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March 3%, 2016 Thursday To: Human Resources From: Jose Garcia (Foreman) — Performance Award Nominee I ose Garcia) maintain a consistently professional demeanor, regardless of the situation, with both customers and co-workers alike. Tam a natural leader who has the respect of my fellow colleagues. Thave excellent time management skills. I lead my team (co-workers) to success by organizing tasks and managing them closely until project is complete. I push forward quality work to meet challenging deadlines. Tar approachable, quick on my feet and able to come to innovative and effective solutions to problems as they arise. Ipresent no signs of stress and am capable of multitasking without error. Iset a good example for my team members by handling high stress situations with grace and without complaints. 1am always on-time for work, and meetings of which I am required to attend. I rarely take a sick day and adheres all company policy about vacation days and personal days.

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