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Taurus Horoscope 2014

Taurus Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Taurus Horoscope 2014 predicts that this year would be giving mixed
results going your way majority of the times. Decisions taken on gut
feeling would benefit you in competition. However, decision should be
taken after planning the pros and cons. In 2014, do not take any hasty
decisions that may lead to problems and prove costly for you. This is not
a good year for maintaining relationships and receiving love & affection
from the opposite sex. As per Taurus 2014 horoscope, this is a good period for purchasing land
and property. In 2014, loans and credit would be received for improving your financial
transactions. If you are planning to own a house, better go ahead. Control your temperament, else
you may likely to land into trouble. If you are facing any legal problem, the outcome may turn in
your favor resulting in additional inflow of income. If you are in hereditary business, you may
not find it profitable and may indulge in losses. Depending upon the support from business
partners/colleagues, it is not good idea this year. If you are in service you need to be very careful
in discharging the duties, as you are likely to be caught by auditors/inspecting officials. As per
2014 Taurus horoscope, you may have difficulties due to difference of opinion between
yourselves and your relatives. Change of residence is in store, according to your 2014 astrology
for Taurus. Your 2014 predictions suggest that you need to exercise more care on health front. In
2014, be cautious and diplomatic while dealing any sort of situation.

Taurus Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

Taurus Horoscope 2014 foretells that the first half of the year is likely to be stationary with no
major incidents happening on the job front and business front. Job responsibilities and workload
may increase. According to Taurus 2014 astrology, some of you may continue the business
without any major issues. Decisions taken by you this year will have a crucial impact on your
career/job for the better. In 2014, you will be able to strengthen the position that you have
achieved. You may be able to progress in business affairs. According to 2014 Taurus astrology,
travelling will increase this year and you would benefit from them. You are likely to find new
friends at distant places or countries. New ventures may start in 2014, and youll succeed in
making a good beginning for further improvements. As per Taurus 2014 predictions, your selfconfidence will increase and you may be able to take courageous and risky decisions. Your
relations with partners will not be encouraging. Some financial disagreements are possible that
may remain throughout the year. 2013 astrology predictions says that long distance
communication may hamper your progress in your career. Some of you may develop interest and
continue your higher studies along with your business. Secret enemies and competitors may
become more active, they may do their best to complicate your life and weaken your professional
status. In the second half of the year, you need to be more attentive to the behavior of your
employees. As per Taurus 2014 horoscope, employees should be careful in communication with
colleagues. Overall, it will be possible to enjoy a peaceful life in 2014.

Taurus Horoscope 2014: Finance

2014 would give large expenses connected with loans, credits, business affairs, business
development or with growing needs of children or close people. The income may also increase
proportionally along with responsibility. Taurus 2014 astrology predictions suggest you not to
seek support from friends/colleagues for finances and it could disturb your social equation. 2014
is also a favorable time for taking loans, purchasing luxury and improving your social status.

Taurus Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is not a favorable year for love and relationships. 2014 Taurus astrology has analyzed that
malefic Saturn and Rahu in inimical sign of Libra would tend to reduce your interest and
activities in social circle. As per 2013 astrology, you may have to face brief separation from your
loved one. Taurus 2014 predictions say that your lover may live in another city or country and it
may strengthen your desire to be together. Those who are married may experience a difficult
time as relations can break up due to ego and domestic differences. Your Taurus 2014 horoscope
shows that the second half of the year is especially uneasy when evil-wishers can interfere with
your private life. Take care in social circle as gossips and intrigues may influence not only your
personal communications, but also professional affairs. A lot of time in the family life would be
spent on supporting children. 2014 is more likely to be unpleasant, as you would be required to
take decisions about the changes in the future life of your children.

Taurus Horoscope 2014: Health

In the first half of 2014, your energy level would be high. However, you have to be careful and
diseases are likely to occur. In the second half of the year, acute conditions are possible or new
illnesses may appear. The problems may reach a peak in November when youll possibly feel
tired and exhausted. It may also be extremely stressful.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Taurus:

Krittika Horoscope 2014

According to the horoscope 2014 for Taurus, there will be help from society/government
agencies. Partnerships will not be favorable. As 2014 astrology predicts, you would focus to
improve your finances this year. Income and gains will increase this year. Career growth and
promotions are also possible, according to Taurus 2014 horoscope.

Rohini Horoscope 2014

Horoscope 2014 for Taurus predicts long distance travel will increase. This is a good period to
travel abroad and settle there. 2014 is a good period for improving your authority and control
over others at the workplace. As per 2014 horoscope, additional responsibilities will give you
more work and less time to play.

Mrigasira Horoscope 2014

As per 2014 astrology predictions, this is a good period to acquire land and property. Dealings in
property will benefit you in 2014. Expenditure will increase. You would be required to take loans
and credit.
Aries Horoscope 2014
Aries Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Aries Horoscope 2014 predicts that this year would not be favorable for
partnerships and business ventures. Your aggressive and freckle behavior
may land you in trouble. According to Horoscope 2014 for Aries, your
ambitions would increase this year and you may gain through this. You
may not be able to reap the benefits, which you always desire. In 2014,
you need to be more careful about landing up in situations which you do
not like. Accidents and unfortunate incidences may mar the happiness this year. As per Aries
2014 astrology, you may not get favor through dealings in land, buildings, agriculture, and
property. Those involved in transport business may find good returns during this year. Keep an
eye on your colleagues. Business persons may find this year very difficult to carry on brisk
business. Quarrels with family members may suddenly cause finances to get into troubles. Short
distance travel is indicated for business professionals. Safeguard your valuables. Astrology for
2014 suggests you to be cautious at job front, as there is every possibility of being confronted by
government agencies. General mental stress is possible.
Aries Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

With Saturn influencing your career, there may not be major changes in the 1st half of the year.
Aries 2014 horoscope predicts that businessmen may feel the heat and there may not be much
progress in projects/ dealings. You may not be able to expand your existing office and face
delays/ obstacles and difficulties in partnerships. As per Aries 2014 astrology, communication
with colleagues from other cities or countries would decline and may not be able to help you
achieve your goals and targets. In the first half of the year, you would have disagreements/
obstacles, which may cause considerable difficulties in corporate affairs. In 2014, a change in
leadership may hamper your progress in the job. An existing problem is also likely to resurface
and give trouble, as per Aries 2014 predictions. In the second half of the year, the problems may
become even more difficult to handle. Conflicts with partners/ colleagues may finally lead to a
complete break of relations. As a result, you may have to face depression.
Aries Horoscope 2014: Finance

Despite some professional problems, astrology 2014 for Aries predicts that financial status is
likely to be quite stable. You can expect to get loans/credits and help/support of parents or close
person. 2014 would be a difficult year for you in regards of finances.
Aries Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

As per 2014 predictions, this year is not good for lovers. Love relations may not go smoothly in
2014. According to Aries 2014 astrology, it may be especially difficult for couples having
problems. Conflicts may increase and parting is quite possible in 2014. The second half of the
year may be more difficult, when both of you would not compromise. Besides, you are probable
to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially difficult to handle after June
2014. Horoscope 2014 for Aries predicts that relationships outside marriage may harm your
reputation and result in scandals. You may also lose faith of your close friends, relatives or
family members. Therefore, 2014 astrology suggests you to be careful, tolerant and wise. 2014 is
a year for repair re-arrangement of your relationship.
Aries Horoscope 2014: Health

In 2014, your energy levels are not likely to be high. Depression and loss of faith may hamper
your mind, according to 2014 predictions. Stress and strain would take a toll on the body. Hence,
you have to be careful. Take plenty of rest and refrain from acting without thinking.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Aries:
Ashwini Horoscope 2014

2014 astrology predictions says that you may face difficulties in relationships and your married
life is not likely to be so happy. Disputes and obstacles in your domestic life is likely to provide a
tough time in the house. According to 2014 horoscope, you may not be able to take decisions at
the right time. Confusion and dishonesty in action may give regrets in the future.
Bharani Horoscope 2014

Partnerships and love life is not favorable for you in 2014. As per the 2014 predictions,
communication and convincing abilities may be reduced. Horoscope 2014 has foretold that you
would be practical in nature and take decisions based on the head than the heart. 2014 astrology
says that financial situation will improve this year.
Krittika Horoscope 2014

In 2014, there would be an increase in wealth this year. You will have high ego and your ability
to show leadership skills will increase. Help from society/government agencies will improve and
you would benefit in this year.

Gemini Horoscope 2014

Gemini Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Gemini horoscope 2014 predicts that you are likely to be highly

optimistic this year. Lots of plans and ambitions would be constructed in
the mind and you are likely to build action plans to achieve them. It may
bring in positive results and as a result, you are likely to get benefited
financially. As per your 2014 astrology for Gemini, you would be at your
creative best this year with new ideas and plans exciting you. However,
you cannot escape from hurdles that come in your way. In 2014, be prepared to face any
situation. Your Gemini 2014 predictions say there is no threat on health front. However, minor
ailments may be a worry to you. Professionals and business personnel may flourish well. If you
are doing medical business, good profits can be expected. Travels and journey related to creative
ventures would increase this year. Some of the natives may have to move away from their own
places due to unavoidable circumstances. Take care of your valuables. According to your Gemini
2014 horoscope, there may be some difference of opinion with your children and your parents,
which may lead to unhappiness. At the end of the year, lady luck will smile at you.
Gemini Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

2014 promises the beginning of new opportunities, which may enable you to take up higher
responsibilities and positions in the organisation. Businessmen may be able to start a new
project, which may guarantee future success. An employee can change a job for a more
interesting, creative and rewarded one. Gemini horoscope 2014 foretells that you will be able to
develop new contacts. Hard mental work is indicated for professionals in 2014. In a word, you
would be engrossed in preparing action plans to achieve all your desires. Gemini 2014 horoscope
predicts that partnership would continue to bother you throughout the year. Dont be upset, as by
losing something you are opening your mind to receive new opportunities. Your old
colleagues/partners may be changed by new ones; for some of you this process has already
begun in the second half of 2013. Gemini 2014 astrology suggests you to be careful in
communications in the second half of 2014. Disputes and conflicts are indicated with children.
November may be the most difficult month, as per your horoscope 2014 for Gemini. Partnership
related problems are not likely to be resolved this year and would roll over to 2015.
Gemini Horoscope 2014: Finance

Gemini 2014 astrology predicts that this year would be very successful financially. Speculation
and income from gambling/lotteries/dividends are likely to increase your financial status. You
would be able to clear your debts, according to your Gemini 2014 predictions. Increase in
income from sources other than your regular ones will give benefits.
Gemini Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is likely to benefit couples who have decided to marry. With Transit of Jupiter in Gemini,
the 1st half of 2014 is likely to be beneficial for mixing pleasures with profession. In the second
half of the year, there could be problems regarding health of the children, which may make you
upset and require immense expenses. If the first half of 2014 is favorable for married couples, the
second half may prove to be difficult for lovers. As per horoscope 2014, this period is favorable
for taking decisions from the heart.
Gemini Horoscope 2014: Health

Your energy levels are likely to be very high in the 1st half of 2014. There are no major concerns
for health related issues this year. However, you should be careful not to be over
anxious/workaholic and take breaks in between your work.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Gemini:
Mrigasira Horoscope 2014

According to Gemini 2014 astrology predictions, you would be highly optimistic in your
approach. Job/employment opportunities will increase. Promotions/increase in responsibility will
lead to increase in workload and stress.
Aadra Horoscope 2014

As per Gemini 2014 horoscope predictions, material prosperity may increase. 2014 is good for
educational pursuits related to professional courses. Overseas journeys may add your present
source of income.
Punarvasu Horoscope 2014

2014 is favorable for higher studies and gaining knowledge in regards of religion and spiritual
science. Visit religious places and pilgrimage will be beneficial to you, as per 2014 horoscope

Cancer Horoscope 2014

Cancer Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

2014 is likely to increase your wealth and social status. You would be involved in
initiatives/activities enhancing your profession and responsibilities. Your financial status would
increase this year. As per Cancer 2014 horoscope, your health is likely to deteriorate and frequent
visits to the doctor are indicated. You may get all-round support from your parents/relatives and

would be able to benefit from them. Cancer 2014 astrology suggests that
businessmen should invest cautiously. Gains from speculative activities
are not indicated in 2014. Cancer horoscope 2014 suggests you not to
invest in high risk areas in the stock market. If you are in the field of
medical business, you are likely to fare well. Lot of fluctuations in ideas
are indicated by 2014 horoscope. Depression and lack of new ideas from
your side would prove to be a detriment. As per Cancer 2014 astrology
predictions, you would not be able to believe in your abilities; hence you
would be frustrated if your plans do not succeed. This is not a favorable period to change your
activities and bring new initiatives to the table.
Cancer Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

