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Easter Art for 2-5 year olds

by Swapna latkar

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Material: eggs, a vessel filled with warm water, oil, tempera paints

1. If you dont have plastic eggs, hard boil some eggs & allow
them to cool down.
2. Paint these eggs in different colors & allow them to
completely dry.
(Tip: These are base colors- so they should be light!)

4. Pour warm water in a vessel and mix in a dark color paint

(Tip: this color will stand out over the base color)
5. Pour in a few drops of oil- and give it a swirl with a
disposable spoon/craft stick
6. Dip in the eggs one by one, so a layer of oil & dark paint
coat most of the egg - immediately place it aside to dry.
As oil doesnt dissolve in water, it separates from the paint and
creates a beautiful marble effect over the surface of the egg

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Melting crayons

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Material: eggs, wax crayons

1. Hard boil eggs just before the activity & place

them in the carton- so kids can avoid touching
2. Start drawing/coloring with wax crayons
As soon as the crayons touch the hot eggs- the
wax melts giving it a gorgeous effect!

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Material: paper, ribbons, scissors, glue

1. Cut a big egg shaped hole in a
2. Squeeze glue around the hole
3. Cut up various lengths of the
4. Start sticking around the hole

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Blow by straw

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Material: paper, droppers/pipettes, straws, paint

1. Cut a paper into an egg shape.

2. Squeeze a few drops of paints over
the egg with a dropper/pipette

3. Using a straw, blow over the drops, so

the paint zig zags in different directions
creating a stunning effect

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potato stamps

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Material: potatoes, knife, paper, paint

1. Cut potato into halves.

2. Carve out lines, crooked lines & other
3. Paint over the half
4. Stamp and get cute little Easter Egg prints

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Marbling with nail polish

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Material: Eggs, a vessel containing warm water, nail polish, tongs/pincers

2. Let the drops spread to form a

film over the surface of the water

3. With tongs/pincers, dip in the eggs, so the film

coats most of the egg- and immediately put it
aside to dry

Instead of oil, we use nail polish!

(TIP: Unlike normal marbling, the use of tongs is

necessary! Nail polish is a nightmare to take off
childrens hands!)

1. Pour a few drops of nail polish

into the warm water in the vessel.

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paint, glitter, markers

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Material: eggs, paint, glitter, markers!

Bring out all the Art Arms &

Eggs can be decorated & painted with
paint, dye, markers & Glitter!
March is such a fun month!

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About the author

Swapna has a background in business management and writes at

She is currently living in Santiago, Chile with her husband & 4 year old son.

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