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Whitney Perry

Period 1
Feb. 9, 2016
WWlll Reflection

Each Student was assigned a country that we were supposed to learn about. We were
given a couple days to research our countries and learn about their cultures, their armies, the
country's history etc. After learning about our country we moved on to learning about other
countries that we would like to take control of during the game. We were each assigned three
armies for our country, and when you challenged or were challenged by other classmates you
fulfilled the challenge that you were given. There were rules placed for the game and different
types of challenges like airwar, and hand to hand combat word challenge etc. If you failed the
challenge and lost then the other challenger would win one of your armies. If both of you lost
then each person who competed would have to give up an army to the Evil Empire. The Evil
Empire could challenge you and take over, or if you were taken over by the evil empire or
another empire they could have you challenge someone else for them. The evil empire ended
up taking over and thus ended the game of risk.

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