In 2014, the planetary placements will offer you a chance to put your skills and professional
knowledge into your work. According to the Cancer 2014 astrology predictions, there would be
increase in workload at workplace. Horoscope 2014 for Cancer foretells that an increase in
responsibilities and stress would take a toll on the health. As per Cancer 2014 horoscope
predictions, you are likely to make frequent trips to increase your contacts. You may also be
required to bring your work to your residence. Work from home would be required to earn
wealth. Some of you may consider moving to another city or another country. In any case, 2014
is ideal for beginning of studies, acquiring new skills and knowledge. There may be turning
points in your professional life. As per your Cancer horoscope 2014, an existing judicial problem
may continue to worry you. There would be tension at workplace. You are likely to face
opposition and obstacles from colleagues/superiors at the workplace. You would be susceptible
to office politics. In the second half of 2014, misunderstanding with partners or your boss may
begin, and by November the situation may have become critical. Changes in colleagues/projects
would increase your knowledge and skill. Businessmen may possibly move to a new office or
consider a full reconstruction of old premises.
Cancer Horoscope 2014: Finance

Cancer horoscope 2014 predictions suggest you to stay at bay from speculations; they may result
in losses. Heavy expenditure is indicated regarding land, property and renovation. Income would
be commensurate with expenditure.
Cancer Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is not likely to be favorable for lovers. There may be changes in private life. Differences of
opinion between partners and domestic life would be stressful this year. As per your horoscope
2014, you would be required to make a long distance travel to meet your loved ones. The second
half of 2014 may prove to be difficult for married people. Unless handled diplomatically, the
situation would change for the worse. There can be some coldness in relationships, and

communication may require special delicacy and tact. Cancer horoscope 2014 predictions
suggest you to control your ego. Sincere love will protect your relation. In the second half of
2014, you may undertake repairing works or may get a new house. Moving to another city or
country is likely to change your life completely.
Cancer Horoscope 2014: Health

As per your horoscope 2014 for Cancer, health is likely to deteriorate due to career and
colleagues around you. Your health would remain quite delicate in the first half of 2014, when
acute conditions or unexpected illnesses are possible. In the second half of the year, these
difficulties may result in hospitalization. As per Cancer 2014 astrology predictions, problems
related to digestive system can appear.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Cancer:
Punarvasu Horoscope 2014

Cancer horoscope 2014 has indicated tension and stress at workplace. Additional responsibility
and work pressure may reduce vitality. Cancer 2014 horoscope predictions have also indicated
Increase in solitude and lack of social life.
Pushya Horoscope 2014

Increase in reputation and social status is predicted by Cancer horoscope 2014. Job
change/promotional transfers are also indicated by 2014 astrology. As per the predictions made
by your astrology 2014, authority and ability to lead projects will increase your skills. Respect
and fear from colleagues/employees are indicated by horoscope 2014 for Cancer. Ego and
ambition will increase, as per 2014 astrology predictions.
Ashlesha Horoscope 2014

According to your Cancer horoscope 2014, long distance travels/going abroad and
communication related to travels will increase. Your 2014 astrology predictions suggest that
ability to convince others in presentation and projects will help you in your career. There will be
an increase in work load.

Leo Horoscope 2014

Leo Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Leo horoscope 2014 says that it would be a year for realizing your
ambitions and goals. This year will see an increase in acquaintances from
colleagues/society. Increase in social life will bring benefits to you. 2014
horoscope predicts that you are likely to get benefit from government
authorities. However, be careful of thieves and loss of possessions. If you
are planning to get married, it may be done during the first half of 2014.
If you are already married, the marital life is likely to get irritated at some
times and difference of opinion may be likely to crop up. Take care of
what you speak and when you speak. As per Leo 2014 astrology predictions, gains through
various sources are indicated. If you are in the field of legal profession your may excel well
during the year. Income generated during the year is likely to be less than last year. Do not
venture to start a new project as Saturn may cause unprecedented delays in giving results.
Professionals in the field of judiciary and horticulture may do well during this year. Difficulties
and obstacles from enemies/colleagues are seen this year. As per Leo 2014 horoscope
predictions, difference of opinion between the couples may lead to undesired results. Horoscope
2014 predictions suggest you not to disclose your plans to anyone. Relatives may not come to
your rescue in case of difficulties, as per 2014 astrology predictions. Majority of your
expenditure may be on health grounds.
Leo Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

In 2014, youll have to proceed in your work with difficulties. As per your horoscope 2014 for
Leo predictions, things may not proceed as per plan. Your ambitions would not be translated into
action plan. 2014 horoscope says that many affairs may go slowly, with constant delays and
lateness. Businessmen may head for expanding the project or its full reorganization, but this
process may go much more slowly than it was planned. As per horoscope 2014 predictions, you
may realize that the business is no longer profitable, and may explore new opportunities. 2014
may bring bright perspectives, which will have desired results in the future. In the 2nd half of
2014, initiatives started may meet with problems. Benefits from colleagues and society will
improve your career to some extent. According to the 2014 astrology predictions, you will be
able to display your creative talent at workplace. Overall, indications are that 2014 will be very
hectic due to business and career related matters.
Leo Horoscope 2014: Finance

In 2014, many activities can be completed due to the financial support of partners or relatives. As
per your Leo horoscope 2014 predictions, possibly you will get loans and credits. You would be
required to take loans and repay them this year. Some people may have serious financial
problems with friends or a group of acquaintances that may cause considerable losses. 2014 is
not a favorable period for getting profits through speculation and trading.
Leo Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is not favorable for love life. You may face difficulties in relationships with your loved
ones. As per Leo horoscope 2014 astrology predictions, some of you may lose your loved ones.
You may begin repairing works or may get a new house in 2014. Horoscope 2014 for Leo has
predicted some problems regarding children which may require large expenses. Those who are
going to divorce may be able to resolve property and children related matters. According to 2014
astrology predictions, child bearing and pregnancy for women will be successful. In the second
half of 2014, you may probably have problems with relatives. They can prove to be difficult and
in some cases may lead to serious conflicts. As per 2014 horoscope, relationship with children
will improve and benefit you.
Leo Horoscope 2014: Health

2014 is likely to give health issues regarding digestion and blood pressures. Stress and strain at
the workplace would result in lack of good health. The energy level throughout the year would
be quite low, and it may cause acute conditions or occurrence of new problems. In the second
half of 2014, you should be more attentive while driving and on trips.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Leo:
Magha Horoscope 2014

Separation from loved ones/family members is indicated by Leo 2014 horoscope. Ego and
clashes with friends/colleagues at the workplace is seen. Spirituality will increase.
Purvaphalguni Horoscope 2014

Success in competitions/exams is indicated by horoscope 2014. Good period for students to excel
in sports and extra-curricular activities, as per 2014 horoscope predictions. Leo 2014 astrology
suggests that it is not a good period to travel.
Uttaraphalguni Horoscope 2014

Favor and support from society/friends/colleagues/government agencies are indicated by Leo

horoscope 2014. Health is likely to deteriorate in the 2nd half of 2014.

Virgo Horoscope 2014

Virgo Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Virgo horoscope 2014 indicates that you will see growth and
improvement of reputation at workplace. A promotion/increase in job
responsibilities will help you to tackle financial problems. Increase in
workload and pressures will reduce your ability to spend time with the
near and dear ones. According to the horoscope 2014 for Virgo,
difficulties regarding communication will hamper your spirits. Social life
is not likely to increase, as per Virgo 2014 astrology predictions. Benefits
from friends and family members are likely to reduce. Horoscope 2014
says travelling is likely to increase. Be cautious while driving vehicles or handlings with sharp
edged items as you are likely to be involved in accidents. Health of spouse is likely to be a cause
for concern. Trouble from government agencies are indicated this year. As per 2014 Virgo
astrology predictions, an important assignment/contract is likely to be received which may
improve your career. However, before signing any document you have to read it carefully. If
needed, take an expert opinion. Horoscope 2014 foretells that you may get financial support from
your family members. You must not trust anyone on their face value in 2014. Businessmen may
flourish well. Do not neglect your personal health. Do not lose your temper and not to use harsh
Virgo Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

As per your Virgo horoscope 2014 astrology predictions, new activities in business that were
started last year may be successful, gaining strength and speed. It would be better to keep an
open mind and explore new opportunities that appear, as they may bring success in future and
may solve crisis situations in the year 2014. Disagreements with existing partners that began in
the past may reach to peak this time. Financial claims, which may entail loss of finance and
connections as well, are quite possible. According to Virgo 2014 horoscope predictions,
businessmen may have to be engaged in contract agreements and would be required to take risky
decisions. Moving to a new office, repairing of old premises, or purchase of business in another
city or country is most probable in 2014. An employee may have to seek for another job, due to
the negative changes in relations with the employer.
Virgo Horoscope 2014: Finance

2014 is not favorable to you as far as finance is concerned. 2014 is especially unfavorable when
a fight for the property that may have undesirable consequences may inflame. For some of you,
2014 horoscope says these processes may be connected with business and for others with private
life. As per your Virgo 2014 astrology, communication may make or break your career. There
would be a lot of importance on how you communicate with others this year. Virgo 2014
horoscope says that lending finance or bailing out anyone would aggravate your financial
situation enormously.
Virgo Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is not favorable for domestic life. There could be differences of opinion between you and
your spouse. As per your horoscope 2014 for Virgo, private life may be on the front burner this
year and may cause a lot of trouble. You may have to face a possible crisis in difficult love and
family affairs, according to your Virgo 2014 astrology predictions. In the first half of 2014, your
emotions, pride and vanity may be concerned, in the second half the question of practical things
may be touched. Violent disputes about shared property and accommodation are quite possible,
as per 2014 astrology predictions. In 2014, parents may have serious problems with children.
Grown up children may suddenly become estranged, and small ones can be extremely naughty.
Lonely people and those disappointed in family life are likely to have a new romance that may
most certainly end up in marriage.
Virgo Horoscope 2014: Health

As per Virgo 2014 horoscope predictions, you may be prone to health related issues; therefore,
you should be careful about your body.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Virgo:
Uttaraphalguni Horoscope 2014

Increase in travel and visit to tourist places are likely, as per your horoscope 2014. Also, your
astrology 2014 predictions foretell that foreign travel related to work is also possible. Increase in
expenditure in 2014 is possible. Losses and thefts in residence is also expected. 2014 is a good
period for making future investments and purchasing land and property.
Hasta Horoscope 2014

Improvement in professional status and rise in career is seen in your Virgo horoscope 2014.
Additional workload and travel related to work may deteriorate your health in 2014. Children
will be able to study hard and excel in studies. As per your Virgo 2014 astrology, confidence and
pessimism will increase this year.
Chitra Horoscope 2014

Loss in speculation and trading is indicated by your Virgo horoscope 2014. Increase in travel
related to work is seen. Partners/colleagues will not support you in your projects. Superiors may
not totally agree with your philosophies and creativity. Your horoscope 2014 for Virgo foretells
that dejection and frustration may creep in at the workplace.

