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The Innovator's DNA


2. The ability to innovate is the Secret sauce of businesssuccess.Every
Innovative entrepreneur has something calledcreative intelligence.Five
Discovery Skills Associating Questioning Observing
Experimenting Networking
3. Ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated questions,
problems or ideas from different fields Medici Effect. The more diverse
our experience, the more diverse is the association. Innovators spent
time in exploring new and unrelated things. Understand, categorize and
store new knowledge which helps the brain in recombining association.
Example: Steve job, the art of calligraphy, meditation practices in Indian
ashram, the fine details of Mercedes Benz
4. Innovators ask questions that are provocative and challenge common
wisdom Emphasizes on asking Why? and Why not? and What if?
Build the capacity to imagine opposites and reaching a synthesis which is
better than the opposite ideas. Embracing constraints to get out of the
box insights. Example: Michael Dell hitting on his revolutionary business
5. Scrutinize the common phenomenon, observe the behavior of
potential customers New business ideas come from observing other
people and trying to live their life. Carefully and consistently look out for
small behavioral details in the activities of customers, suppliers and
other companies Example: Ratan Tata stumbling upon the idea of Nano
6. Experimentation can be, intellectual exploration, physical tinkering or
engagement in new surrounding. Make experiment in everything which
you do Create a culture that foster experimentation One of the most
powerful experimentation is engaging in living and working overseas
Example: Steve Jobs disassembling Sony Walkman, Howard Shultz
roaming Italy coffee bars
7. Devote time and energy to find and test ideas through a network of
diverse individual Meet people with different kind of ideas and
perspectives to extend knowledge domains Attend idea conferences to
get newest ideas, passions and projects. Example: Michael Lazaridis
inspiration for Blackberry occurred at conference in 1987, wireless data
system for coke
8. Innovative thinking may be innate to some, it can also be developed
and strengthened through practice. Innovators must consistently act
different to think different. Innovative entrepreneurship is not a genetic
predisposition, it is an active endeavor.
9. Siva Priya SMegha S. TomarMegha DhingraKaveri SethManu
KanchanSonia Malhotra

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