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Magsino, Gerald de Leon

Chapter 7
Lab - Using Wireshark to observe the TCP 3-Way Handshake
What is the IP address of the Google web server? -
What is the source TCP port number? - The Port of Origin ES 49523
How would you classify the source port? - Dynamic or Private
What is the destination TCP port number? - port 80
How would you classify the destination port? - Known, Registered (HTTP or Web
Which flag (or flags) is set? - SYN indicator
What is the relative sequence number in September to? - 0
What are the values of the source and destination ports? - The source port is 80 and the
port destination is 49523.
Which flags are set? - The indicator of acknowledgment (ACK) and the indicator
synchronization (SYN).
What are the relative sequence and acknowledgment numbers in September to? -The
relative sequence number is 0 and the acknowledgment number is one.
And. Finally, examine the third packet of the three-way handshake in the example.
Clicking in the top frame 17
Window displays the following information in is example:
Examine the third end and packet of the handshake.
Which flag (or flags) is set? - Indicator acknowledgment (ACK)
The relative sequence and acknowledgment numbers are in September to 1 as a
starting point. The TCP connection is now established, and Communication between the
source computer and the web server can begin.
F. Close the Wireshark program.

1. There are Hundreds of filters available in Wireshark. A large network Could have
Numerous filters and many different types of traffic. Which three filters in the list Might
Be The most useful to a network administrator?
- tcp
- specific ip address (source or destination)
- Protocols such as http.
2. What other ways Wireshark Could be used in a production network?
- Wireshark software is often used for security purposes, for further analysis of normal
traffic or after an attack on the network. To this must capture new protocols or services
determine which port or ports have used.

Lab - Using Wireshark to Examine a UDP DNS Capture

Lab - Using Wireshark to Examine FTP and TFTP Captures

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