Libra Horoscope 2014

Libra Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Libra horoscope 2014 says it will be very important year for you. With
Saturn and Rahu present in your sign for the major part of the year, you
would see a lot of changes in your life. Financially, you may witness
difficulties during 2014 as compared to the previous years. As per your
horoscope 2014, inflow of income and wealth from various sources may
decrease. However, there is no threat to your social honor and happiness.
Libra 2014 horoscope predictions foretells that you may be likely to face chronic and lingering
diseases. You may have to act fast as and when medical aid is necessary and any negligence may
lead you more trouble. Astrology 2014 says that you may find yourself at the wrong place at the
wrong time. Business persons may not gain as per their expectations. On career front, you have
to be more careful and diligent in your work as you may likely to be caught on the wrong side by
your superiors/government agencies. According to 2014 horoscope for Libra, some of you may
get elevation and transfers to far away places. You will feel proud of your children, as per your
Libra 2014 horoscope predictions. You may face obstacles from colleagues. Partnerships may not
give happiness. Loneliness and solitude is indicated by Libra horoscope 2014. Domestic life
would remain monotonous.
Libra Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

You may face serious problems regarding professional life for the first half of 2014. Your Libra
2014 predictions say that a new project began last year may establish absolutely new objectives
and tasks. Entrepreneurs may take a risk to start a new line in business and may recruit new
employees. As per your Libra 2014 astrology predictions, an employee may work in harmony
with the superiors and can expect career development with an increase of salary. However, the
difficulties in relations with long distance persons/foreign may be a cause for concern. The
second half of 2014 is a time to struggle with partners or sudden rivals. You may face difficulties
in communicating your ideas and point of view to your colleagues/superiors at the workplace. As
per your Libra 2014 astrology, support from superiors may not be as per your expectation. Lot of
changes are indicated at the workplace. You may have to face transfer/job rotation this year.
Libra Horoscope 2014: Finance

2014 is quite successful financially. The first half of 2014 is especially favorable, when a
considerable income may come your way. However, difficult financial situations may appear in
November and December 2014. You may suffer from financial claims in this period. For some
people, itll be connected with private life, for others with professional activity.
Libra Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

According to your Libra 2014 horoscope, private life may appear to be difficult. It is possible
that all the problems you were annoyed with for a long time may snowball rapidly. An explosion

of emotions is most likely to happen in the second half of 2014, and neither you, nor your partner
may be ready to compromise. If relationship is already dead, its no use giving any advice. If not,
you have the first half of 2014 to settle your love affairs. You may have a complicated
relationship with maternal relatives.
Libra Horoscope 2014: Health

Your vitality is likely to be very low in 2014, so you should consider giving up bad habits and try
to adapt a disciplined life style. Elderly and weak people should take care and prevent acute
conditions in time. As per Libra 2014 astrology predictions, special precautions should be taken
by people, suffering from alimentary tract and urino-genital system diseases.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Libra:
Chitra Horoscope 2014

Increase in workload and stress at the workplace is indicated. Trouble with government agencies
and officials would be felt. According to your horoscope 2014 for Libra, legal hurdles and cases
may go against you. Accidents during travel is indicated by your Libra horoscope 2014.
Swati Horoscope 2014

High ambitious plans will help you start new activities in your life, as per 2014 astrology. Major
changes are likely to help your status in 2014. Confusion and non ability to take decisions may
hurt your future prospects, as per your forecast by astrology 2014 for Libra. Lack of clarity in
thoughts and pessimism will be a deterrent.
Vishakha Horoscope 2014

According to your Libra horoscope 2014 predictions, high optimism and ambition will help you
create plans for the future. A change of job/career option is indicated by your 2014 astrology.
Marriage is likely for eligible persons. Benefits from travels/relatives are seen. Increase in
income in the 2nd half of the year is also expected.

Scorpio Horoscope 2014

Scorpio Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Scorpio horoscope 2014 indicates that compared to previous years, 2014

can be termed as a better one in all aspects. As per your horoscope 2014
for Scorpio, you would be able to invest your earnings for the future.
Some of your friends/colleagues may help you in guiding you to generate
income. In 2014, marital relationship needs to be taken care of. If you are
starting a new business, 2014 is a good one for you. Scorpio horoscope
2014 suggests you to go ahead without any hesitation. Keep an eye on
your partners in business dealings. Some of the natives may be likely to
change their job. Progress and prosperity are on cards, astrology 2014 predicts. Gains in
profession or business, through mother or people from the maternal side are likely. Horoscope
2014 predicts no threat for reputation. Astrology 2014 for Scorpio suggests you to keep your
valuables at a safer place. Loss of wealth, property is on cards if you are not careful. According
to the 2014 astrology, some of you may face bereavement from loved ones. As per astrology
2014, you need to take additional care while communicating with others. Do not use harsh
words. As per 2014 astrology horoscope, some of the natives may acquire jewelry, car or a fixed
asset during the year. Those in the field of legal profession may fare well.
Scorpio Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

You may get new opportunities that may demand new skills and new knowledge. In the first half
of the year, a businessman may continue to cooperate with overseas colleagues the way it began
in the year of 2013. Probably, it may require much more time and effort, than it was supposed to
in the beginning, so it is necessary to consider everything and to make calculations beforehand.
As per Scorpio 2014 horoscope, the business may continue to expand with multiple activities
regarding office repairing and also complex business renewal. An employee may have good
opportunities and perspectives, which may demand new knowledge and hard work. You may get
interesting offers connected with foreign companies, study in another city or country. In the
second half of the year, however, things may change for the worse. Scorpio 2014 astrology
foretells that cooperation with overseas colleagues may be thoroughly revised. An employee can
become a victim of professional intrigues and may think of exploring new possibilities. A lot of
these opportunities/changes may appear at the end of 2014 or in the beginning of 2015. The most
difficult time is the end of October, November and December; when these changes will influence
your decisions.
Scorpio Horoscope 2014: Finance

As per your Scorpio 2014 horoscope, may face an unstable financial situation this year. Youll be
suffering from large expenses in the entire year. Some of you may develop the business and solve
professional problems; others may spend for their personal purpose. Scorpio 2014 astrology
foretells that dealings in land and property are not likely to be favorable to you. Speculation is
not likely to benefit your finances this year.

Scorpio Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 is likely to be favorable for you. Love life is likely to give you intense pleasure, as per your
Scorpio horoscope 2014 predictions. You may have to stay away from your loved ones for a brief
period in the 2nd half of 2014, however your love is likely to be strong and you would enjoy
every moment of it. Scorpio 2014 astrology forecasts that your private life may appear to be
more important than work and career. It is absolutely clear that a love affair began in the past is
serious enough, so you cant ignore it. The stars may support any effort in this direction and may
protect true and sincere unions. In many families, there may be problems with children that may
demand much sympathy and financial expenses. Lonely persons not only have a great time, but
also get an opportunity to meet a special person that may brighten up their life. Changes are
indicated in relationships after June July 2014 both for new unions, as well as for already
existing couples. As per horoscope 2014 for Scorpio, relationships with relatives may change and
in the end of the year as more serious problems may appear. In November and December, you
may be criticized by people that are near and some accurately concealed secrets may be revealed
to the public.
Scorpio Horoscope 2014: Health

In the first half of 2014, the energy level is quite high and the risk of diseases are minimized.
Acute conditions and new unexpected illnesses are quite probable at the end of the year 2014.
Your weak areas in 2014 are the digestive system and the circulatory system.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Scorpio:
Vishakha Horoscope 2014

According to the Scorpio astrology 2014 forecast, you may be likely to get involved into some
troubles. You have to avoid arguments and distance yourself from troublesome areas. Horoscope
2014 advises you to take care of your health. Some of you may have to be away from your birth
place. Distance yourself from unworthy persons, as your social honor may be at stake. Exercise
more care while driving vehicles as injuries are indicated by Scorpio 2014 astrology. You have to
take utmost care of your health.
Anuradha Horoscope 2014

High ambition and growth is seen by Scorpio horoscope 2014, related to career. Increase in
travel and benefits due to communication are likely. As per your 2014 astrology, investments
related to land and property will be beneficial in the 2nd half of the year.
Jyeshta Horoscope 2014

Communication may cause hindrance and obstacles in your path to achieve success. Loss of
wealth/theft is indicated by 2014 astrology for Scorpio in the 2nd half of the year. Loss of wealth
by speculation and trading is also possible, as per astrology 2014 predictions.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2014

Sagittarius Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Sagittarius horoscope 2014 indicates that this year might be a bit

unfavorable for you. You may not be able to advance in your financial
abilities. During 2014, you may have to take adequate precautions while
making your financial planning. Heavy unexpected expenditure is in store
of your Sagittarius horoscope 2014. Some of the natives may be
compelled to borrow funds in 2014. You may be moody and indecisive,
as per your 2014 astrology. Majority of your expenditure may take place on medical grounds
either for yourself or for your family members. An elderly persons health may be a source of
concern to you. Astrology 2014 predicts that communication related problems may have a
negative impact on your career. Wasteful expenditure and losses are indicated. If you are in the
stock market, you are likely to incur heavy losses. Astrology 2014 for Sagittarius suggests you to
be careful in speculative activities. On career front, some of the natives may get elevation and
some of you may get transfers of your choice. Those in the field of media may flourish well in
2014. This is a favorable time for love and marriage to happen. You have to be very careful while
driving vehicles or handling sharp edged items as bodily injury is indicated. 2014 is a good time
for you for investing in Gold/infra/long term investments. You may get financial benefits from
your spouse. On career front, some of you may get new positions of power with authority.
Business persons should be very cautious. 2014 astrology predicts that you may get some
quarrels from your partners. Be prepared to face tough situations this year.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

According to the horoscope 2014 for Sagittarius, the changes in professional sphere, began in the
past, would proceed cautiously. Businessmen may expand the business, involving their partners
or close acquaintances. In the first half of the year, youll probably purchase a new office or reequip old premises. A new business line may face a lot of difficulties, and wont probably
develop as fast as it was expected. You may develop serious financial disagreements with
partners, which may put business to a deadlock. The second half of 2014 is especially
unfavorable. You may face separation in partnerships. Sagittarius 2014 astrology predictions
foretells that investors may let you down. You may run a risk of remaining without both wealth
and friends.

Sagittarius Horoscope 2014: Finance

Financially, the first half of the year is quite favorable. Some successful real estate operations
would benefit you. The second half of 2014 would become an agitating time. Large financial
losses and conflicts connected with Finance or other assets may occur. As per Sagittarius 2014
horoscope, you may lose control over finance because of risky and adventurous activities. After
June, financial dealings may require prudence and caution.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

2014 would be favorable for you in matters of the heart. You may face several changes not only
in business affairs, but in private life as well. You may start to build your own home or may
make renovations. Either way it is a good period to make your home more spacious and
comfortable. Second half of 2014 may bring many problems with children that can last for a long
time. It is possible that children may need not only moral support, but also financial help. Second
half of 2014 is not a happy time for lovers. According to the Sagittarius horoscope 2014, it is
possible that the situation may get out of control in November - December, when the most
violent conflicts may break out, after which itll be difficult to get together without painful
resentments and accusations. So, you should be careful if there is a desire to remain together.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2014: Health

In 2014, the influence of Saturn over your sign will reduce the energy level. Issues related to
stiffness of muscles and nerves/joints in the lower half of the body may cause problems.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Sagittarius:
Moola Horoscope 2014

According to your Sagittarius 2014 horoscope predictions, an increase in knowledge and skill is
likely. 2014 is a good period for students for clearing competitive exams and achieving success.
Increase in wealth from religious activities will be beneficial to you.
Purvashadha Horoscope 2014

As per 2014 horoscope for Sagittarius, family relations may not be helpful to you. Disagreements
and mutual discord may create disturbances in domestic life. Separation from the loved one is
indicated by your astrology 2014.
Uttarashadha Horoscope 2014

Increase in ambition and goals will help you set high targets. In 2014, ego and clashes with
colleagues will cause fights and involvement in legal hassles. Society/government agencies may
cause complications and problems which are against the law.

Capricorn Horoscope 2014

Capricorn Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Capricorn horoscope 2014 says that 2014 is a good year for government
officials and people involved in judicial fields professionally. As per
Capricorn 2014 astrology predictions, women may have to face
difficulties on the health front. Some of your near and dear ones may
have health problems that may be a concern to you. Majority of your
expenditure may be on medical grounds. Financial status may not
improve as per your expectations, but you may be able to manage the situation with the help of
your friends. As per Capricorn 2014 horoscope, those in the field of garments, gems and jewels
may gain more and the prospects are very good. According to the horoscope 2014, you can
acquire wealth through business and business partner. Some of your relatives may cause mental
tension to you and your family. If you are involved in a legal battle, you would not get good
results. Horoscope 2014 for Capricorn foretells that it will be better to get it postponed. Utmost
care has to be taken in safeguarding your property including movable assets. As per 2014
horoscope, communication with friends and relatives may result in strained relations. Horoscope
2014 suggests you to be prepared to face any hurdles that come in your way.
Capricorn Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

In the first half of 2014, you would have to make important decisions, take responsibility,
develop the business, get additional acquaintances. According to the Capricorn 2014 horoscope,
your connections with overseas partners would be valuable and beneficial; however, cooperation
may not be so smooth and it may bring a lot of trouble in the 2nd half of the year. Businessmen
may re-consider starting a new business in another city or country and may be financially
successful. Astrology 2014 for Capricorn predicts many hurdles in your path to achieve success,
and you would make the most of your abilities to solve them. It would be difficult to control your
power and authority on all the activities and undertakings. An employee may find himself in
trouble from his colleagues and office politics, but in the second half of 2014 his position would
be strong, and all difficulties from them could be handled with tact. In the second half of 2014,
you may have to face a different situation, as youll see immense changes happening in your
company. As a result, your position and job responsibilities may change. In a more difficult case,
youll have to think of a new job or starting your own business. Capricorn horoscope 2014
foretells that workload may increase and rewards may not happen. It may result in depression. At
the same time, complication of entrepreneurial activities may also happen. You may probably
have some misunderstanding with one of your colleagues. Trouble from the opposite sex at the
workplace is also indicated.

