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Kristina Ellis

Mr. Lundstrom
ELA 10 3H
11 August 2015
The Influence of Fear
Our world is encompassed in fear and we are all controlled by imperialism. We
can have actions forced upon us or be forced to do something through the influence of
fear. Fear is something that lingers within all of us; even the bravest and most successful
have fears of their own. Fear can not be helped, thats just simply was it is. Fear was one
of the main themes in the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, there were many
instances where fear was a crucial part of the story as it influenced the actions of
Okonkwo, Nwoye and the people of Umuofia.
There was fear in the actions of Okonkwo. He had the fear of looking weak to the
members of his clan so he lacked in showing love, affection, or any type of positive
emotion. For example, in chapter five it talks about how Enzima is his favorite child, but
he never acknowledges it. Then, in chapter seven Ikemfuna had to be killed, Okonkwo
refused to speak up or try in any way to save him. It was odd, finding that Okonkwo
thought of him as a son but was too afraid. Instead he killed Ikemefuna himself.
Additionally, in the last two chapters of the book Okonkwo kills himself. This was an
action he had taken out of fear with his biggest fear was being a failure, and to be as his
father. He felt as if he had no title and that he resembled his father, who had often been
referred to as a woman.

The actions of Nwoye were also influenced by fear. Nwoye was in many ways
like his father and grandfather he had showed signs of being as a woman as a child, and
even growing into a young man. He was not like most men in the clan, he is more soft
hearted and sincere and he liked the stories his mother told him. He wasnt as his father
wanted him and he knew that. There is one instance in particular in the book where
Nwoye had shone fear due to the actions of his father. After Okonkwo had come home
and Nwoye knew that Ikemefuna would be killed he had ran to his mothers hut and cried,
he felt betrayed. Okonkwo was often aggressive toward Nwoye because he didnt want
him to end up as his own father, lazy and unsuccessful. It wasnt uncommon for
Okonkwo to be disappointed in the actions of his son. It was because of Nwoyes fear of
his father not liking him, that he was driven to leave his family and never return.
Third of all, there were situations regarding people of the clan in which there was
fear present. Each of Okonkwos three wives lived in fear each day that he would beat
them. For instance, in chapter five he shoots at his second wife Ekwefi because she
admitted to being wrong. Also during the first couple months while Ikemefuna was living
with Okonkwo at one point he would not eat. When Okonkwo heard this he threatened to
beat Ikemefuna and stood over him with a stick until he finished eating. To add, in
chapter eleven there was the instance in which Enzima had to be taken to the God
Agbala, and her and her mother Ekwefi were both in fear that Enzima would be harmed.
In conclusion, there were many instances to which fear existed and caused many
terrible things to happen during Things Fall Apart. Fear can drive us all to do strange
things. And there are many situations in life where fear is inevitable to change the

outcome of a situation. Just remember fear is there in all times. Whether we acknowledge
it or not? Thats our choice.

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