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Baseline Pitch

1. Ploblem Identification
a. Lack of security in the CA region has reached crisis proportions
b. Human and economic costs are alarming
i. Central America has the highest homicide rate in the world:
44 per 100,000 inhabitants
ii. Costs of security in the region equivalent to 7.7% of GDP
(US $6.5 billion)
c. Most of the current discussions on regional security issues are at
the highest political level
i. Must be complemented with ground-up approaches
specific proposals
2. Proposed solution
a. Engaging the private sector and civil society in the search for
regional solutions
i. Private sector has:
1. Unique potential for driving change
2. Ability to replicate and scale ideas that work
a. Adapt necessary parts to produce results
ii. Social and political influence help advance meaningful
iii. Consensus in Washington about need of other actors
involved in complementary solution search
b. Awareness
i. Inform and educate private sector
1. Current situation of citizen security
2. Actions by multilateral actors and learnings
3. Best practices by private sector in other
ii. Research
iii. National meetings
iv. Web Presence
c. Multi-sectorial approach
i. Multi-sectoral analysis on possible concrete
1. How to address youth situation (Ninis)
2. How to reduce economic costs
3. How to protect our institutions
ii. Public+private+NGO sectors
iii. North triangle+South Triangle
3. Results expected
a. Outputs
i. Inform and educate private sector
ii. 3 research papers
iii. 6 national meetings/private sector
iv. CA-CSI Web Site

v. 6 multisectorial discussion events

vi. Pipeline of projects for private firms interested in
implement or finance them
b. Outcomes
i. Awarness of the situation
ii. Engagement of Central America Private Sector
iii. Concrete solutions/responses for the security challenges
iv. Visibility of private sector as key actor
4. Call to action
a. World Bank - SFLAC
i. US$ 415,000
ii. 2 years Initiative
b. U.S. Department of State - CARSI
i. US$ 400,000
ii. 2 years Initiative
c. C.A. Private Sector
i. US$ 100,000
ii. 2 years Initiative

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