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As the solar energy enters the Earths atmosphere some of it is absorbed, defl ected and or refl ected

vapour and particles in the air. We receive light (or solar energy) in two forms; direct and diffused. Dir
us without defl ection and is easy to distinguish because it creates a shadow and is more intense than
light that has been scattered usually by clouds or the Earths atmosphere, but also objects such as bu
multi-directional and so does not cast a shadow. Solar-thermal collectors are able to convert both form
hot water.
SUN SENDS 1,370W/m2.

Design issues
1) Sizing the equipment to give good
performance in the Winter will result in an
oversized plant in the Summer.

Hoval solar equipment

Engineering for large solar projects
1-Solar circuit pump group
A-flushing, filling and drain points\
B-pressure safety valve, expansion vessel
connection point, temperature and
pressure gauges
C-isolation valves, non-return
valves, fl ow regulating valve with fl ow
indicator and deaerator
2-Expansion vessel
3-Heat exchanger
INTERNAL heat exchangers tend to be in
the form of either heating coils or batteries
through which a primary fl uid fl ows. These
are strategically positioned adjacent to the
storage vessel / calorifi er.
4-Thermal store
large fl uctuation in energy source means it is
important that there is always somewhere
to store the surplus energy on good days
so that it can be used on poorer days
The tendancy is to undersize the vessel
leading to stagnation (idle times)
during sunny days and auxillary heating
(i.e. boiler) coming on line during days
when solar energy is in less abundance.
Increased periods of stagnation result in

reduced life expectancy of the solar

equipment and the anti-freeze due to
thermal stresses. It also results in lower
system effi ciencies as shown in the
diagram below:
previous diagram also indicates
specifi c thermal storage volumes. This
tends to be around 50 litres per m2 of solar
collector area.

ed, defl ected and or refl ected (scattered) by clouds, water

forms; direct and diffused. Direct light or beamed light reaches
adow and is more intense than diffused light. Diffused light is
re, but also objects such as buildings and mountains etc. It is
s are able to convert both forms of solar radiation into usable

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