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Jacksonian Democracy hindered American unity politically, as he prioritized

party loyalty and deterred the American economy through his destruction of
the national bank.
**Claim 1 = Focus on party loyalty
Topic Sentence = Re-word claim 1 + argument
Evidence 1 = Kitchen Cabinet
Evidence 2 = Spoils System
Historical Connection (Note how it doesn't end abruptly, but it CONNECTS)
President Andrew Jacksons emphasis on party loyalty created division within
America. The prejudice mindset of Jacksons Kitchen Cabinet, a group of
his most trusted unofficial advisors, caused partisan viewpoints within the
government, creating conflict between the Democrats and Whigs. This focus
on party loyalty reflected the devastating impact of Jacksonian Democracy as
it validated George Washingtons fears described in his Farewell Address.
Washington warned political parties would divide the country rather than
unite, and this was evidenced as Jacksons cabinet included the devout ideas
of fellow Democrat
Roger B. Taney, who would later further sectionalism with the majority
opinion in the Dred Scott case arguing that slaves were property and
property can be taken anywhere including the anti-slave North.
Martin Van Buren, Jacksons hand chosen successor in the Election of
1836, continued Jacksonian Democracy ideology.
Further, Jacksonian Democracy hindered political unity by establishing the
Spoils System, which rewarded (evidence 2)

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