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Gwen Samp

Title 1: What The Bleep Is Reiki? : The Essentials of Reiki Energy Therapy
Title 2: An Introduction to Reiki : A Japanese Healing Technique Explained
From quantum physics to Eckhardt Tolle, universal energy has become the
buzz word of a new generation of seekers. So lets talk about Reiki, an
ancient understanding of energy.
Recent advances in science have turned our view of the universe topsy-turvy. It is mind
boggling enough to think that there are billions of galaxies other than our own in the
universe, but now we are told there may also be many, many more universes other than our
own as well, and that we live in a multiverse, a multiverse of infinite possibilities! The sea of
energy in which we and everything exists is a constantly shifting world of seeming
contradiction and magic. The theories are many, but there seems to be one thing agreed by
all, the importance of energy in the makeup of the many universes, galaxies, solar systems,
planets and the various rocks and plants and animals (including us humans!) that inhabit this
vast world. So what does this have to do with Reiki? Read on.

A Brief History of Ki
In the West we know it as chi, but it goes by many names. For the Taoists of China it is
chi, in India it is known as prana, mana in Polynesia, the Greeks spoke of pneuma, and for the
iKung of the Kalahari Desert it is referred to as num, the boiling energy, the vital life force
that is called forth in elaborate dance ceremonies. That vital life force, which is also the ki
in Reiki, is recognised all over the world by innumerable cultures and has been a part of the
human belief system for millennia.
The idea is that we are energy, that we live in an energy field, and in fact, everything is
energy. When that energy is out of balance - think Yin/Yang imbalance - illness and
emotional problems are allowed to take root in our bodies, and indeed in the world in
general. Reiki is a method to balance that energy, to bring it into harmony and therefore
relieve the pain that imbalance can bring.
Rei, the first part of the word reiki, can mean divine or guided. And although precise
translations are extremely difficult, reiki, simply put, is divine life force that is channeled
through the hands of the practitioner for purposes of healing and relaxation.

Religion, Philosophy or the Ultimate Science?

When I first heard of Reiki energy I thought it was just some sort of new age
philosophy. It seemed interesting, if somewhat esoteric, so I decided to dig a bit deeper to
learn more about this healing art. And what I discovered was a wisdom that was neither new
nor obscure. It is a system of touch healing that uses the universal energy that surround us,
for spiritual, emotional and physical healing, and for just plain relaxation.
The system as we know it now today was developed by Mikao Usui (1865-1926, Japan),
but the idea of reiki energy goes back thousands of years. Mikao Usui believed that the vital

life force that surrounds us, that we are a part of, could be channeled by anyone, and the
ability to channel this energy is not special to one person, nor even to a special group of
people. It is available to all and the technique can be learned by anyone through attunement
by a Reiki Master.
The concept of laying on of hands is not unique to Reiki. Many of us have surely
heard of or even seen the practice with family or friends, in churches, and ceremonies both
christian and non-christian. We as humans love touch. It is soothing and calming and always
welcomed. Proponents of Reiki believe that the Universal Life Force that is around and in us
can be intentionally channeled to bring about healing and relaxation, as well as spiritual
growth. But although it speaks of the spirit, Reiki is not attached to any particular religious
So it is not a religion, it is a belief, but is it science? Well most scientists deny the
existence of this energy field, the vital force so important to Reiki, but unfortunately quantum
physics has put the cat among the pigeons. In a system such as quantum physics, where all is
possible, it becomes easier to see that ki, chi, prone, num, pneuma, etc. can also be part of those
possibilities. Some believed the ancients sensed what we are now on the verge of discovering.
(A simple guide to the weirdness of quantum mechanics can be found here: http://
But unfortunately for the believers, ki cannot be seen. (Yet!) So how does one explain
something that cannot be seen?

How Does One Describe the Wind?

You know the wind, you feel it in your hair, you feel it as it caresses your cheek, you see
its force as it moves the branches on trees, as it blows away petals on flowers and sometimes
even destroys fields and homes in its sometimes more violent passages. We cannot see it, but
we can feel it and see its effects. Such it is with Reiki, but on a much more personal level.
A reiki session lasts for about an hour or even longer according to the practitioner and
the needs of the client. During a session the practitioner, uses a series of hand positions held
for varying lengths of time to channel energy to the client. Each person is different of course,
but many people feel heat or movement within their bodies, some experience dreams and
visions and others just gently fall asleep only to wake refreshed. To know reiki you must first
experience it. Like the wind you will know it by its effects. Try it and see.
And if you find yourself drawn to this wonderful, gentle technique, you might consider
being attuned. Because reiki is first and foremost a self-healing system, once attuned you can
easily give yourself daily energy boosts, as well as offering reiki to your family and friends. A
simple search on the internet will lead you to many reputable organisations that perform
And what about you? Any stories to share or questions to ask? I would love to hear of
your experiences with Reiki or any other energy healing system.
As with all alternative treatments, Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment.


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