Capricorn Horoscope 2014: Finance

As per Capricorn 2014 horoscope, your financial status is quite positive in the 1st half of 2014.
Astrology 2014 foretells that your earnings would be stable and improve further. Your expenses
would be quite rational and predictable.
Capricorn Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

In the first half of 2014, your social circle would increase. It is a good time to develop interesting
contacts, flirting for single people, and those looking for romantic adventures. You may probably
have a love affair with a person arrived from some distant place, or youll be lucky to meet your
soulmate on a trip. These events are likely to happen in the 1st half of the year, according to the
horoscope 2014 for Capricorn. If your romance began in 2013, it may have good prospects and
would be successfully continued. However, you may face problems with relatives in the second
half of the year, as you may fail to meet their expectations, or fulfill your obligations. Those
working along with relatives may face a lot of problems, claims and disagreements. The second
half of 2014 is quite unfavorable for the majority of married couples. All the existing problems
may dig out, which may cause quarrels and conflicts. In the most difficult case, the question may
be that of divorce, division of property, and above all, of accommodation. As per Capricorn 2014
horoscope, married couples can purchase a new house, move to another city or country.
Naturally, these immense activities in marital life may bring much trouble and anxiety in the
family life.
Capricorn Horoscope 2014: Health

The positive influence of Saturn will increase your energy levels in the 1st half of 2014.
According to the Capricorn horoscope 2014, diseases may not be of any concern. After
November, you may face acute conditions or some unexpected illnesses. As Saturn is with Rahu,
do not self medicate as it may lead to complications.
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Capricorn:
Uttarashadha Horoscope 2014

Gains and success is indicated by Capricorn 2014 astrology. Wealth may be received from more
than one avenue. A promotion/transfer is indicated by horoscope 2014 for Capricorn. Status and
career is likely to be improved and stabilized by the end of the year.
Shravan Horoscope 2014

Authority and responsibility is likely to increase, as per 2014 astrology predictions. Leadership
and managerial skills will be improved in 2014. Investment in land and property will be

Dhanishta Horoscope 2014

Partnerships and contract agreements is likely to be beneficial, as per Capricorn 2014 horoscope.
Gains and success will be achieved in business/land and property related matters. Increase in
leadership skills is also seen by Capricorn horoscope 2014. Expenditure will increase, as per
astrology 2014 predictions.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014
Aquarius Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

Aquarius horoscope 2014 indicates that Jupiter in the 1st half of 2014
will increase your travels. Horoscope 2014 predicts that your creative
energy will be fully utilized. You may be fortunate through short travels,
correspondence and communications. Financial gains through various
angles may increase your bank balance in an unexpected manner, as per
Aquarius 2014 horoscope. You may be able to enjoy a very good family
life. Cordial atmosphere will prevail at domestic front. There may not be any dearth of funds.
Financially, 2014 can be termed as a good year. If you are in the stock market, you may gain
considerable profits. As per astrology 2014, businessmen may flourish well. On career front,
some of you may get elevation with financial gains. Some of your close friends may be in
trouble. This is a good time for getting benefits from gold and jewelry. Long standing problems
may get solved, according to Aquarius 2014 astrology.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

In 2014, you may be able to continue with your optimism and develop the business started last
year. This year you may find difficulties from your colleagues and superiors. You would find
yourself in difficult situation and it would require tact and diplomacy to come out of office
politics. Aquarius 2014 predictions foretell that conflicts are quite probable. Job change/transfers
are likely. You would be required to separate for brief periods with one of the business colleagues
or long-standing partners due to work pressure. You may also have to deal with problems with
high-rank persons or colleagues that may aggravate business affairs and contacts. However,
despite all the difficulties, the business/career would proceed as per plan. The planetary
placement is favorable for you and would give plenty of opportunities to transform your business
affairs. Expansion of business, purchase of office and renovations at workplace is possible.
Businessmen and employees can rely on their assistants and subordinates to get their work done.
In the second half of 2014, some problems may appear. Connections with partners from other
cities and countries may be a cause for concern. Overseas colleagues can fail to fulfill their
obligations that may cause disagreements and slow down the activities, according to the
Aquarius horoscope 2014. The end of 2014 would be troublesome and would give financial
difficulties. You may have higher expenses and find the finances difficult to control. If you are

planning to start a business abroad or in another city, you may be able to achieve success in
Aquarius Horoscope 2014: Finance

2014 would generally increase your earnings and income. In February, June and October you can
expect to get some additional income. However, the expenses may also increase correspondingly.
For some of you it may be connected with investments / developing of business, for others - with
plans to move in new premises in another city or country. The expenses may also be due to
spending on children.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

According to the Aquarius horoscope 2014 predictions, personal relationships may not go
smoothly. Many problems are expected with a significant coldness in your feelings. It is
especially for those, who have got used to mix business affairs, finance and love. During 2014,
you may face difficulties with children and it may result in heavy expenses. As per Aquarius
2014 predictions, you may decide to buy a house in another city or relocate abroad by the end of
the year. Your plans to move to a new house may come true in the end of the 2014 or in the
beginning of 2014. In the second half of 2014, you may have problems with relatives. According
to the horoscope 2014 for Aquarius, people close to you may take a conflicting position and it
may create difficulties in your family.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014: Health

In 2014, your energy level would be quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. The
optimism of Jupiter may increase your nervous energy. Hence, caution is advised against being a
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Aquarius:
Dhanishta Horoscope 2014

Travels and partnership will be beneficial to improve your status, as per Aquarius 2014 astrology
predictions. Communication and intellectual activities will increase. In 2014, ability to display
your talent will help you achieve your goals and targets.
Shatabhisha Horoscope 2014

High ambition and excellent leadership skill will help you to achieve your goals. As per Aquarius
2014 horoscope, you would be able to excel in your projects. Things will proceed according to
your plan. Support from colleagues/superiors will help you sail through your career targets.
Benefit from speculative activities will increase your financial status.

Purva Bhadrapada Horoscope 2014

According to the horoscope 2014, growth and prosperity in all activities is indicated. Success and
increase in optimism will give you happiness and wealth.

Pisces Horoscope 2014

Pisces Horoscope 2014: General Predictions

With Saturn and Rahu in the sign Libra, Pisces horoscope 2014 indicates
that it may not be a favorable year. You may experience
difficulties/obstacles in career and relationships. As per the horoscope
2014 for Pisces, your projects are likely to be delayed. Foreign travels
and residence abroad would not result in happiness. Those who are in
abroad may get a chance to reunite with the family. According to the
horoscope 2014, there is no threat to your health. You may maintain a disciplined financial
situation during 2014. Short journeys may pay rich dividends. Astrology 2014 says you may be
very active regarding your profession and business that may bring forth good fortune. On career
front, you may face the wrath from the superiors. Income from more than one source is indicated
by 2014 astrology predictions. Generally, 2014 is a good one for majority of the business minded
persons. You may be likely to get involved into problems with neighbors.
Pisces Horoscope 2014: Business - Career

2014 promises interesting and effective professional life. Businessmen may begin a new project
and may make new perspective contacts. 2014 is a period for making investments. However, you
may not be able to get the rewards immediately. Communication with colleagues from other
cities or countries will cause problems. As per Pisces 2014 astrology predictions, trips that may
contribute to the whole business development are possible. Some of you may think of purchasing
business premises and may be able to put the project into life in second half of the year. The
difficult side will be maintaining the relations with existing partners. Conflicts may dominate the
whole year and may finally cause serious financial disagreements. Most of the conflicts may
break out in the second half of 2014 with November being the most difficult month. At the same
time, you may get disappointed with friends or colleagues. An employee may see great changes
happening in his company and may begin to explore other possibilities. Difficulties with
employers and other problems are quite probable, which may give you an idea to look for
another job. Fortunately, positive new opportunities would come in the near future, and there
may be changes for the better. 2014 is favorable for beginning new work, which may prove to be
more interesting than the previous one; and may have better perspectives. People with creative
professions would be lucky, as fortune is likely to support their plan.

Pisces Horoscope 2014: Finance

Despite professional difficulties, there may be some financial problems. Most of them may
happen in the second half of 2014, when the financial status may be shifting. It may be
connected with expansion of business or with financial claims of partners. Speculative activities
would be favorable in the 2nd half of 2014. Those who are not involved in the world of business
would receive additional wealth in the form of hereditary wealth, dividends, part time jobs etc.
Pisces Horoscope 2014: Love - Relationships

In domestic and love relations, you may be required to settle a difficult situation. Influence of
Jupiter in Gemini in the 1st half of the year makes you more optimistic, resolute and independent
that may have an effect on relations with your partner and former relationships. According to the
horoscope 2014, the most difficult time is the end of March and April, when youll finally make
a choice. 2014 provides enough opportunities to find the right partner. A new love may enter
your life in the 2nd half of 2014 when transit of Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer and it may affect
your existing relationship. In the second half of 2014, divorcing couples may start a struggle for
shared property and the future of their children. 2014 promises a romantic encounter after June
Pisces Horoscope 2014: Health

In the first half of 2014, your energy level is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. In the
second half of the year, however, existing illnesses may reveal themselves, or new ones may
suddenly appear. You need to be more attentive to your health and minimize risks of traumas and
Lets have a look at the prediction 2014 for individual stars consisting Pisces:
Purva Bhadrapada Horoscope 2014

Change of job and career is indicated by Pisces 2014 astrology horoscope. High ambition and
plans may not proceed as per your expectations. According to Pisces 2014 horoscope predictions,
students may have to face disappointments. Partnerships may not be helpful.
Uttarabhadrapada Horoscope 2014

Difficulties from government agencies/society would be felt by 2014 Pisces horoscopes.

Students may have to face disappointments. As per Pisces 2014 astrology, increase in spiritual
activities is indicated. Fraud/theft and losses in finances would be likely.
Revathi Horoscope 2014

Communication related difficulties would be felt in 2014. Lack of clarity of thought, inability to
express yourself may lead to problems at the workplace. As per 2014 horoscope for Pisces
predictions, confusion and separation from partner in the latter half of the year is indicated.

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs for 2014 Year of Horse

2014 Chinese New Year of Horse
100 Horses for 2014 Chinese New Year
Forbidden City Chinese New Year
2014 Chinese New Year Day will arrive on January 31, 2014. Chinese Year of Horse begins on
February 4, 2014 according to Chinese Astrology Calendar. 2014 is the Year of Wooden Horse.
Wood is related to tree or green. Therefore, 2014 is also called Year of
Green Horse.
Chinese Astrology is a prediction theory using Yin-Yang Five Elements.
The astrological birth chart built by Chinese Astrology Calendar is a
combination chart of Yin-Yang Five Elements and 12 animals. Five
Elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. Twelve animal are Rat,
Cow, Tiger, Dragon, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog
and Pig. All animal signs can be converted into Five Elements, Therefore, every birth chart has
its own Five Element weights. Chinese Astrology use Yin Yang balance theory to predict people's
The Chinese astrology symbol for 2014 Green Horse Year is
. Before
predicting your 2014 fortune regarding to your money, career, marriage or health, you have to
know what Type of Element you are and what your Lucky Element is. The Lucky Element is
the major factor to determine people's good fortune. Basically, if 2014 of Green Horse contains
your Lucky Element, then 2014 will be your good year. 2014 is Green Wood Horse year. Horse
is in Fire group. Therefore, if your Lucky Element is Wood or Fire, then you will do well in
To know your birth chart, Five Element scores and your Lucky Element is from the Chinese
Astrology Lucky Element page using your date of birth and time of birth.
Your Lucky Element
The following is the example of the Chinese Astrology Birth Chart.

