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Mr takahashi, engineer, costing and technical

Yuki Sato, incharge for Indonesia

Doni and friend, jasuma
Experience: Bangka peaker, ukuran sama
5.2 and 7.8 MW
Heat rate
69 methan number, worst methan, without derating, minimum 95% efficiency
Startup time 15 minutes
Combined cycle? Open cycle?
EOH ??
Bangka peaker pakai combined cycle
Limitation of methan number?
LHV generator
Plant type CHP or simple cycle
Combined Heat Power
KGA KGG Modules
Consortium PT Jasuma Austindo, PT Wika Rekon, KHI
11 kV
162 x 117, sekitar 1.8 hektar
7 unit 7 unit, 2 Transformer
Aux transformer for LV 4
Black start facility 400kVA genrator
Compression ratio?
Pengaruhnya ke methan number
Piston Speed
Avr decs 250
VCB SF6 cb
Engine driven lube oil pump.
Miller cycle, pure cycle.

100 MW, LNG


Transmission line max 20km

In addition, warranty period, keep availability factor sekian persen

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