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IIM Ranchi




Cricket Fever at IIM Ranchi: Ranchi Premier League 4.0

Special points of
RPLCricket Fever
Leadership Outbound
Student Achievements
Good Governance Day
This month the cricket
enthusiasts at IIM Ranchi were up for a treat. It
was the fourth season of
one of the most-loved
events on campus RPL

League, a month long
series of matches, played
in a format similar to that
of IPL. It was organized
by the Sports Committee
of IIM Ranchi. This season saw 8 teams being
bought up and 87 players
being auctioned. Upon an
investment of INR 8000
per team, the owners of
the winning team had the
opportunity to increase
the sum four folds to INR
32000, while the first
runner-up teams owners

could double this sum to

INR 16000. It was delightful to watch a series
across a month starting
from 15th January. Two
teams from each pool
qualified further to fight
it out in the semi-finals.
Finally, Team Bangalore
and Team Chennai were
the two teams to battle it
out on the finals on
15th February. In an exciting match that saw large
crowd, Team
Chennai clinched the winning
title. The award for Most
scored and Most
Wickets taken were given
to Kishore Vellanki (103
runs) and

Lakra of Team Delhi,

while Chetan
sweated it out in the final
match to win the Man of
the Match title.
It was pleasant to see the
students take pains to
make such an event a
huge success despite several constraints. Owing to
hectic class schedules,
most matches had to be
scheduled at 6 am in the
morning, yet, it did not
deter the sports-lovers
enthusiasm. The Sports
Committee did a wonderful job throughout the
event and has promised
events in the future.

Farewell Celebrations

Inside this issue:

RPL 4.0

Leadership Outbound


Oratorical Competition


Editors Message


Page 2

Making Learning Fun and Experiential: Leadership Outbound at IIM Ranchi

The Senior PGDHRM as well
as PGDM (2013-2015 Batch)
students at IIM Ranchi got a
chance to learn leadership by
experience as a part of their
leadership outbound programme, organized by Tata
Steel Adventure Foundation
(TSAF), at Jamshedpur. The
Leadership course facilitator, Prof. Gaurav Marathe,
acted as mentor to all the students on the outing.
The batch of students was
divided into 6 groups with 7
members each. For every activity, one student was chosen
as a leader by the group. This
way, all the students got an
opportunity to lead their
groups once. The programme
was a three day, intensive programme in which the students
participated in a plethora of
team activities and challenged
themselves physically as well
as mentally.
Day 1 of the outbound programme was characterized by

events such as obstacle race

which was a combination of
back to back hurdles that included jumping through tyres,
crawling through barbed wire,
trolley race and monkey crossing activities. The Flying Fox
activity, served as an inspiring
aerial adventure for the students, wherein they got a
chance to demonstrate their
balancing skills on controlled
descent, while being suspended through a slanted wire.
Day 2 featured some hardcore adventure activities
which included rock-climbing,
caving as well as rappelling
activities. All these physically
intense as well as mentally
taxing activities tested the
physical fitness levels of the
students as well as their concentration levels.
Day 3 saw the shift in base of
the student camp as they progressed towards the Dimna
Lake for some water sports
activities. The day saw stu-

dents learning the basics of

rafting and eventually managing to create their own rafts
using merely 8 bamboos and 4
drums, along with ropes. Designing a raft which could stay
afloat required some great
collaboration among the
members of each group.
The students did learn the
theoretical aspects of leadership during the outbound programme as well. Their facilitator, Prof. Gaurav, did a great
job in making students go that
extra mile in finishing all the
group activities with their full
energy and commitment. The
trip emerged as a well-chalked
out programme to make students learn and practically
demonstrate their leadership
skills on the field. It is a testament to IIM Ranchis commitment to nurturing great leaders for the future.



Page 3

Student Achievements

Team 'EnStEx' comprising Mihir D

Mehta, Nitin Ningaiah, Saurabh
Jain and Ankit Kumpawat, win
Launchpad, the B-plan contest
organized by Intaglio at IIM Cal-

Sayan Kar, Kaustav Pal and Avneet

Pal Singh finish Runner-ups in
'Empires of the Mind' event at Intaglio, IIM Calcutta.