The Birth Chart of June 15, 2008

Upper Row of Day Column (Day Master) represents the Person

Fire represents the person. This Birth Chart shows Fire-Type Person
This person was born on June 15, 2008 or June 30, 1948. The symbol of the upper row of the
Day Column (a.k.a. Day Master) represents the person. So we can say Day Master is Male Fire,
which represents the person. The birth chart has too little Metal and needs more Metal to balance
the Five Elements. Therefore, the Lucky Element is Metal.
2014 is Male Wooden Horse year. Horse contains mainly Fire. Therefore, 2014 is Wood on the
Fire. Wood can help Fire to burn hotter, higher and longer. This birth chart already has too much
Fire. The strong Fire of 2014 makes this birth chart even more imbalanced. It's is not a good
sign. The extremely stronger Fire lets this short-tempered person become even more hottempered. The irritating personality will bring very poor and hostile relationships with friends
and siblings. Furthermore, the bad investment, money loss and financial problems will come
Fortune and Lucky Element
The following table shows people's luck in 2014 based on their Luck Element.
When Metal is your Lucky Element, then 2014 is not a good year to you.
Horse of 2014 contains mainly Fire. Metal is afraid of Fire. Metal and Wood of 2014 are
opposite elements; they have fighting relationship. Luckily, Horse contains Female Earth, which
has attraction relationship with Wood of 2014 into Earth. Earth is the mother element of Metal.
Metal shouldn't be hurt by Fire too bad. But the fortune of 2014 is quite little. If Water is found
in the birth chart or Major Cycle, then that can cool down the Fire and help Metal to survive. If
Dragon or Cow is found in the birth chart or Major Cycle, then Metal will have the protection

when Fire attacks. In this case, 2014 should be fine. If Metal is weak and hurt by Fire of 2014,
then you need to pay attention on your respiratory system, because Metal is connected to lungs.
If Water is your Lucky Element, then 2014 is not a good year to you.
Horse of 2014 contains Fire and Earth. Although, Water is not afraid of Fire. But Earth of Horse
can protect Fire from attacking by Water. Also, Wood of 2014 makes Fire stronger. That means
Water cannot win over the Fire of 2014. Water should be too weak to help the birth chart
,therefore the fortune of 2014 is limited. If Water is extremely weak in the birth chart, then we
might have to pay attention on your kidneys, the urinary system.
When Wood is your Lucky Element, then 2014 is a good year to you.
2014 is a Wooden Fire Horse year. Fire is the child element of Wood. Mother Wood always helps
child Fire to burn stronger. Wood does the giving without taking. Eventually, Wood will burn
into dust. That implies 2014 will bring some kind of opportunities first, then those opportunities
will disappear. Therefore, when we get help or advice from people, we need to learn from them
as much as possible. We need to prepare to do job by ourselves when the helpers are not
available. If there is no Fire or little Fire in the birth chart, Fire of 2014 will become very helpful.
This is because Wood (Tree) need water, earth and sunshine to grow taller and stronger. When
lucky element Wood gains support from Fire, then stronger Wood will bring your better luck in
When Fire is your Lucky Element, then your luck in 2014 is excellent.
Horse is the strong animal containing Fire. Wood is the mother element of Fire. Wood can help
Fire to burn longer. Wood also can protect Fire from extinguishing by Water. Wood and Fire
together form a perfect combination for Fire. The fortune of 2014 will come very soon and last
for at least one year long. Although, Fire is the lucky element, you still need to keep your mind
on your heart, cardiovascular system during strong Fire Year.
When Earth is your Lucky Element, then your luck in 2014 is very good.
2014 is Male Wood Horse Year. Horse contains Female File and Female Earth. Fire is the mother
element of Earth. Earth is afraid of Wood. But Male Wood of 2014 and the Female Earth inside
Horse have attraction relationship into Earth. That implies Horse can turn Earth's enemy into its
friend. 2014 might bring a little trouble at the beginning, but it will end up a good result. Just be
patience, something will be changing different and better right after spring.

Fortune and Day Master Type

The following table informs people's what event may occur in 2014 based on their Day Master
Element Type.
Day Master is the upper row symbol in the Day Column of the Birth Chart.
When Metal is your Day Master...
Wood of 2014 represents money or wealth to Metal. Therefore the money event will appear in
2014. If you have strong Metal in your birth chart, then you will have better money luck will be
better. This is because you had known how to mange the money in the past. You should have a
chance to increase your income, investments or wealth. But if you have a weak Metal in the birth
chart, then you will feel short of money soon or later.
Snake of 2013 contains Fire. Horse of 2014 also contains Fire. Metal is afraid of Fire, which
represents pressure, job, boss, teacher, career, trouble or law to Metal. Basically, your career luck
will be same to 2013. If you were doing well in your career in 2013, then your career luck will
continue and you might have better career promotion opportunity to expand your power and
working responsibilities during 2014. If you have trouble in your career in 2013, then the job
pressure will be still there in 2014. You might have much more workload and tighter schedule for
your tasks.
2014 Wooden Horse contains Wood and Fire. Wood is money and Fire is career. If you are own
your business and have strong Metal in the birth chart, then your business will grow more than
your expectation and company's profit will increase much more than previous year. If you work
for someone with strong Metal, then you should have a job promotion or people will pay you
more for your work. Money and career will arrive in the same pace.
But if you have weak Metal and Metal cannot fight against Wood and Fire, then money and job
will bring you big trouble. If you are a business person, then you might have money loss in your
business or you will pay penalty for your mistake in business. If you are an employee in an
organization, you cannot be greedy on money. You have better not to receive illegal money.
Otherwise, money will bring you bad reputation, even a lawsuit.
If you are a man, then Wood of 2014 is connected to women, girlfriend or wife. If you are single,
then you should have chances to meet some women in the social networks. If you are married,
then you will spend more time in activities with your spouse. If you are a woman, then Fire of
2014 connects to your boyfriend, husband or love opportunity. Therefore, a single woman should
increase their social activities to meet more opposite sex. A married woman will spend time with
her husband or her own career.
When Water is your Day Master...
Wood of 2014 represents your outlook, performance, speech, behavior, freedom or expression.
That means 2014 is the time to show your talent to people. Your social life makes you a little bit
busier. If you become popular, the people will know you better. Therefore, Wood relates to your

fame or reputation. If people like your manner, then you should earn a good reputation from
them. If people don't like your way, then people will give you negative reputation.
Fire of 2014 Horse represents your money, wealth, luxury life and financial status. The Fire
Horse of 2014 is the continuation from Fire Snake of 2013. If you have good money luck in
2013, then the money luck will keep coming toward you. If you suffer the pain of money in
2013, then the money pressure will be there waiting for you to resolve.
Horse of 2014 also contains Earth, which presents the career, pressure or law. If you have strong
Water in your birth chart, then both of your money and career luck will be great in 2014. If you
Water is too weak in the birth chart and cannot accept the challenge from money and career
pressure, then bad health might come after. If people cannot properly manage money, then there
is a chance to encounter a lawsuit because of money,
Water people will face the challenge from reputation, money and career in 2014. It's hard to win
them all. But if they have good planning with confidence inside themselves, then it's not difficult
to earn money with reputation or money with career in the Wooden Horse Year.
Horse contains Fire, which is connected to girlfriend or wife to a man. Horse contains Earth,
which is connected to boyfriend or husband to a woman. Therefore, Horse brings love
opportunity and relationship for Water people. If you are single, you should attend more social
activities. You should have chances to build good friendship. If you are in love, then you will
spend more time with your love in 2014.
When Wood is your Day Master...
Wood of 2014 represents your friends, siblings, or same generation relatives. You will spend
some of your time with them in 2014. If your Wood is weak in the birth chart, then 2014 will be
good year to you because your friends or relatives will be around to help you whenever you
need. They will provide good advice, which will make your job easier and bring your money
investment luckier.
If your Wood is strong in the birth chart, then your relatives or friends will bring money trouble
to you. It's not a smart move to have risky investment with them or provide them a short-term
loan. However, we sometimes have to spend money to help someone we love for their health,
education, business, career or special events. And this might happen in 2014
Fire of 2014 Horse represents your speech, behavior, outlook, expression or talent. It's time to
make yourself becoming popular. If your performance is good, then you will hear lots of
compliments from people. You will enjoy the social activities a lot with your friends. If people
don't your words and acts, then you will get bad reputation from them. The social life will make
you tired.

Earth of 2014 Horse is connected to your money, finance or wealth. If you earn good reputation
from people, then you will earn more income via that reputation. If your reputation is bad out
there, then you will have difficulty to bring in money into your pocket.
Wood people will spend most of time to deal with friends, reputation and money in 2014. If you
have good people relationship, then that friendship will help you to bring in great money and
decent wealth all the way. But if you social connection is poor, then you don't have to expect
good luck in money.
Earth of 2014 is also connected to girlfriend or wife to a man. If you are male, then your love
opportunity or love relationship will be better than a female. Usually, a man has a good love
relationship, when he has good income during that moment.
When Fire is your Day Master...
Wood of 2014 represents your parents, mentors, elders, protection, knowledge, education or
medicine. Therefore, you will often contact your parents or persons who care you. Or you will
spend more time in learning knowledge. Or you will pay attention on your health. Or you are
planning to buy a valuable property. Or you feel lots of support in your career path. All these are
the sign of Wood to Fire people in 2014.
Fire of 2014 Horse represents your siblings, relatives or same generation friends. Since you will
spend most of your time with them, your social activities will increase. When similar age people
meet together, either they spend money together, or they group as a team to earn money. If your
Fire is strong in the birth chart, then you usually act as a group leader. Most of time, a team
leader will do more giving than taking. From fortunetelling angle, a team leader will take less
money into his pocket. If your Fire is weak in the birth chart, then you will get more support,
advice, benefit from your group. Your money luck will be better than the group leader.
Earth of 2014 Horse represents your outlook, performance, expression or behavior showing to
people. Fire of Horse brings many of your relatives and friends to you. Earth of Horse gives you
opportunity to perform and show off. If your birth chart already contains lots of Earth, then
people around you will criticize you talking too much. If your birth chart only has little Earth,
people will listen when you talk and send you compliment. Either way, you will feel relaxing,
freedom and joyful.
2014 brings you the love from family, elders, friends and youths. You will deal and contact with
more people, since the increasing of social life. Sometimes, you need to be patience with people,
strong Fire of 2014 might bring you short-tempered, which will bring you bad reputation. If you
have blood or heart disease, then you need to check out your cardiovascular system before
When Earth is your Day Master...

Wood of 2014 represents your job, career, boss, police or law. Your behaviors or activities will
encounter some restrictions. Or your work at company will bring you pressure. Or you might be
losing courage when facing a big challenge. If you are a female, then 2014 also is a year for love
relationship because Wood is connected to boyfriend or husband.
Fire in 2014 Horse represents your parents, elders, education, knowledge, or health. Therefore,
you will spend some time to contact your parents, elders. You might focus on education to
expand your knowledge and skills. You also might watch your health often. Fire is the mother
element of Earth. 2014 will bring more support, safety, protection and stronger determination.
Earth in 2014 presents your siblings, friends or same generation relatives. Therefore, 2014 will
be busy year for you to hang around your old and new friends. That's a sign of money
opportunity. Friends might advise and inform you the location of treasure. So you know where to
get it. But it might be the other around, your friends want to share your treasure, then you need to
donate some to them. This might happen, if you have strong Earth in your birth. In short, if Earth
is your lucky element, then it brings you extra income. If Earth is an unlucky element, then
money loss is possible.
2014 contains Wood, Fire and Earth, which are related to career, support and confidence. If you
have trouble on the career before, then 2014 is a very good year for your career development.
You have good job opportunity in 2014, people around like to support you and you have more
confidence to take the challenge position. This is a sign of success in career.

