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Prevalncia de sndrome metablica em usurias de uma

Unidade Bsica de Sade, em um municpio de pequeno porte do Rio Grande do
Norte, Nordeste do Brasil. 2015. Trabalho de Concluso de Curso (Graduao em
Nutrio) Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Cuit, 2015.
FERNANDES, M. E. M. prevalence of metabolic syndrome of basic health unit users,
in a small country of Rio Grande do Norte, brazilian northeast. 2015. End of
graduation course paper (Graduated in Nutrition) Universidade Federal de Campina
Grande, Cuit, 2015.
the metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder characterized by

a cluster of metabolic risk

related to central obesity, insulin resistance which increase chance to develop

cardio vascular disease (CDR) and diabetes mellitus type 2. The aim of this job is to
ascertain the prevalence of (MS) basic health unit (BHU) users, in a small country of
Rio Grande do Norte, brazilian northeast. The sample were consists of 122 women, 1859 age range. Were randomly selected women who were in waiting room for medical
consultation. The data collection included a survey questionnarie which had scioeconomic, physiological history, clinical and pathological personal history, family
history, lifestyle habits, anthropometric and biochemical data. To diagnosis (MS) to
interpret the data was used the criteria stabilished by National Cholesterol Education
Programs Adult Treatment Panel III.
The informations colected were organized and analyzed in a database using the program
Microsoft Excel 2010. The result of this study showed a prevalence of (MS)
approximately 32,2%. it was observed that low HDL (68.60%), a abdominal obesity
(52.89%) and hypertriglyceridemia (45.45%) were more significant. 40.5% were
overweight and 38.01% were obese in different degrees. 88.43% of the women had
CC 88 cm. Based on the results, we can conclude the prevalence found was high
and characterized as a public health problem, beeing
prevention strategies and treatment of SM components.

Keywords: Metabolic Syndrome. Women. Basic Health Unit.

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