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Loh 1

Leander Loh
Art 133
Professor Ward
March 3, 2016
Unit Paper 3
Throughout the course discussions and reading, one main point that I was really able to
connect with was the topic of empathy and vulnerability. Particularly after reading the chapter
Daniel Pink wrote on meaning, I was really able to integrate the concept of mind, body, and soul
into my artwork. In our latest studio activity of creating the combination of two images into one
that relates to empathy and vulnerability, I was able to really touch home on the artwork that I
created. I put a lot of meaning into my work, and I felt a sense of pride in what I created, and
hoped that it would be able to touch others in the sense and meaning that I meant for it.
Connecting what I had learned through the reading and reviewing over the power point on
Collier Schorr, it was a bit easier for me to really dig deep and include a sense of meaning and
passion behind my work. Schorrs pieces of art induced various feelings of discomfort and
deeper level thinking when observed and dissected. This is an idea that is fairly new to me due to
the fact that I had never really bothered to find further meaning into pieces of art before.
The main thing that I had learned in this past unit is the integration of meaning behind my
work of art. This is something that I would definitely have to adapt into my future lessons of
teaching. Providing a sense of meaning for me successfully made me indulge completely in my
work, and invest a lot more time and effort into it. This is something that I plan to provide for my
future students in order to create a better learning environment, and to induce a degree of passion
into whatever it is they are learning.

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