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BLOOM ENERGY(powder to power)

R.sai krishna
k.v ramana reddy
3rd year electrical &electronics engineering
Kamala institute of technology and
Ph no:9505264210,9550798342

It's a shiny box with a whole lot of mystery that's
receiving a whole lot of attention.The energy which
gives 247 and 365days continuous electric power
supply .It is unlike usual battery it generates
electricity using fossil fuels.It require only one
conversion that is from chemical to electrical.our
paper shows how to produce relaiable, flexible,less
polluting ,and continous supply ofelectricenergy
from a cheap material that is sand which is avialable
in plenty.
Introduction: :
Introduction: Bloom Energy, is about to make
public its invention: a little power plant-in-a-box
they want to put literally in your backyard. The
Bloom Box was formally introduced to the public at
eBays headquarters in San Jose, Calif by the
founder and CEO of Bloom energy, Dr.K.R.
Sridhar. He introduced it as "It's the plug-and-play
future of electricity

make Mars habitable for humans. The idea is to one

day replace the big power plants and transmission
line grid
clean energy:
have seen the technology and it works,"
formerSecretary of State Colin Powell said. Bloom
Energy is a Distributed
Generation solution that is clean and reliable
andaffordable all at the same time. Bloom's Energy
Servers can produce clean energy 24 hours per
day,365 days per year, generating more electrons
than intermittent solutions, and delivering faster
payback and greater environmental benefits for the
Distributed generation:

Idea of bloom energy:

Bloom Energy hopes to revolutionize the energy
industry, ushering in an era of cheap, relatively
clean and personalized power plants. He began
developing the technology as part of an effort to

What is Distributed Generation? :

What is Distributed Generation? Distributed
generation (DG) refers to power generation at the
point of consumption. Generating power on-site,
rather than centrally, eliminates the cost,
complexity, interdependencies, and inefficiencies

associated with transmission and distribution

Examples : power generator, solar power generator
The World Needs Distributed Generation that is
Clean and Continuous : The World Needs
Distributed Generation that is Clean and Continuous
combustion generators (e.g. diesel genets). They
were affordable, and in some cases reliable, but they
were not clean. Recently, solar has become a
popular distributed generation option. Although the
output is clean it is also intermittent, making it an
incomplete strategy for businesses that need power
around the clock, including when the sun is not
Technology of bloom energy
The technology is based on solid oxide fuel cells,
which works like a battery but has a persistent
source of fuel, such as natural gas, to keep the
electricity flowing. However, at this juncture the
Bloom Box is still pricey compared to cost per
kilowatt for wind and solar power. The question is if
and when Bloom Energy can drive down the costs
to about $3,000 for a shoebox-sized fuel cell to
power a house in the United States. According to
the company's press release, each box fits the size
of a parking space and delivers 100kW of power.

Made of sand that is baked into diskette-sized
ceramic squares and painted with green and black
The fuel cells are stacked into brick-sized towers
sandwiched with metal alloy plates The Bloom Box
consists of these fuel cell stacks that are housed in a
refrigerator-sized unit
Design of fuel cell:
Design Fuel cells come in many varieties; however,
they all work in the same general manner. They are
made up of three segments which are sandwiched
together: the anode, the electrolyte, and the cathode.
Two chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of
the three different segments. The net result of the
two reactions is that fuel is consumed, water or
carbon dioxide is created, and the freed electrons
travel through a wire creating the electrical current
which can be used to power electrical devices
Chemical reaction in fuel cell:

Change in technology
Bloom Energy hopes to revolutionize the energy
industry, ushering in an era of cheap, relatively
clean and personalized power plants. He began
developing the technology as part of an effort to
make Mars habitable for humans. The idea is to one
day replace the big power plants and transmission
line grid
Fuel cells: :
Fuel cells: A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that
converts a source fuel into an electrical current. It
generates electricity inside a cell through reactions
between a fuel and an oxidant, triggered in the
presence of an electrolyte. The reactants flow into
the cell, and the reaction products flow out of it,
while the electrolyte remains within it.
A collection of fuel cells, skinny batteries that use
oxygen and fuel to create electricity with no

