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My Moms Parents

My Parents

My Dads Parents

My papa came to Canada from

Hungry after world war 2 after
being separated from some of
his family for 10 years. He and
my nana were married in 1963
and raised a family of 6.

My parents were married in

1986, my father adopting my
older sister at age 4. and in
1989 I was born.

My grandma and papa eloped in

1956 because my great
grandfather did not approve . My
grandmothers family were
farmers and my great
grandfather had strong beliefs at
that time that my grandmother
should only marry a farmer.
They raised a family of 4.

You may not have had my eyes

or my smile but from that very
moment you had my heart.

4 generations
Our family is a
circle of strength
and love , with every
birth and union it
grows. Every crisis
faced together
makes the circle

Home is not just the place you

happen to be born. Its the place
where you become yourself.

I grew up in Shanty Bay, a small

community outside of Barrie. I lived in
this house for 16 years. Many of my first,
worst, and best memories are connected
to this place but they all have a
significant role in making me become the
person I am today. To this day every time
I drive past I cant help but to pull over to
see how it has changed and reminisce.

Notestver is the Hungarian

word for family, literally
translating to body blood. My
sister and I got these matching
tattoos because the best thing
our parents have taught us is
the importance of love and
loyalty within a family.

The tattoo of a cross made

from tree roots and leaves
represents the loss of
multiple family members
but also explains that there
is life in death and we will
continue to mirror the
values that we have
learned from our parents
and grandparents.

There is something special about marriage being able to combine two families into one
creating new traditions, and family values, based on existing beliefs within our own
families. Neither party has to conform rather the traditions and values expand and again
our family grows in strength and love.
(yes, he spelt merry wrong!)



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