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Differing Moods: Anger, Apathetic or Bored, Confident, Gloomy or Depressing, Excited or Joyful

1.) You can change OR add five words to the paragraph to get your mood across.
2.) You can cut as many words as you would like.
3.) You can completely rewrite or reorganize one of the sentences.
Everyone should be given an A in composition classes like WWUs English 101.
Students in these classes are normally first-years, and it takes them time to adjust to
college life and college classes. The composition class is the most difficult because there
does not seem to be right and wrong answers. What is right and what is wrong appears to
be a decision that can only be made by the instructor. Furthermore, composition
instructors here at WWU do not always agree on what is right and what is wrong. They
also rarely distribute similar assignments, so the students are doing different kinds of
work. This means that while students are trying to adjust to their new life, they are asked
to take a class that adds to their confusion. There is not a why to make confusing
composition classes more like math classes. So as long as the students do their best in
these kinds of classes, they should be given an A.

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