For methanol fuel cells below are the chemical

equations for the reaction: Anode Reaction: CH3OH
+ H2O CO2 + 6H+ + 6e- Cathode Reaction: 3/2
O2 + 6H+ + 6e- 3H2O Overall Reaction:
CH3OH + 3/2 O2 CO2 + 2H2O + electrical
Many combinations of fuels and oxidants are
possible. A hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen as its
fuel and oxygen (usually from air) as its oxidant.
Other fuels include hydrocarbons and alcohols.
Direct-methanol fuel cell. The actual fuel cell stack

is the layered cube shape in the center of the image

SOFC (High temperature fuel cells) :
SOFC (High temperature fuel cells) A solid oxide
fuel cell (SOFC) is extremely advantageous
because of a possibility of using a wide variety of
fuel . Unlike most other fuel cells which only use
hydrogen, SOFC`s can run on hydrogen, butane,
methanol, and other petroleum products. The
different fuels each have their own chemistry. An
SOFC is also capable of using natural gas, bio gas
as its fuel.

servers and delivering faster payback and greater

environmental benefits for the customer
Amount of energy from fuel cell:

Bloom box:
A collection of fuel cells, skinny batteries that use
oxygen and fuel to create electricity with no
of sand that is baked into diskette-sized ceramic
and painted with green and black ink
The fuel cells are stacked into brick-sized towers
sandwiched with metal alloy plates
The Bloom Box consists of these fuel cell stacks
that are housed in a refrigerator-sized unit

Energy server:
Energy Server Architecture :
Energy Server Architecture At the heart of every
Energy Server is Bloom's patented solid oxide fuel
cell technology. Each Energy Server consists of
thousands of Bloom's fuel cells. Each cell is a flat
solid ceramic square made from a common beach
What is an Energy Server? Blooms energy server
was built with the patented solid oxide fuel cell
technology, Bloom's Energy Serve is a new class of
distributed power generator, producing clean,
reliable, affordable electricity at the customer site.
Each Bloom Energy Server provides 100kW of
power, enough to meet the base load needs of 100
average homes or a small office building... day and
night, in roughly the footprint of a standard parking
space. For more power simply add more energy

Each Bloom Energy fuel cell is capable of

producing about 25W... enough to power a light
bulb. For more power, the cells are sandwiched,
along with metal interconnect plates into a fuel cell
"stack". A few stacks, together about the size of a
loaf of bread, is enough to power an average home.
Customer for bloom energy
The first customer of the bloom box was Google.
Four units have been powering a Google datacenter
for 18 months. They use natural gas, but half as
much as would be required for a traditional power
plant. EBay's CEO John Donahue said that the five
Bloom Boxes installed on his campus 9 months ago
have saved the company more than $100,000 in
electricity costs. The Bloom Boxes cost an
estimated $700,000 to $800,000 each
Executives from Google, Wal-Mart, FedEx, Staples,
Coca-Cola and other blue-chip companies lauded
the technology, saying it cuts both their carbon
footprints and their energy California makes
adopting green technologies like the Bloom Box
attractive, with a 20 percent subsidy, in addition to a
30 percent federal tax break.

The Benefits of Bloom Energy :

The Benefits of Bloom Energy Bloom Energy is
clean, reliable and affordable all at the same time.

Bloom's Energy Servers can produce clean energy

24 hours per day, 365 days per year, generating
more electrons than intermittent solutions,
delivering faster payback and greater environmental
benefits for the customer. And while other DG
systems may require lengthy installations, sunny
locations, Bloom's systems are easy and fast to
install, practically anywhere.. When you average it
over seven days a week, 24 hours a day, the Bloom
box puts out five times as much power that we can
actually use


50 100

Fuel flexibility:
Non renewable
On fossil fuels ~50% clean than grid
On bio fuel 100% renewable

As Fuel Cell Technology is now ready for
mass market. However the bloom box will
not be the quantum leap it tries to make us
believe it is. The cost of the bloom box
amounts to $8000/kW. It uses gas, so were is
the "green" bit? Granted if you use bio gas
you may qualify for carbon credit, but that is
virtue of the bio gas and unrelated to the
bloom box. And besides that natural gas
and/or bio gas is expensive to generate and
difficult to store and distribute.

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