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1. What the Advantage use the Software Visio.

Visio is the most easiest Software that can help you draw FLOW CHARTS,
very simple tools such Straight Line, Curved Line, Circle, Square and a free hand
line that can help you to achieve your targetted tasks.This program has great
flexibility in reducing size (box and text). This software will help moving the boxes
by the help of arrows and also you can make groups for a specific portion of the
flow chart or organization chart and the whole sheet.

2. List 10 category of drawing type in Visio.

1. Businees
2. Engineering
3. Flowchart
4. General
5. Maps
6. Floor Plans
7. Network

8. Schedule
9. Software
10. Database
A : the toolbars across the top of the screen are similar to other Microsoft programs such as Word and
PowerPoint. If you have used these programs before, you may notice a few different functionalities,
which we will explore later.
Selecting Help >> Diagram Gallery is a good way to become familiar with the types of drawings and
diagrams that can be created in Visio.
B : the left side of the screen shows the menus specific to the type of diagram you are creating. In this
case we see:
Arrow Shapes
Basic Flowchart Shapes
Borders and Titles
C : the center of the screen shows the diagram workspace, which includes the actual diagram page as
well as some blank space adjacent to the page.
D : the right side of the screen shows some help functions. Some people may choose to close this
window to increase the area for diagram workspace, and re-open the help functions when necessary.

Saya dapat mempelajari Visio dalam lebih mendalam lgi. Saya belajar membuat carta dengan
menggunakan visio selain Microsft Office dan Word selain itu saya dapat membuat peta dan lainlain.

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