PeopleSoft demo of your choice up and running within an hour. These
virtual images are kept current and updated on a regular basis. Deploying a
PeopleSoft virtual demo will save you a lot of time and manual work.
Pre Requisites:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Oracle Solaris, and Linux.
RAM : 4GB (Without configuring SES), 6GB (with SES).
Hard Disk : 60GB.
Steps for deploying the PeopleSoft Virtual Machine:
1. Download and Install Oracle Virtual Box Manager.

2. Download the latest version of PeopleSoft Image for your application (HCM,
FSCM, ELM, CRM ) from

3. Once Download is completed, extract all files in the Directory of your choice.

4. Combine all the OVA files you extracted into a single file in order to create a
virtual box Appliance archive.
Open the Command Prompt and Type
Copy /b HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA_1of8+HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA_2of8+HCM920-UPD-007_OVA_3of8+HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA_4of8+HCM-920-UPD007_OVA_5of8+HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA_6of8+HCM-920-UPD007_OVA_7of8+HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA_8of8 HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA.ova
5. Launch the Oracle Virtual Box Manager you installed in the first step.
6. Click on File > Import Appliance and specify Path to the combined file / Virtual
Box Appliance Archive HCM-920-UPD-007_OVA.ova.

7. Click on Next
8. Select Reinitialize the MAC Address of all the Network Cards.

9. Click on Import.
10.Once the Import is completed, you will see your PeopleSoft Virtual machine
listed on the Oracle Virtual Box Manager.
11.Select the Virtual Machine and navigate to Settings > Network. Here you will
need to configure the virtual machine to be accessed either on the host only
or externally. The Attached to drop down menu point to Host only Adapter
or Bridged Network Adopter Accordingly.

12.Now Select the Virtual Machine and click on Start.

13.Click on Y
14.Next you are prompted to set the Password for the Root Account.

15.Next you are prompted to with Enabling the Dynamic IP Configuration

16.It will provide the IP Address.

17.Provide the Host Name.

18.Provide the Database Name.

19.Prompted for SES, click on Y.

20.Wait for 30 50 minutes and you instance is Ready.




22.For Developers who are working in OVM need Application Designer &

23.Download the Oracle-client and install the database.

24.Download the Client and Install the Tools.

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