Winning means
you are willing
to go longer,
work harder,

Intaglio Open Quiz at IIMC - Jinson Chacko comes 3rd

and give more

Jinson Chacko comes 2nd in Carpe Diem 90s Quiz at IIM Calcutta

than anyone
vince lombardi
Bhavana Pandey, Anurag Poddar, Saumit Chandra and Prateek
Jaiswal bag the 2nd prize in Poetry Slam @Spring Fest, IIT Kharagpur

Deepak Nair wins solo singing competition Joka Idol at CarpeDiem

IIM Calcutta
Russell Warjiri comes 2nd place in
Instrumentals competition Tarang
at Carpe Diem, IIM Calutta


Page 4

IIM Ranchi celebrates Good Governance Day through stimulating oration event

IIM Ranchi held a stimulating

session of oration and presentation to mark the celebration
of Good Governance Day,
which is celebrated to mark
the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Shri Atal
Bihari Vajpayee. For the Oratory Competition there were
three themes for the participants to choose and speak
upon- Smaller states make for
better governance, Role of
bureaucracy in Good Governance and Liberalization is the
only way forward for India.
For the presentation the topic
was Use of technology and
innovations in promoting
Good Governance.
The event saw the participation of 9 students for the Oratory Competition and 5 students for the Presentation
spanning across the junior,
senior as well as FPM
(Fellowship Programme in
Management) batch. The format of the Oratory event prevented the participants from
taking help of any visual aids

or notes and the time constraint per participant was 10

minutes. The Presentation
format event allowed students
to use audio-visual aides and
the time allotted was the
same. The event was
judged by the PGP Chairperson of IIM Ranchi,
Prof. Amarendu Nandy.
The participants were
thoroughly prepared with
their respective topics and
sp e e c h e s
astounding in their depth
and intellect. Various
points were put forth by
the participants, some of
which were good enough
to demand the attention of
our policy makers. Onam
Priyadarshi was declared
the winner of the oratory
competition while Bhavana Pandey and Richa
Mukhi were awarded the
2nd and 3rd position respectively. Nitin Ningaiah
was given the award of
best presenter whereas

Bhavana Pandey and Bhishash Mishra got the 2nd

and 3rd place respectively
in the Presentation competition.
It was indeed a tough task
for the judge to select
winners as he was being
bombarded with a flurry
of statistics and data by
the participants to substantiate their well formulated presentations.
The overall consensus of
the group was in favour of
smaller states, more efficient bureaucracy to support good governance and
widespread liberalization.
The video transcripts of
this event will be sent to
the HRD Ministry and the
Ministry would be providing attractive prize money
for the top three performers in this event. The
event was successfully
organized by the coordinated
efforts put in by the Cultural
Committee and the Literary
Club of IIM Ranchi.

Your life does

not get better by
chance. It gets
better by
Jim Rohn


Page 5

Farewell Celebrations: IIM Ranchi bids adieu to seniors

Every new
beginning comes
from some other
beginnings end .

The night was pleasant and

the emotions were high when
the batch of 2013-15 at IIM
Ranchi met for their last party
together on 15th February. It
was the Farewell Party for the
Senior Batch organized by the
junior batch at The Royal Retreat Hotel. Every student
from both the batches marked
their presence at the lush
green fields of the hotel. The
juniors hosted a gala party
with help from the Chief
Sponsor, Central Bank of India.
The party kicked off at 8:30 in
the night with the juniors
hosting a small cultural programme for the seniors. The
programme saw a dance performance followed by some
fun awards being given out to
the seniors. There were a lot of

pranks played and silly jokes

were cracked on the seniors by
the juniors, all in good faith.
Special prizes were given to
some seniors as tokens of appreciation. After all this was
the last time both the batches
were meeting in such a full
gathering. Tears were seen in
many eyes as the truth of parting finally dawned upon the
senior batch. However, the
organizers ensured the party
was a huge success with fun
and frolic masking the pain of
There was a huge spread of
food and colourful drinks on
the field outside- the main
arena of the party. The music
was loud and dancers numerous, all trying to let loose one
last time in the company of

