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Would Your

Noorhan, Aaliyah, Kaziah, Nancy

Make it harder or easier? Be smart.
They dont want you to be smart
They dont want your life easy

C. For math class where for each night you dont do a math
problem you have to do double the amount you had to do the
night before.
D. Or for ELA where for each night you dont annotate a poem
you have to do triple the amount the next night.

What we chose:

Our Group came to a conclusion that the more the rate of change increase the faster
and more rapid it goes. For Example: if Nick were to give us quadrupel the work than
it will goes faster than tripling, even though they start at the same time. On the table
that we made for ela the (x) side increased by one, the (y) side increased by 3. The
algebra table (x) side increased by one also but the (y) side increased by 2, and so the
more problems there were, there was a drastic change in the problems with Yana,
Nick, Cristina, and James.

What we did
On the table that we made for ela the (x) side increased by one, the (y) side
increased by 3. The algebra table (x) side increased by one also but the (y) side
increased by 2. We had let both start with the the same amount of stuff on day
1, day 2 it all started to increase and so we saw that if the amount of problems
had increased, then the line will increase very fast. To make sure we were right,
we had created a problem where Nick had given us quadrupole the problems of
day 1 on day 2, another one where Cristina had given us Quintuple the
problems of day 1 on day 2 and where James had decided to multiply the
number of basketball problems by six of day one on day two.

Graph/ what we saw


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