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Hamlet Goes to the Circus

This book is about subject verb agreement. Subjects

and verbs must agree with one another in number
(singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb
must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must
also be plural.
In the present tense, nouns and verbs form plurals in
opposite ways: nouns add S to the singular form; verbs
remove the S from the plural form.


JJG 2015


Hamlet Goes to the Circus

By Carmen Rejn Gmez

Hamlet and his mom walk to the circus to have

some fun.

On the way to the circus a fly follows them. The

fly bugs Hamlet.

But Hamlet loves the circus so he forgets the fly.

He asks his mom for peanuts and a balloon. She
tells him to wait.

Hamlet meets a clown. The clown gives Hamlet a

balloon flower. Hamlet hears his mom calling
him. He runs to meet her.

They run into the Ring Master. He shows them

their seats. Hamlet buys peanuts before the
show starts.

Hamlet eats his peanuts as he waits for the show to start.

He sees two elephants on the steps.

He watches a woman on a trapeze. The crowd

cheers for her.

He hears a lion. It roars. It does tricks. Hamlet

feels tired, but he wants to see the rest of the

Hamlet cheers for the man on stilts. The man

juggles the pins.

The show ends with clowns in cars.


Hamlet feels happy but now he feels tired. He wants

to go home.

Hamlet and his mom walk home. They feel sleepy.

That night Hamlet dreams about the circus. He loves the


The End

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