Rabbit is a shy, alert and resourceful animal. It can run very quickly. But Horse can run even
faster. Horse can inspire Rabbit's potential, creativity and courage. In Chinese Five Elements
theory, Rabbit is in the Wood group. Wood is related to tree. Horse contains Fire, Fire is related
to Sun. Tree always need the energy from Sun to grow taller. Therefore, When Rabbit meets
Horse, Rabbit receives lots of benefits from Horse. 2014 must be a good year to Rabbit people.
There are Happiness Star, Romantic Star, Sun Star and Blessing Star appearing in year of
Wooden Horse. Rabbit people will do well in their career development. They will have good
people relationship with their friends and good love relationship with their families. A surprising,
joyful and happy event will happen in 2014.
Career: 2014 is Wooden Horse Year. Wood of 2014 brings Rabbit friends, supports and courage.
Horse contains Fire and Earth. Earth represents money to Rabbit. Therefore, Horse brings Rabbit

talent and money. The conclusion is Rabbit people can handle any challenges of career and earn
a good income from their jobs in 2014.
Rabbit people are kind, clam, poised with outstanding talent. They will have many idea out of
their mind for their jobs. They also have endless energy to implement their tasks. They have
good people relationship in their working environment. Their communication skill will be
improved significantly. All these factors will help Rabbit people working easy in the office. But
they don't have too much chance for a job promotion, since the Career Star doesn't appear in
2014. But their pay will increase, because the Money Star is hidden in the Horse.
When Rabbit learns how to run faster from Horse, Rabbit might become proud, then arrogant.
This will impact the career development. Be nice to people and stay away the political
competition are very important for your future career path.
Money: The money luck is great to Rabbit people in 2014. Rabbit people will use more their
talent, appearance, reputation and presentation to earn money. Either you work for someone or
own your business, you must use their brain and wisdom to pursuit extra income. This kind of
opportunity in 2014 won't happen every year. If you are too lazy, then you still have a good
financial year, but you won't have extra saving.
Rabbit people will spend more their time on social activities in the Horse year. Your social
expense will increase. If you have personal money transitions with friends, that's not a good idea.
If a friend invites you a risky adventure for a quick return, then that's not a good idea, either.
There is a sign of money loss related to friends in 2014. Your income must earn using your
energy or brain. Your money luck is good in 2014, but you still need to watch the risk.
Love: Both Romantic Star and Happiness Star are coming in the year of Horse. The love
relationship to Rabbit people is super. Rabbit people don't have too much love opportunity last
year, because there was a Lonely Star in 2013. 2014 is totally different. If you are looking for
love, then it's time to go out to join social activities. Your appearance and expression will impress
people and people will pay more attention on you. The friendship will build from there.
If you are in love, then it's time to build deeper relationship. The engagement or marriage
opportunity is possible. But don't push yourself too hard. To respect your lover's feeling and
opinion is very critical. If you are marred and plan for a baby, then 2014 is a good year to
welcome the new born. This is because that the animal of Rabbit can reproduce its next
generation very fast.
Health: Just like in 2013, Rabbit people need to use lots of brain power for their career and
people relationship. Since the busy schedule, Rabbit people should learn better time management
for your task and the social events. To maintain a good health is required enough rest and
relaxation. There is a hurting sign in 2014. Rabbit people might have to travel more than last
year. You should focus the driving safety while on the road.

2014 is a Wooden Horse year, which is a strong Fire year. It's possible that Rabbit people have
too much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in cardiovascular
system. Too less Water will cause problem in urinary system.

Horse doesn't like Rat at all. They said Horse will die when it eats the feces of Rat. Therefore,
Rat people's fortune won't be too good in 2014 Horse year. According to Chinese Horoscopes
Five-Element theory, Rat is in Water group and Horse is in Fire group. Fire is afraid of Water.
But horse contains strongest Fire among 12 animals. Fire of Horse and Water of Rat will fight
badly together. That's a sign of quarrel and dispute.
2013 of Snake year is the first year of Fire cycle. 2014 of Horse year is the second year of Fire
Cycle. If you do well in 2013, then you will continue to do well in 2014. If 2013 did bring you
bad luck, then you have to watch out in 2014 and prepare to face coming troubles. Fire is related
to money to Rat. The major activity in 2014 must be something to do with money and friends.
Rat contains Water. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Earth can make Water disappear and bring
pressure on Rat. To fight with Fire and Earth, Rat Water will be exhausted in 2014. Therefore,
Rat people will feel not enough energy in 2014.
Career: Rat people's career in 2014 won't be good. The main reason is Horse and Rat have
hostile and fighting relationship. That is the sign of disagreement or argument. That means the
career path is not smooth and stable. Horse can run fast, which is a sign of movement and
traveling. So you will have busy schedule for your job assignments. You might have to work
extra hours or have to work out of town. A relocation for new job assignment is possible.
Chancing a new position or new company is also possible. All these are good signs. If you don't
accept the challenge, you will lose the opportunity during the competition.
If you complain lots of pressure on your position, then you won't be happy in the office. Either
you change a new boss or new company, the new position will still keep you busy. Your people
relationship is poor in the Horse year. You have better be patient and not have any conflicts with
people. Otherwise, you will face more obstacles in your career development. Keeping a low
profile is the key to have a peaceful career in 2014.
Money: Your money luck is fair in 2014. Horse contain Fire. Rat is Water. Fire is connected to
money to Rat people. Therefore money related activities will increase. Rat people will see many
money opportunities, but they have to fight to own it. If you win, then Horse brings you good
income. If you lose, then Horse brings a money loss. Since there is an Exhausted Star to Rat

people in 2014. This tells us that money pressure makes you tired and you might feel short of
money in the year of Horse.
Rat people need lots of wisdom to manage their financial investment in the Horse year. They
must be alert and take more considerations before taking investment decisions. If you need to
look for the investment partners or financial advisors, you can find the people born in year of
Dragon or Monkey. They can help you to fight with the pressure from Horse and protect your
wealth. As long as you are not greedy, you will have stable income.
Love: The Love relationship for Rat people in 2014 is poor. Rat is in Water Group and Horse is
in Fire Group. Therefore, Rat and Horse cannot get along too well. Pig people shouldn't expect a
good result in love relationship. However, if you are a male, then Horse is connected to a female
to you. So male Rat people have better chances to meet the opposite sex in 2014. You still can
succeed in looking for love, if you can avoid conflict and quarrel with friends around.
If you are single and looking for love, then the first step is to spend more time and money for
social activities. You might know or meet someone you like far away from your house. You
might need to drive a little bit further to meet him or her. Or you might find someone special
from Internet social network. If you are lucky, then love will keep you busy. If you are already in
love, then can spend more time to maintain your relationship. If you are married, then you can
plan for your vacation on traveling to enjoy your love relationship. Year of Horse is easier to
bring up argument or dispute to Rat people. As long as Rat people can control their temper, the
love relationship will be fine.
Health: Rat people might need to consume lots of brain power and energy for their income in
2014. Since Horse year will be a busy year, you have to learn how to manage your schedule and
reserve time for enough rest and relax after work. If you ruin your health, then you might lose
your opportunity on your career and wealth. If you have health issue on kidney, bladder or
cardiovascular system in 2013, then you need to continue monitor the condition to prevent it
becoming a bigger problem in 2014.

Cow is an animal that lives in the farm. Horse is treated better than Cow by human. People
always prepare a big running ground for Horses. Cow do more hardship farming job than Horses.
Cow may be jealous on Horse. The relationship between Cow and Horse is not too good.
In Chinese horoscope, Cow is in Earth group and Horse is in Fire group. Fire is the mother
element of Earth, since Fire can burn things into Earth. Fire is related to parents, education and
protection to Cow. So actually Horse cares about Cow. Since Cow people will receive benefits

from parents, they will care about their family members, too.
In Chinese Five Element theory, Cow contains Earth with some Water. So Cow is connected to a
moist soil or organic farmland. Fire of Horse is connected to sunshine. Without growing
vegetable or plant, the land is wasted. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood is connected to tree or
plant. Therefore, Cow people can expect a good harvest in 2014.
Career: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 is the Career Star to Cow. Cow people
will focus on their energy on career in 2014. Career Wood will bring opportunity and pressure on
Cow. Horse to Cow is the Parent Star. Horse will help Cow to handle the pressure. That means
someone will help Cow people when the problem appears. Therefore, Cow people's career luck
should be much better than the previous year.
Snake of 2013 is also a Fire year. Basically, the career luck will carry over from 2013. If you did
well in 2013, Then 2014 will bring you even better career opportunity. However, there is an issue
when Horse comes too close Cow. Horse contains Fire and Earth, which is related to your boss,
partners or competitors. Since Cow people are hardworking animal with tiny complaint, your
boss or partners might give you extra works or responsibilities to make you extremely busy. If
your tasks are overloaded, then your productivity falls and your reputation will be damaged.
Money: Water is connected to money to Cow people. There is no Water in the Wooden Horse
year. Therefore, money luck to Cow is fair in 2014. Cow people should look for stable income
from the salary job. Any short-term risky investment is not recommended. To invest money on
real estates or house improvement is a better approach. Basically, money management should use
the same method as Snake year. If you have money loss last year, you must be too greedy and
didn't read our advices in 2013.
Love: Horse is the Romantic Star to Cow. That implies that Cow people have good people
relationship and have better opportunity to meet the opposite sex in 2014. But since the mutual
hurting relationship of Cow and Horse, The love relationship to Cow people in 2014 is hard to
end up a good result. If you look for a love, then it's difficult to find someone who wants to
commit a long-term relationship with you. If you are married or in love, then you have to pay
attention on the feeling inside your lover. The love relationship to Cow people is full of
suspicion, distrust, critic, complaint and damages. You need to learn how to tolerate, accept,
understand, considerate and forgive the one you love. This is the simple way to avoid to bruise
each other.
By the way, green Cow and white Horse are bad combination for love relationship. Those people
will constantly argue on many subjects. They can make up, but won't last too long.
Health: Horse is the Parent Star to Cow. Cow people should know how to take care their health.
Horse is a Travel Star and it might hurt Cow. Therefore, Cow people should watch out their
safety while traveling. Fire is also related to medical care to Cow. When driving, you should
focus on the road to avoid any accident.

Cow people should do the regular exercise and take enough time to rest and relax as last year.
Cow people should pay attention on the digestion system, which are intestines and stomach.

Tiger is a carnivorous animal. But Horse can share a land with Tiger. Maybe Horse can outrun
the Tiger. In Chinese Five Element theory, Horse contains mainly Fire. Tiger contains mainly
Wood. Wood helps Fire to burn. Wood is the mother Element of Fire. Mother and Child elements
won't fight each other. Therefore, Tiger and Horse can get along together.
According to Chinese horoscopes, Tiger and Horse have attraction relationship because of Fire.
That is the main reason that Tiger and Horse can get along well together. This is good sign for
Tiger people. But there is unlucky Ghost Star appearing in 2014. Therefore, the fortune of Tiger
people is mixing good and bad in 2104. While everything goes smoothly, Tiger people still need
to pay attention on any ghost behind them. It's possible that a villain plans to pull your legs
because of jealousness. In short, Tiger people shouldn't get dizzy with success. Otherwise, good
luck might become a misfortune.
Career: Tiger contains Wood, which is related to tree. Horse contains Fire. Fire is sunshine and
energy, which helps tree growing taller. With the help from Horse, Tiger will improve its
working ability and expand its responsibilities. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 will
let Tiger becoming even stronger. That is a sign of leadership. People around will support you.
It's a good time to express your creativities to people. A Salary Star is also appearing in 2014.
That is the sign of extra income. Also, this implies the opportunity of promotion.
Fire of Horse is the Child Element to Wood of Tiger. Parents always spend energy on their
children. Horse is also a Travel Star. Therefore, Horse will make Tiger busy and tired. If your
job's workload increases in 2014, then that is normal and that is the opportunity to show your
capability to people. And you should be able to overcome the challenge in the Wooden Horse
Money: The Salary Star comes Cow people in Wooden Horse year. Firstly, you must hold a job.
Then, you will have a decent and stable income. This money luck is not from windfall, gambling
or risky investment. You need to spend some energy, strength and sweat to get it.
Horse contains Fire and some Earth. Earth is connected to money to Tiger people. So Tiger
enters the land of money opportunity in 2014. Since your people relationship is good, people will
invite you for financial investment. If you are involved the investment, then you shouldn't count
on your money luck to wait for your return. you still need to monitor the investment carefully to
make sure your investment safe. This is because that the Ghost Star is wandering around and

looking for chances to take advantage over Tiger people. In general, as long as you focus on your
career, then you don't have to worry about the money income.
Love: The love relationship for Tiger people in the year of Horse is pretty good. Tiger people's
people relationship in 2013 is poor. If you still have the connection, then it's about time to try for
a closer relationship. Tiger, Horse and Dog are very good combination for love relationship. If
you are looking for love, then try on people born in year of Horse or year of Dog. It's easier to
start up the relationship with them.
If your love relationship is unstable now, then you have to watch anyone sowing discord between
you and your lover. You need to build your relationship constantly and not let the emotion of
love cool down. Otherwise, your rival in love will win the competition.
Health: Tiger people will be full of energy in the year of Wooden Horse year. And Tiger people
will have a good mood, because of their good people relationship. Your outdoor activities will
increase. You might spend more time in travel. So you just need to watch the safety on the road.
It's easy to get hurt on your arms or legs in 2014. Before you do exercise, you must do enough
warm up to avoid injury. If you have trouble regarding to cardiovascular and digestion systems
for a while, then it's time to visit your doctor to check it up

Chinese Dragon is an animal in the sky. Horse is an animal on the ground. They are in the
separate world. They don't have too much in common. Both of them like to complete to be a
leader. They don't have direct conflict. But it's hard for them to become close friends.
Year of Horse brings in more Unlucky Stars than Lucky Stars to Dragon people. When people
are lucky, they can find someone's help when they are in trouble. Dragon people are not that
lucky in the Horse year. Dragon people will face different problems in 2014. But their close
friends are not around. Dragon people need to deal with the trouble by themselves. Year of Horse
will be a challenge year for Dragon people.
Note: This view is from Traditional Chinese Horoscopes. Chinese Five Element Astrology might
give you different opinion, which determines people luck by Five Elements, not animals.
Career: The people relationship will become poor to Dragon people in 2014. Dragon people
need to open their eyes to identify who are the friends or who are the enemies. They should
always think twice before next move. It's not a good idea to show your aggressive ambition on
the career competition. To changing job in the beginning of the Horse Year is not a smart move.
either. There is an Up-and-Down Star in 2014. That's is a sign of uncertainty.

