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Iris bought a packet of 8 kiwi fruits and two packets of 9 peaches each at the market.
Then she gave 3 kiwi fruits and 11 peaches to her neighbours. Calculate the number
of fruits she still has.


A man with his wife and their three children take a bus from town P to town Q. The
bus fare for an adult is RM 43 and the total amount spent on the bus fares is RM167.
What is the bus fare for a child?


A group of 92 students participated in a blood test. The results show that 32 of them
have O blood type, 18 of them belong to A blood group, 29 of them have B blood
type and the rest of them in the AB blood group. Find the number of the students who
have the AB blood type.


A Mathematics exercise contains 80 questions. Betty completed

of it in an hour.

How many questions did she do?


Puan Hani buys 5 kg of meat. Half of it is used to cook rendang. The remainder is
divided into three parts. One part is given to her daughter, one part is kept in the
fridge and the final part is use to prepare soup. How many kilograms of the meat is
used to prepare the soup?


Mrs Teng set aside


of 4

packets of flour to make some muffins. If each muffin

of a packet of flour, how many muffins can be made using the amount of

flour that Mrs Teng has set aside?


Faizal cycles 23.5 km in the first half an hour and then cycles 19.8 km in the next half
an hour. Calculate the total distance he covered in that hour.


Carol bought 15.48 kg of fertilizer. She used 3.98 kg of it on the first day and 9.31 kg
on the second day. Calculate the mass of the remaining fertilizer.


Andrians take-home pay is RM 2 100 per month. He spends RM 315 on his house
rental, RM 483 on his car instalments. RM 525 on food and RM 210 on petrol. He
saves the rest in a savings account. Calculate the percentages of his saving in relation
to his earning.


336 lollipops were divided among 5 children. Amanda obtained 84 lollipops and the
remaining were divided equally among the other four children. Calculate the
percentage of lollipop received by each of the four children.

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