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N5xf3.He captures my queen.

My heart sinks, I was on the losing end for the first

time in the game. Suddenly I see a flaw in his position; he had left his king
unprotected in the process of capturing my queen. I move my rook, r3. Check. He
panics and loses his cool. He moves his knight back to its original position, N6f5.
Another silly move.N6f4, checkmate.The color drained from his face as reality
struck him hard. Temptation had gotten the better of him and I had won yet again.
I began playing chess at an early age of ten. The fact that war between two
kingdoms could be portrayed on a 64-tiled square board had always fascinated me
as a child. But as I grew up I learnt that theres a lot more to the game than just
war. Learning from my losses I started analyzing every possible move. I began
reading minds of my opponents and pushing them into silently placed traps. This in
turn helped me improve my analytical skills. The game of Chess has also taught me
to keep calm in tough situations and not give in to temptation. Little did I know that
I would learn so much from a medieval board game; Chess is an unpredictable
game indeed.

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