It's time to contact your close friends often. When you need help, they can be found soon. When
they are available, you won't feel alone. So you can make your decision firmly and quickly by
considering their advices or opinions. As long as courage and confidence with you, you should
be able to handle the career development in 2014.
Money: There is a Golden Star appearing in 2014. That sign shows Dragon people have chance
to meet rich and noble person. Another meaning is you will deal with money related task or
activity often. That means you can see many money opportunities there. But that doesn't mean
you can have them all.
In Five Element theory, Dragon contains mainly Earth. Water is connected to money to Dragon.
Year of Horse contains Fire and Earth. There is no Water in the 2014. That tells us that no strong
money luck toward Dragon people in 2014. So the money luck is unstable. Basically, Dragon
people shouldn't do risky investment. There is no easy income in 2014. You must use your
energy and mind to earn your reward. If you need to do an investment, it's better to ask financial
experts to suggest your a financial plan before taking action. When doing the investment, you
can choose Water related fields such as marine, transportation, shipping, swimming, drinking,
public media, broadcasting, social work or Internet.
Love: The luck of love relationship is fair to Dragon people in 2014. Horse won't bring too much
chemistry of love to Dragon. If you are single and looking for love, then you need to be patient
because there is no Romance Star toward you in 2014. You have better chance in the March,
August, September and November.
If you are in love, then the love relationship development will be slow. That's fine. As long as
you can hold on the relationship. If you are married, you probably will be busy for your career
and money income. But sometimes you should be slow down, take a rest and spend time for your
Health: The health luck to Dragon people is below average. since some pressures might come
from career, finance or love area. The worry and depression might constantly haunt around. You
can to find your close friends to talk about your feelings. That will help you to relax your body
and soul, then bring back your energy and spirit.
Dragon people also have to pay attention on the safety, because of an injury sign showing in
2014. They must drive very carefully on the road to avoid the hospital treatment. The activities
related to ocean, lake, boating and swimming are not recommended. To have enough sleep and
rest is a simple way to relax yourself. Dragon people shouldn't miss regular meals. So you have
good health and full energy to accept challenges.

2013 shouldn't be a great year for most of the Snake people. This is because there are too many
taboos when Snake people are in the Snake Year. 2014 is Year of Horse. In Chinese Five
Elements theory, Snake and Horse are in Fire group. They are same gang. They can get along
well. That's a 2014 good news for Snake people.
The lucky Salary Star, Intelligent Star and Romance Star come toward Snake people in 2014.
The career luck, money luck and people relationship will be good. Year of Horse is the time to
re-boot your life. Snake people need to learn from Horse, move faster and even fly higher to
move up your level of life for yourself and family.
Career: Your hardship, discipline and cultivation from the previous year bring you good results
this year. 2014 is Wooden Horse year. Wood is related to Snake's education and Intelligence.
Snake people will become much smarter. Since your people relationship will be good, a career
promotion is possible. Also, the Salary Star appears in 2014, your pay is not only stable, the
salary raise will come.
If you are in school, your academic achievement will have big improvement. If you want to
attend an examination for career license or looking for a government job, then the Intelligent
Star will help you to reach your goal.
Money: Snake people have slow income last year. In 2014, Snake people have very good career
luck. The career position brings people the fixed and stable income. Snake people also have
clear mind and creative idea in the year of Horse. They can start a new project or new investment
to pursuit their wealth in 2014. Since Salary Star comes toward you, you can try on any job
opportunity for better pay. In short, you must earn money from your wisdom. To gamble a risky
investment without using brain is still danger. Male Snake people will do better investment and
know how to earn money easier and quicker than Female Snake people in 2014.
Love: In Chinese horoscopes, Horse and Snake have attraction relationship because of Fire.
Also, Horse brings a Romantic Star to Snake people in 2014. Therefore, the love relationship of
Snake people must be great this year. If you are a single, it's time to join the social activities to
find your companion. If you are in love, then your love relationship will be sweeter. You should
think about a deeper relationship. If you are married, then you will have a wonderful marriage
life in 2014. If you have double love relationships, then the Romantic Star could bring your
Health: There is a slight illness sign showing in 2014. That shouldn't create a big issue. As long
as Snake people have good habit of enough sleep, right eating, proper exercise and good
sanitation in your daily life, they will recover their health quickly when any small illness occurs.
Senior Snake people might have to watch their health more often. Senior people should avoid to
plan for a long-distance travel during the summer.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Horse is Fire and Wood helps Fire to burn longer. Snake is Fire,
too. The Fire is too strong in 2014. It's possible that Snake people have too much Fire or too less

Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in cardiovascular system. Too less Water will
cause problem in urinary system.

hat is a sign of jinx in Chinese horoscope when a Horse meets another Horse from the yearly
cycle. That tells us that the year of Horse won't be a good year for Horse people. The scene is
that if a Horse is passing by a town with a local Horse tyrant in charge. If Horse people can keep
quiet, then they will be safe and pass the town. If Horse people want to mess with or challenge
the tyrant, then trouble will come to them during their journey.
That means Horse people will travel under somebody's territory. Horse people needs to play in
low-profile during 2014. Their people friendship, love relationship, money management or job
competition might encounter a certain limitation during the Horse year.
Career: There is a Military General Star coming toward Horse people in 2014. That's is a sign
of power and leadership. When Horse meets Horse, that implies the competition. Since Horse
people enter enemy's territory, the competition is underdog to Horse people. In order to gain the
leadership, Horse people will face many challenges. Therefore, you will spend lots of time with
your friends, supporters or competitors to solve issues regarding to the business. If you failed to
handle that properly, you will lose your reputation, even power. As a result, you might blame on
yourself. You have better be humble and patient first. To take action, you must waiting for good
timing. Anyway, to build good people relationship will give your career development much
Horse can run very fast and far away. However, without a guide on its back, Horse doesn't know
where it should go. Therefore, to listen people's opinion is very important for Horse people in
Money: Horse people will deal a lots with money in 2014. You will involve or be in charge of
money management, because of the Military General Star. People around you are watching the
money in your hands. They will be trying anything they can to utilize your money resources you
have. They will ask your out often. therefore, your social activities and social expenses will
increase. To loan money to your friends is not a good idea in the Horse year. That might become
a dispute in the agreement later on. Then you may lose the friendship. 2014 is also not a good
year to invest money on uncertain business. Watch your money tightly, especially in the summer.
Your money luck will be better when the weather is cooling down.
Love: The love relationship of Horse people is fair today. There is a Popularity Star appearing
in 2014. That will help single Horse people to meet a opposite sex. However, you still have the

competition out there and the development of relationship will be slow. If you are in school, then
you should focus more on the study. Spending too much time on the new relationship won't give
you better or faster result. If you are in love and you want to push closer relationship on your
lover, then you might hurt yourself in the end. If you are married, you might have little quarrel.
So to put your focus on the career development or financial management is a better approach.
Health: Horse people should have stronger body and mind than the previous year. If they have
slight illness, they should be able to recover quickly, as long as they have enough sleeping and
rest. But Horse people in the Horse year usually don't have a long-lasting good mood, which
could impact their health. So don't forget to do the annual physical examination. One Hurting
Star arrives to Horse people in 2014. So they have better drive very carefully on the road and try
to avoid dangerous sports.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Horse is Fire and Wood helps Fire to burn longer. There are too
much Fire coming toward Horse people in 2014. It's quite possible that Horse people have too
much Fire or too less Water in 2014. Too much Fire will cause problem in the cardiovascular
system. Too less Water will cause problem in the urinary system.

Sheep and Horse have many things in common. They are herbivore. They are animals that enjoy
outdoor under the Sun. Sometimes farmers put Sheep inside the Horse's stable during the night
as Horse's companion. In Chinese Horoscope theory, Sheep and Horse have attraction
relationship because of Fire. Therefore, there is no problem for Sheep and Horse living together.
This implies that Sheep people will have a nice year in 2014.
Career: Sheep people should be busy in the Snake year. The reward of hardworking
performance will arrive in the Horse year. The Sun Star lets you becoming popular in your
working environment, Whenever you need help, a male coworker or boss will appear to provide
you good recommendation. The Career Star opens the career opportunity to Sheep people. If
you keep and improve your job performance, then a job promotion is possible. However, there is
no guarantee your great expectation will be fulfilled, because an Emptiness Star is on the sky.
While the career luck is growing, you still need to play in low-profile. Humble and modest
behaviors are easier to earn people's long-term recognition.
Money: There is no strong Money Star appearing in 2014. The money luck for Sheep people is
fair. In Five Elements theory, Water represents money to Sheep people. Horse contains no Water.
Money is not a major event in 2014. However, the Sun Star and Moon Star are appearing in the
same time in the Horse year. If you need financial help or planning, you should be able to find

the right people to help you to manage your wealth. The long-term money investment shows
better luck than the short-term investment.
Your major earning in 2014 will come from salary or other fixed income. To earn the extra
income, it's easier to spend time on job related projects. Your reward is still need your energy,
sweat and time. If you are too greedy and invest money on the risky business, then the
investment might end up no profit.
Love: Sheep and Horse can get along well, because of the horoscope's attraction relationship.
That is a good sign of love relationship. the Sun Star and Moon Star are a big plus to improve
the people relationship. The female Sheep people have better luck in love relationship than a
male. 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or Boyfriend Star
to a female. Therefore, if you are female and single, then 2014 is good year to find your ideal
companion. Beside to attend more the social activities, you also can try the channel from parent's
connection to increase the love opportunity.
If you are in love, then the Horse year brings you a good chance to develop a deeper love
relationship with your lover. If you are married, then you will have a sweet marriage life in 2014.
Health: Sheep people shouldn't have any big issue in their health. But the slight illness might
come often. Some Sheep people will be busy from their career. Some will have more travel
schedules. If Sheep people can eat properly and have enough sleeping and rest, then they should
be able to recover quickly for those minor illness.
Sheep is in the Earth group. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Fire is the Mother Element of Earth
to make Earth stronger. That means Sheep people might have too much Earth in 2014. Too much
Earth will cause the problem in digestion system. So Sheep people need to watch their diet to
protect their intestines and stomach. Too much Earth might absorb too much Water. If Water is
too less, then that's will impact the urinary system, which are bladder and kidney.

There is no special connection between Monkey and Horse. According to Chinese Five Elements
theory, Horse contains strong Fire. Monkey contains mainly Metal. Metal is afraid of Fire. So
Monkey will face some pressures in the year of Horse.
Monkey is a smart animal. It should accept the challenges from Horse. If Monkey can get on the
horseback, then Monkey can go as anywhere they want. Therefore traveling is a good sign for
Monkey people in 2014. If Monkey people want to look for better opportunity for their life, then
they can consider to look for opportunities away from hometown.

