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Types of research
Methods of research
Purpose of research

Types of research:

Quantitative research is way of research that is seen from
a statistical sight, for example in film this could be done
for audience research.
Over the years different ways of getting music have
become more popular, less people are buying CDs as they
are getting subscriptions to providers such as Spotify and
Apple Music. By the end of 2014 the Guardian found out
that 37 million people around the world will be using
payed music streams, it also says that 45% of people who
buy music are also streaming it and brings the fact that
only 15% of free music streamers have signed up for trials
and paid the subscription. People are now using cheaper
subscriptions such as Spotify which is 9.99 a month and
has convinced 25% of its users that its as good as it gets.
Qualitative: -

Qualitative research is just like normal research, it is used

to get a better understanding of reasons and opinions.
An example of this type of research is done on Panic at the
Discos, death of a bachelor. The music review site did a review on their new album as
the band took a new form as there was only one member
left, the website gave its opinion on the album and praised
the last standing member Brandon Urie, Uries revelling
in complete control of his one man band. The result? A
typically frenetic Panic! Album that once again melds all
manner of musical influences. So to summarize what
qualitative research is, it is giving its opinion on the album
or song, the research does not follow statistical data, just
written opinions on the newest songs.
Methods of research:

Secondary: Secondary research is done by looking in

books, internet and newspapers, pros of this is that it is
easy access, quick to find and sometimes the only
resource for historical documents, secondary research
does have a cons while having positive aspects, it might
not have all the data that you need, the information that
you have found may be out of date and not all of the data
that you find will be correct unless you find it in an old
book or it comes from the main source. Some examples of
secondary research is encyclopaedias, textbooks, books
and articles. I used articles on the internet to find out data
and the best things to do with my music video.
Primary: Primary research have many pros and cons, it is
also easy to do as well as secondary, you can do surveys
and focus groups to find opinions and reviews, quick and
you can get specific answers that you want to know. Cons
of primary research is that it can be time consuming, you
may not get the most accurate results that you want, can
cost a lot depending on what you are doing and by the
time the research is done the information may be out of
date. In music you can find information regarding, music,
history of musical composition, technique, information
about musical theory and about individuals and cultures.
Types of primary research include, manuscript music
scores, musical instruments, sheet music, composers
notes and performances. I used primary research in the
form of a focus group, I set up a few of my friends to
answer to questions on the ideas that I had for my music
video idea.
Data gathering agencies: R.A.J.A.R is an example of an
organisation that stands for radio joint audience research
and they measure audiences in the UK, it is owned by the
BBC and the radio centre and they have about 310
stations on the survey.
RAJAR is in charge of setting the research specification
the awarding research contracts to third party traders and
the overall quality control, management and transfer of
the service.

RAJAR have 3 major data processes, they scan, write in

and edit. Scanning means that everything is processed
using optical scanning technology, it undergoes a series of
checking to make sure that the final answer is one
hundred per cent true. Rajar is important to its clients
because it estimates that over 300 radio stations that
have regular listeners that listen where, when and how as
well as covering trade for broadcasters, it is used by
agencies to buy advertising that will be used during their
and to help pitch their business to sell their product to
huge audiences.
Purpose of Research:
Audience Research: Audience research is used to get
information about their feelings and attitudes towards the
subjects. The research will gather data in groups such as
race, ethnicity, age, education or family income.
The purpose of audience research is so that the producer
of the music videos can get a better sight of the target
audience that attracts them, they need to know exactly
what to produce rather than wasting huge sums amount of
money on something that wont attract the audience, this
also applies to film. All these points come into categories,
these include, profession, gender, marital status,
behaviours, demographics and religion, these ways can be
collected and used in surveys, online ratings, focus groups
and many more. An example of audience research was
done on the film Inception, they worked out the average
age which was between 15-24 and onwards.
Market Research:
Market research are mainly used in surveys, you can use
these to ask questions to classmates or anyone to find out
what they would like to see in your video and put their
views to good use and make your music video attractive
to them, which is what I will be doing with my music video.
You ask the people their age, gender, favourite genre to
listen to and more to get the right answers for your video.

The purpose of market research is so that you know

exactly what to do to make your music video appealing to
your target audience and that it is successful. I used
market research to find out the right thing that the
audience would want to see, I did this a focus group to see
whether the ideas that I proposed would be worth the
while and that it would be appealing to the audience.
Self-generated research:
Self-generated research comes from the people who are
producing the music video that requires them to go out
and do the research by asking questions in a questionnaire
to get the general publics views on the ideas that you
have put forward for your music video. This way of
research is successful because you are getting the
research first hand and you dont have to wait for results
to come through which is what you would have to do if you
were to do your survey online.
Production research:
Production research for the creation of music videos are
used to find out whether or not it would be profitable,
music video research is finding out that your idea of your
music video would be good to see for the audience and
make them want to see more videos and fall in love with
it, when a music video company does research, they end
up with demographics, these show characteristics of the
target audience such as age, postcode and gender. An
example of production research was used for my own
music video, I had to find out whether anything that I
would need for my video and the cost of them, luckily I got
my equipment for free from people that I knew, I
researched the viability for my video, there arent many
music videos out there that are like mine so I aimed to
keep it different and fill that gap in the market.


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