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Name the country?

How has the rate of population increase been

controlled in Thailand?
Key Terms
 Birth Rate
 Death Rate
 Fertility Rate
 Infant Mortality Rate
 Life Expectancy
 Newly Industrialised Countries
How has the population in Thailand changed
between 1970 and 2006
(4 marks)
What factors have led to these changes in
population between 1970 and 2006 (6 marks)
Population Structure

What do the population pyramids tell us is likely to happen to the population of

Thailand between 2000 and 2020? What evidence is there in the text to support this?

What will be the consequences of these changes, both positive and negative?
What has been the
benefits of
encouraging people
to use condoms in
Thailand? What is
being done to
promote their use?
Exam Case Study Questions

These will expect you to be able to answer the following


• What have governments done to try and control

population growth?
• How successful have these measures been?
• How sustainable are these practices?
• What problems are caused as a result of a rapid increase
in population?

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