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A hrom boszorkny

Bethlen Gbor (1613 - 1629) uralkodsa alatt Erdly gazdasga s kulturlis

lete egyarnt fejldsnek indult - ez az idszak Erdly aranykora nven
1614. mjus 14-n a fejedelem lt uralkodi jogval s kegyelemlevelet adott
hrom vdlottnak azzal a felttellel, hogy azon nyomban elhagyjk Erdlyt, s
sohasem trnek oda vissza. A vdlottak Erdly legsibb, nemesi csaldjainak ni
tagjai: Imreffin Iffju Kata (volt erdlyi kancellr felesge), Bthory Anna (Bthory
Gbor erdlyi fejedelem hga) s Dengeleghyn Trk Kata. Az ellenk felhozott
vd: boszorknysg. Pontosabban az rdggel val cimborls, erklcstelen
letmd s Bthory Gborral folytatott vrfertz fajtalankods. A szebeni
brsg szmtalan terhel bizonytkot gyjttt a fehrszemlyek ellen, de mint
utbb kiderlt, ezek tbbsge hamis tanvallomsokon alapult.
A pereket ma kirakatpernek neveznnk, hiszen nem sokkal Bthory Gbor
buksa, illetve Bethlen Gbor hatalomra kerlse utn kezddtek s cljuk az
volt, hogy az zvegyek rklt s a per sorn elkobzott vagyonval biztostsk az
utbbi hatalmt.
A vdlottakat a brsg hallra tlte, de az tletet nem hajtottk vgre. Habr
az asszonyoknak nyoma veszett, s tovbbi sorsukat homly fedi, neveik s
trtneteik ma is lnek az emberek fantzijban.
The three witches
During the reign of Gbor Bethlen (1613 - 1629), both the economy and
cultural life of Transylvania started to develop spectacularly. It was the period
known as the golden age of Transylvania.
On 14th May 1614 the Prince of Transylvania pardoned three accused women on
condition that they leave Transylvania immediately and never return. They were
members of the most ancient Transylvanian noble families: Mrs Imreffi Kata Iffju
(wife of the ex-chancellor of Transylvania), Anna Bthory (sister of Gbor Bthory
former Prince of Transylvania) and Mrs Dengeleghy Kata Trk. They were
accused of witchcraft, more precisely of befriending the devil, immoral lifestyle as
well as of incestuous relationship with Gbor Bthory. The law court of Szeben
(Sibiu) collected lots of evidence against the women but, as it turned out later,
the majority of them were based on false witness statements.
The trials would now be called show trials as they started following the failure of
Gbor Bthory and the ascension of Gbor Bethlen and they aimed at assuring
the power of the latter with the help of the womens confiscated fortune.
The accused were sentenced to death but the sentence was never carried out.
Although the women disappeared and no trace of their fate has ever been found,
their names and stories are still vivid in peoples mind.

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