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Opções Tipográficas

Exemplo Título 1

Exemplo Título 2

Texto nornal como exemplo a seguir na Implemen-

tação do futuro site do Parque de Inovação de TAHOMA | REGULAR
Aveiro. Certain CSS properties are only designed
for certain media (e.g., the 'page-break-before'
property only applies to paged media). On occa- ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ÁÉÍÓÚÃÕ
sion, however, style sheets for different media abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz áéíóúãõìç
types may share a property, but require different 1234567890!?”#$%&@€
values for that property. For example, the 'font-
size' property is useful both for screen and print
media. The two media types are different enough
to require different values
for the common property;
a document will typically
need a larger font on a
computer screen than on
paper. Therefore, it is
abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz áéíóúãõìç
a style sheet, or a section
of a style sheet, applies Legenda
to certain media types.
The two media types are different enough to
require different values for the common property;
a document will typically need a larger font on a
computer screen than on paper.
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(Sistema não abrange a versão em itálico)

Exemplo Título 2

Texto nornal como exemplo a seguir na implemen-

tação do futuro site do Parque de Inovação de
Aveiro. Certain CSS properties are only designed
for certain media (e.g., the 'page-break-before'
property only applies to paged media). On occa-
sion, however, style sheets for different media
types may share a property, but require different
TIM - UA 2010

values for that property. For example, the 'font-

size' property is useful both for screen and print
(exemplo : TAHOMA | REGULAR)

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