dear friends. The night wouldnt have been complete without all the ladies of the IIM
Ranchi looking breathtakingly
beautiful in their elaborate
party attires. The boys were
not far behind with most of
them donning their smartest
blazers or coolest kurtas. The
juniors did not miss any
chance to socialize with their
seniors for one final time. As
the party drew to a close, emotions were high among the
attendees. Long tearful hugs
in every corner of the dance
floor were common occurrences towards the end of the colourful evening. The party finally ended at 12:30 with the
junior batch promising to carry forward the glorious baton
being left behind by an extremely talented and hardworking batch of seniors. The
bitter-sweet evening concluded with fond memories and
endless possibilities for the

IIM Ranchi, Literary Club

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IIM Ranchi


Indian Institute of Management

Suchana Bhawan,
5th Floor, Audrey House
Meurs Road, Ranchi 834 008

The ninth Indian Institute of Management was established at Ranchi in 2010. This was made possible
with the extensive support of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and the Government of Jharkhand, working under the guidance of Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
We started at a time when competition and aggression was prevalent in management education. Understanding the need to incorporate right values in young minds, IIMR was started to incorporate right values in
young minds and impart education for the information age that encourages networking and collaborative
IIM Ranchi currently offers a two year PGDM in General management and another two year fulltime
programme on Human Resources Management (PGDHRM), Fellow Program in Management and 18
month part time Diploma in Management (PGEXP). We have also launched a certified Barefoot Manger
program to promote entrepreneurship and to impart livelihood skills among the school drop outs and illiterates.
Our Programs are different and we are an institute with a difference.

Letter from the Editor

I always knew looking back
on my tears would bring me
laughter, but I never knew
looking back on my laughter
would make me cry.
- Cat Stevens
All our lives we drift through
an endless series of greetings
and partings. Some meetings
are swift, some more prolonged. Some are inconsequential while others leave us with
an unforgettable experience. It
is never possible to predict beforehand which meeting is important and which is not. Never
possible to identify till it is too
late and the hour of parting has
come. We are always, always
surprised when a mundane
encounter turns into something
more. But really, we should
never be.
The universe itself was formed
through an impossible series of
coincidences, so why are we
amazed when it sends miracle
after miracle in our paths?
When we first came here, we
were young souls venturing out
into the wild. Some of us had

seen the forest but were

brought back into warm shelter.
Old and young, boy and girl, we
were all brought into the nest
of the wise crow. Here we
found new laws, new orders,
but most importantly we found
new friends. Meeting a whole
host of beings all at once temporarily overwhelmed our senses. But soon we brought the
chaos to order. From the
throng we singled out individuals, then we picked out groups
and we organized them into
inter-weaving fully functional
entities. We learned to communicate and collaborate and
before we knew it, we were a
thriving vibrant colony of
crows. Without realizing it we
became much more. We were
our own fathers and mothers,
brothers and sisters, lovers and
counsellors. We helped each
other learn and grow.

laughed and smiled and cried.

But now the magic is ending, it
is time to disperse to leave
the nest once again and venture
out into the sun. Hundreds we
greeted once and to hundreds
we say goodbye. The web of
safety is torn apart by the beatings of a hundred wings ready
to fly. Let us not mourn the
loss of camaraderie for we have
bonded for life. Let us rejoice
in the success of our peers and
wish them well in their flight.

We lived in a silo shut out from

the rest of the world, a
Neverland of strange occurrences where the laws of the
forest did not apply. At every
step we were intrigued, amused,
surprised. At every turn we

On Behalf of

Though the forest is dense, the

world is small enough for us to
meet again.
No more words. We know
them all, all the words that
should not be said. But you
have made my world more
perfect. Terry Pratchett
- Oindrila Mandal

Literary Club
IIM Ranchi

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