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Changing the Password and Challenge Question in BIR TPG

1. You will receive an auto email notification from Bancnet which indicates your Log-in ID and
system generated password.

2. Go to
Select the BIR Tax Payments link.

3. Log-in as Maker, Authorizer or Final Authorizer.

4. Use the Log-IN ID and Password in Step 1. We suggest you to copy the password exactly, having 10
characters and check that there are no spaces included. Then paste it in the password textbox below.

5. Input your answer to the challenge question. But remember the format of the question, since you
need it in changing the Initial or Old Challenge Question (check all special characters and if there are
capital or small letter). In the form if you didnt input any details, the default question is Bank and the
Answer is eastwest. We also suggest to copy the question to avoid error in changing of password.

6. You will be prompted by the system to change your password, challenge question and challenge
answer. Please see details below for the format.

Old Password: Initial Password sent by BIR or last password created if it was changed already (Password
used in Step 4)
New Password: Create New Password with exact 8 characters that has Capital (A-Z), Small Letter (a-z),
Number (0-9) and Special Character (!@#$%^&*) ex. (P@ssw0rd) Capital (P), Small(sswrd), Number(0)
and Special Character(@)
Confirm Password: same with New Password
Old Challenge Question: Copy paste the old or initial challenge question before system direct you in
changing of password (Suggested in Step 5)
New Challenge Question: Create new Challenge Question, this should not be the same with Old
Challenge Question
Old Answer: Answer to old challenge question (Answer used in Step 5)
New Answer: Answer in New Challenge Question with minimum of 5 characters
Confirm Answer: same with New Answer

Click OK

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