Career: 2013 was a Snake year. Snake is in the Fire group. 2014 is a Horse year. Fire of Horse is
stronger than Fire of Snake. If Monkey people need to do tiresome assignments within a busy
schedule since 2013, then the job pressure will continue in 2014. You might have more errands.
You might need to travel more. You might have tighter schedule. Monkey people should use their
intelligence to challenge the stress.
2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents money to Monkey people. The money is
on the top of Horse. Monkey must get on the horseback to own the money. If you can rein the
Horse, then money is yours. If you cannot catch up the Horse, then you are always chasing the
Money: The Money Star appears in this Wooden Horse year. Therefore, the money opportunity
is there. Monkey people just need to figure out how to get it. Money is on the horseback. This
tells us that Monkey people must move faster and work harder to earn their income. It's not an
easy job. It might need to take a little bit time. There is no easy money in the Horse year, you
must spend your energy, sweat and time to exchange your reward. To travel out of town might be
a better idea to locate your treasure.
However, remember that you shouldn't be too greedy after owning the money on the horseback.
It's still dangerous there. If you cannot handle it, then you will fall down. When that happens,
you will encounter the more pressure from money, even a lawsuit.
Love: There is no love connection between Monkey and Horse. So the love relationship is fair. It
might have a ripple. But it will disappear soon. If you want to find a good companion, you still
need to travel a little bit further to look for the opportunity. It's hard to find one around your
current environment.
If you are in love, then you just have to maintain the existing relationship. You might have too
busy career schedule to build a closer love relationship. If you are married, then minor quarrel is
possible, but that's easy to avoid using your wisdom.
Health: Career or money pressure might bother Monkey people sometimes. Summer is a tough
time. Monkey people need to enough sleep and good rest for their coming challenges. Monkey
people might spend more time outdoor or away from the home. You should drive very carefully
on the road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
There is minor unlucky star regarding family members in 2014. If you have seniors in your
family, then you should say hello to them often and make sure they have good mood and health.
If someone you love away from you, then it's nice to give them a call once for a while.

Chicken and Horse are farm animals. But Chicken doesn't like Horse, because Chicken feels
pressure from Horse. According to Chinese Five Elements theory. Chicken is in Metal group.
Horse in in Fire group. Fire can melt the Metal. That's why Chicken is afraid of Horse.
Chicken should have a great year in the year of Snake. Luckily, Chicken will continue to do well
in the year of Horse. The Happiness Star, Heaven Star and Moon Star are toward Chicken people
in the same time. This Horse year will be a wonderful one for Chicken people. The Love Star
and Romantic Star are also appearing in 2014. Chicken people will have a joyful year for their
love relationship.
Career: In Chinese Horoscopes, Horse contains Fire, Earth. Fire is related to Career Star to
Chicken people. Fire brings Chicken people more job assignments and pressures, which is the
job opportunity. Earth inside the Horse is related to someone offering assistances and protections
for Chicken people. There is a Moon Star appearing in 2014. That implies the person helping
you could be a female. Therefore, the people relationship in the office is very important to
Chicken people. You need to build those relationships first. Otherwise, you cannot find them
when you need help. Without people's help, Chicken is hard to challenge the pressure from Horse
Money: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents Money to Chicken people. So
Money is there. Chicken people have to find a way to get it. Since Money sits beside Horse,
Chicken needs to conquer the pressure from Horse before reaching the money. That means
Chicken people still need some effort, courage, energy and time to earn the money. Remember
that you cannot be too greedy. If you make too much noise, then Horse might be disturbed and
jump up to hurt you. In this case, money trouble might bring you a lawsuit.
Wood of 2014 is also connected to the Happiness Star. If you have better income, then you will
know how to enjoy your life.
Love: Chicken and Horse don't have special love relationship, according to Chinese Five
Elements theory. But Chicken people have very good luck in love relationship. The Romance
Star appears in 2014. Chicken people will become popular in their social network. They will
have more chances to meet the opposite sex. Wood of 2014 is connected to girlfriend or wife to a
man. Therefore, male single Chicken people have better opportunity to find their new companion
than females.
Another Love Star is for people in love. They should be able to build deeper love relationship.
The marriage relationship is also possible. Combing Romance Star and Love Star is not good
for married Chicken people. If they have double love relationships in the same time, they might
end up a big money loss because of love affair. The worse case will become a lawsuit.
Health: Some pressure comes from the career. That will impact Chicken people's health once for
a while. There are minor Unlucky Stars related to health in 2014. Sometimes, it will cause slight
illness. If you watch your health often, have enough sleep and good rest, then you can recover

pretty quick from those minor troubles. Senior or sick Chicken people need to pay attention on
their respiratory system. They have better live in a good air quality community to protect their throat and
lungs. The long-distance travel is not recommended for seniors and sick ones in the year of Horse year.

Both Dog and Horse are farm animals. They must have many things in common. They are
intelligent and would like to serve their masters. That's why they could become the best friends
to human. Sometimes, their masters will send Dog to the the Horse's stable during the night as
Horse's companion. According to Chinese Horoscopes, Dog and Horse also have attraction
relationship because of Fire. That's tell us Dog and Horse can get along well. In other words,
Dog will have a very good people relationship in the year of Horse.
The Lucky Stars and Unlucky Stars arrive toward Dog people in 2014. Therefore, Dog people
have mixing good and bad luck in the Horse year. Lucky Stars bring good opportunities in
career, money and love area. In the same time, Unlucky Stars set up some traps on the road to
your success. As long as Dog people can adjust their attitude to face the challenges, 2014 will be
one of the great years to you.
Career: 2014 is a Wooden Horse year. Wood of 2014 represents the Career Star to Dog people.
That means Horse opens the career opportunity to you. Career always brings people pressures. In
Chinese Five Element theory, Dog is in Earth group. Horse is in Fire group. Fire is the mother
element of Earth; Fire will protect and support Earth. This will make you much easier in career
development, because Horse Fire will take over the pressures from the Wood.
There is a Military General Star coming toward Dog people in 2014. That's is a sign of power
and leadership. But another Unlucky Tiger Star is watching Dog people in the same time. That
means your enemy is on the same career path with you and you have strong competition in 2014.
In order to win the game, Dog people can spend more time with your friends and supporters to
build solid relationship. You can ask their opinions often for major decisions. Also, you still need
to play in low-profile. Humble and modest behaviors are safer when the villain is around. If you
can earn the recognition from most of coworkers, then you will have a very successful career
Money: The major event of 2014 will be in the career year. There is no strong Money Star
appearing in this Horse Year. In Chinese Five Element system, Water represents money to Dog
people. Horse of 2014 contains no Water. Therefore, your major earning will come from career's
salary or other fixed income. There is no sign for windfall or easy money. The short-term money
investment won't bring you a quick return. If you are busy in career development, then you can
ask someone good at financial management to give your a long-term investment plan. In general,
the money luck of Dog people is fair and stable in the year of Horse year.

Love: Dog people have good people relationship in 2014. You will spend more time in the social
activities. You will feel that it's much easier to make friends from the social world than the
previous year. If you are single, then 2014 is a good year to try the new relationship. But you
have to keep in mind. the competition is out there. Wood of 2014 represents the Husband or
Boyfriend Star to a female. Therefore, if you are female and single, then 2014 is good year to
find your ideal companion.
If you always have a relationship, then its good time to think about deeper relationship by
knowing more about the family members of your lover. If your are married, then your marriage
life will be full of love. If you are a female, then you will care and spend more time with your
husband in 2014.
Health: Dog people might have some pressures from their career. Those pressure might cause
slight illness to you. As long as Dog people can have enough sleeping and good rest, they should
be able to recover very quickly for those minor troubles. There is an Unlucky Star regarding the
health toward Dog people in 2014. That's is a sign of injury. Dog people might increase their
social activities and spend more time in travel. So you just need to watch the safety on the road
and try to avoid dangerous sports.
Dog is in the Earth group. Horse contains Fire and Earth. Fire is the Mother Element of Earth
and can burn more into Earth. It's possible that Dog people have too much Earth in 2014. Too
much Earth will cause the problem in digestion system. Therefore Dog people have to to watch
their diet to protect their intestines and stomach. Too much Earth might absorb too much Water.
If Water is too less, then that's will impact the urinary system. which are bladder and kidney.

Pigs don't have to do any farm work for human. They just eat, drink and sleep in the pen. They
are treated as lucky animal in Chinese horoscopes. Horse is useful animal to human. They can do
the job in the farmland. They also help people traveling. Pig spends most of time indoor and
Horse almost stay outdoor. They shouldn't disturb each other.
In Chinese Five Elements theory, Pig is in the Water group. and Horse is in the Fire group. Water
and Fire are opposite elements. They should fight each other. But Pig and Horse can live
peaceful. The following is the reason. Pig contains Male Water and Male Wood. Horse contains
Female Fire and Female Earth. In Chinese horoscopes, Male Water of Pig and Female of Horse
have attraction relationship. Male Wood of Pig and Female Earth of Horse also have attraction
relationship. This means Pig and Horse look incompatible. but they can get along pretty well.
This is a good lucky sign for Pig people in 2014.

There are Moon Star, Money Star, Consumption Star and Sick Star appearing in year of Wooden
Horse. The lucky stars and unlucky stars are mixing together. Comparing with the year of Snake,
Pig people have much better luck in 2014.
Career: Basically Pig is Water and Horse is Fire. Pig will be busy to pull off Fire. 2014 is
Wooden Horse. Wood of 2014 makes Pig smarter. That means Pig people will be very busy in
this career. Pig people need lots of energy and brain power for their work. The Moon Star of
2014 implies a female friend or coworker coming to help your job assignments and career
development. The career opportunity shows pretty good in 2014. Your income may increase from
your job.
Since the Consumption Star is around, you need to pay for your cost - time, energy and sweat
to exchange the return or reward. If you don't have energy to do it, then someone else will take
over your task. Therefore, you need to make sure you have good health and energy to face the
career challenges. As long as not be lazy, you will have a great career achievement in the end of
the Horse year.
Money: Horse contains Fire, which is related to money to Pig people. Wood of 2014 is
connected to the wisdom to Pig people. This means Pig people will use their knowledge to earn
their income. Another good news is that a hidden Money Star comes toward Pig people. Also,
the social relationship is great to Pig people in 2014, Pig people may be able to receive good
financial advices from closed friends or relatives. The increasing wealth is expected.
Fire of Wood Horse is strong. Pig people will be deal with money event a lot. Although, Pig
people have good money income luck. But their expense will increase in the same time. If you
do too much on the risky investment or work with too greedy friends, then you still have a
chance of money loss. The good approach is to spend money on your family members or
relatives or to donate money to charity. You will feel your money spending is meaningful.
Love: If you are single, you have good opportunity to find your love in 2014. You may have
difficulty to spot your style in the social activities. But you cannot judge people from the outlook
or appearances, you have to try any possibility. The reason is Pigs don't like to run and Horses
like to run fast. Their personalities are not quite compatible. Actually, Pig and Horse are
compatible. They just like to weave their love story secretly. Since they don't like to announce
their relationship in public, they prefer to talk softly, not loudly. If you cannot show your tender
side, then it will take time to find your love.
If you are in love or married, then your love relationship should be pretty well. However, if you
hold on two love relationships simultaneously, then the love relationship might bring you big
trouble, because an unlucky Killer Star is around. The Fire of Horse could burn your love to
Health: Pig is Water and Horse is Fire. Pig people might need to spend too much energy and
brain power to handle career and money in the Horse year. There is a Sick Star appearing in
2014. When you are tired, then you must stop everything, then take a big rest. If you feel
uncomfortable for a while, then you must visit your doctor. Do not forget your annual physical

examination. If you are not in good health, then you have better not to visit patients in hospital.
As long as you don't neglect your health, you will be fine in the year of Horse.



Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Chicken

1902 1903
1905 1906 1907
1914 1915
1917 1918 1919
1926 1927
1929 1930 1931
1938 1939
1941 1942 1943
1950 1951
1953 1954 1955
1962 1963
1965 1966 1967
1974 1975
1977 1978 1979
1986 1987
1989 1990 1991
1998 1999
2001 2002 2003
2013 2014 2015



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